Reverse Dependencies of cs.gimmicks
The following projects have a declared dependency on cs.gimmicks:
- — SvcD class and "svcd" command to run persistent service programmes.
- cs.binary — Facilities associated with binary data parsing and transcription. The classes in this module support easy parsing of binary data structures, returning instances with the binary data decoded into attributes and capable of transcribing themselves in binary form (trivially via `bytes(instance)` and also otherwise).
- cs.buffer — Facilities to do with buffers, particularly CornuCopyBuffer, an automatically refilling buffer to support parsing of data streams.
- cs.cache — A few caching data structures and other lossy things with capped sizes.
- cs.context — Assorted context managers.
- cs.deco — Assorted function decorators.
- cs.djutils — My collection of things for working with Django.
- cs.ebooks — Utilities and command line for working with EBooks. Basic support for talking to Apple Books, Calibre, CBZ, Kindle, Kobo, Mobi, PDF. These form the basis of my personal Kindle/Kobo/Calibre workflow.
- cs.env — Some environment related functions.
- cs.excutils — Convenience facilities for managing exceptions.
- cs.fileutils — My grab bag of convenience functions for files and filenames/pathnames.
- cs.fsm — Basic Finite State Machine (FSM) tools.
- cs.lex — Lexical analysis functions, tokenisers, transcribers: an arbitrary assortment of lexical and tokenisation functions useful for writing recursive descent parsers, of which I have several. There are also some transcription functions for producing text from various objects, such as `hexify` and `unctrl`.
- cs.mediainfo — Simple minded facilities for media information. This contains mostly lexical functions for extracting information from strings or constructing media filenames from metadata.
- cs.psutils — Assorted process and subprocess management functions.
- — Convenience functions related to modules and importing.
- cs.resources — Resource management classes and functions.
- cs.result — Result and friends: various subclassable classes for deferred delivery of values.
- cs.seq — Stuff to do with counters, sequences and iterables.
- cs.sharedfile — facilities for shared access to files
- cs.tarutils — Assorted tar related things, including a fast tar-based copy.
- cs.threads — threading and communication/synchronisation conveniences
- cs.upd — Single and multiple line status updates with minimal update sequences.
- cs.x — X(), for low level debugging.