Reverse Dependencies of crossrefapi
The following projects have a declared dependency on crossrefapi:
- academicdb — Database for an academic CV
- autocv — autoCV: An automated CV generator
- bfibundle — A python package to explore categorized bfi data
- bpp-iplweb — no summary
- citation-graph — Create a citation graph starting from a root paper
- doiowa — no summary
- finalcif — CIF file editor
- h-transport-materials — Handle H transport properties
- kvv-BibliographicAPI — BibliographicAPI is used to access official APIs of several bibliographic databases
- MeiTingTrunk — An open source reference management tool developed in PyQt5 and Python3.
- oarepo-documents — OARepo rdm records data model
- oarepo-doi-resolver — DOI resolver for OARepo
- paperchaser — A tool for downloading academic paper references
- papers-cli — utilities to keep your PDF library organized
- papers-fork — utilities to keep your PDF library organized
- preservation-database — A database builder for digital preservation information.
- pubarchiver — Archive journal articles into Portico and PMC
- rcn-py — no summary
- refpapers — refpapers - Manage and search bibliography from the command line
- scidock — CLI interface for finding, downloading and managing scientific articles
- yaml2bib — Convert a yaml file containing (key -> DOI) pairs to bib file with the correct journal abbreviations.