Reverse Dependencies of coverage
The following projects have a declared dependency on coverage:
- auth0rization — A package to perform actions related to auth0 JWT tokens.
- AuthBWC — A user authentication and authorization component for the BlazeWeb framework
- authedwig — Hedwig Python Library
- authentika-client — Flask-client for Authentika Server.
- authomize-rest-api-client — Authomize REST API Python Client
- authorship — Format author lists for academic texts and journal submissions.
- authventure — Library for the simpler user authentication
- authzee — Authorization framework that uses a querying grant and revoke system.
- auto-coverage-report — A auto tester coverage report
- auto-file-sorter — A file sorting automation
- auto-git-flow — Git flow wrapper to save few lines
- auto-verify — Efficient portfolio-based verification of neural network properties
- autoastro — Astro modelling
- autoballs — Python package for segmentation of axons and morphological analysis.
- autobazaar — The Machine Learning Bazaar
- AutoBox — Automation for ArcGIS Pro toolboxes, script tools, and documentation from Python objects.
- autobr — A bot to control web browser actions
- autocall — Call function directly in command line and a well help tips generately automatically
- autocalver — no summary
- autochomsky — Chomsky phrase generator
- autoclasstoc — Add a succinct TOC to auto-documented classes.
- autocut3d — a 3D segmentation algorithm based on cellular automata.
- autodice — Automated Distributed CNN inference at the Edge
- AutoDict — Dictionary that automatically adds children dictionaries as necessary
- autodiff-team44 — This package is an automatic differentiation package which will evaluate derivatives with machine-precision almost instantaneously. The speed and precision of autodifferentiation is paramount to applications such as deep learning models, and mitigates inefficiencies that compound with larger and more complex functions.
- autodiffing — A package for Automatic Differentiation
- autodl-gpu — Automatic Deep Learning, towards fully automated multi-label classification for image, video, text, speech, tabular data.
- autodoc-pydantic — Seamlessly integrate pydantic models in your Sphinx documentation.
- autogen-agents — Unofficial agents for the Autogen framework
- autogenesis — A simple Python library
- autokeras — AutoML for deep learning
- automagic — Opinionated ML tooling for rapid R&D.
- automatatron — Python Cellular Automata Engine
- automationkit — Automation Kit Test Framework
- automaton-engine — Simple, Event-driven Automation in Python using Elasticsearch data to inform automation decisions
- automua — Mail client autoconfiguration service
- autonav — Research software for navigating a UAV in indoor environments
- autopew — Automating target selection for laser ablation.
- autoprotocol — Python library for generating Autoprotocol
- autorad — Radiomics-related modules for extraction and experimenting
- autoray — Abstract your array operations.
- autorec — AutoRec for automated recommendation
- autoreviewer — Automate scientific software review
- autoslot — Classes and metaclasses for easier ``__slots__`` handling.
- autottlcache — Time-to-live (TTL) cache with auto-expiry
- autotune — Hyperparameter tuning
- autovar — Experiment variables management framework.
- AutoWriterLLM — Automatic book writing tool using Large Language Models
- auxilium — A Python project for an automated test and deploy toolkit - 100% reusable.
- availability-profile — Data Structure for Tracking Computing Resource Availability
- avito — An Avito python library
- avro-validator — Pure python avro schema validator
- aws-consoler — A utility to convert your AWS CLI credentials into AWS console access.
- aws-custom-json-manager — A sample Python project
- aws-hadoop — Create enterprise grade Hadoop cluster in AWS in minutes.
- aws-json-dataset — Send JSON datasets to various AWS services.
- aws-lambda-builders — Python library to compile, build & package AWS Lambda functions for several runtimes & frameworks.
- aws-lambda-deploy — AWS Lambda functions deployment tool
- aws-orga-deployer — Deploy infrastructure-as-code at the scale of an AWS organization
- aws-parameters — Streamlined, efficient access to configuration values in AWS SSM Parameter Store and SecretsManager.
- aws-regions — Provides functions to get up-to-date AWS regions lists.
- aws-s3-ops — This repository contains code for input and output operations on s3 buckets
- aws-sam-cli — AWS SAM CLI is a CLI tool for local development and testing of Serverless applications
- aws-sam-cli-without-docker — AWS SAM CLI is a CLI tool for local development and testing of Serverless applications
- aws-sam-rw-cli — AWS SAM CLI is a CLI tool for local development and testing of Serverless applications. This build allows lambda to write to the mounted filesystem.
- aws-sam-translator — AWS SAM Translator is a library that transform SAM templates into AWS CloudFormation templates
- aws-ssh — A utility to enable easy SSH connections to AWS EC2 instances.
- aws-step-functions-pydantic — Pydantic models for AWS step functions
- awscli-login — Plugin for the AWS CLI that retrieves and rotates credentials using SAML ECP and STS.
- awstwitter — A Python module to make it easy to connect to twitter from AWS
- ax-env — dependency manager for XENONnT package
- axolpy-lib — Axolotl Library in Python
- azarrot — An OpenAI compatible server, focusing on OpenVINO and IPEX-LLM usage.
- azbacklog — The Azure Backlog Generator (ABG) is designed to build backlogs for complex processes based on proven practices. The backlogs can be generated in either Azure DevOps or GitHub.
- azdevops-cli — An Azure DevOps cli tool
- azfiles — Work with file shares in azure via REST API
- azup — Work with azure cloud using `az` cli
- azure-functions — Azure Functions for Python
- azure-functions-worker — Python Language Worker for Azure Functions Host
- azure-img-utils — Package that provides utilities for handling images in Azure Cloud.
- azure-iot-edge-runtime-ctl — Azure IoT Edge Runtime Control
- azure-nag — azure-nag static analysis tool
- azure-quantum-tgp — Topogap protocol code
- azurefunctions-extensions-base — Base Python worker extension for Azure Functions.
- azurefunctions-extensions-bindings-blob — Blob Python worker extension for Azure Functions.
- azurefunctions-extensions-http-fastapi — FastApi Python worker extension for Azure Functions.
- azureml-inference-server-http — Azure Machine Learning inferencing server.
- B1u3Calculator — kyuvie's calculator.
- babel-edtf — Localization of Extended Date Time Format level 0 strings.
- babel-vue-extractor — A plugin for babel to work with vue.js templates
- BAC0 — BACnet Scripting Framework for testing DDC Controls
- backoff-utils — Python functions and decorators for various backoff/retry strategies
- baconian — model-based reinforcement learning toolbox
- badgescale-ys-plt — A production line tool project
- bahub — Bahub is a File Repository API client that allows to totally automate the backups on your server
- baiji-sdk — Alicloud SDK for python
- baikalctl — Top-level package for baikalctl.
- baka — Baka framework built top pyramid
- ballet — Core functionality for lightweight, collaborative data science projects
- ballet-assemble — Submit ballet modules from within JupyterLab