Reverse Dependencies of csvkit
The following projects have a declared dependency on csvkit:
- abgleich-pkg-wasix — A small string comparison package
- airflow-plugins — Airflow plugins.
- alex-search — A command-line tool for quickly searching and extracting research papers from openAlex database
- chicagorecoverypy — no summary
- csvkitcat — 'The unofficial extended family of csvkit: semi-awkward tools for command-line data parsing
- csvmedkit — The unofficial extended family of csvkit, i.e. even more tools for command-line data parsing and wrangling
- cytominer-database — no summary
- DearMEP — DearMEP helps people contact their representatives.
- django-admin-honeypot-advanced — An advanced honeypot for Django
- django-calaccess-raw-data — A Django app to download, extract and load campaign finance and lobbying activity data from the California Secretary of State's CAL-ACCESS database
- hypermodern — no summary
- lst-pressure — Determine periods of "LST pressure" by querying for intersections between LST/Solar intervals
- ou-tm351-py — Python package installation for OU module TM351
- patas — Hyperparameter search with a single command
- sequifier — Train a transformer model with the command line
- tabsdata — Tabsdata System