Reverse Dependencies of coverage
The following projects have a declared dependency on coverage:
- commondtools — Common D-tools.
- commonnexus — A nexus (phylogenetics) file reader and writer (.nex, .trees)
- commonrdv — Librairie commune pour les API de rendez-vous mairie
- compact-bio — CompaCt -- comparative clustering of interaction data
- compas_surrogate.acquisition_plotting — Plotting utils
- compas_surrogate.lnl_surrogate — Build a surrogate for your LnL(d|θ)± ΔLnL(d|θ)
- compas_surrogate.ogc4_interface — Interface to OGC-4 (
- compchem-si — A plugin for generating SI data from Gaussian output files
- compclasses — Prefer composition over inheritance
- complimentr — A Python app that sends you compliments via text message
- compmake-z7 — no summary
- compneuro — Python Module for Book 4020
- ComponentVis — Package to visualise component-based decomposition models such as PCA and PARAFAC
- composed-trackers — Trackres adapters and interfaces
- composer — Composer is a PyTorch library that enables you to train neural networks faster, at lower cost, and to higher accuracy.
- compu-methods — ASAM, Autosar, MSRSW CompuMethods
- conan-check-updates — Check for updates of your conanfile.txt/ requirements.
- conch-sounds — Analyze acoustic similarity in Python
- concrete-ml-extensions-hb — Convert trained traditional machine learning models into tensor computations
- concurrently — Library helps easy write concurrent executed code blocks
- conda-join — Unified Conda and Pip requirements management.
- conda-ops — Conda plugin to maintain environments and projects reproducibly.
- conda-rocker — A rocker extension for adding the conda/miniconda/miniforge package manager to an existing docker image
- condition — A user friendly way to construct conditions for pandas dataframe query and sql
- condom — health checks module
- confectioner — A modular config framework for Python applications
- config-mgmt-server — Suncoast Systems Core Router Config Mgmt Server
- config2 — Python application configuration - highly inspired by `node-config`.
- ConfigModel — Allows defining model classes and loading/saving them to INI files
- configpro — High Performance Distributed Config Manager
- configuration-loader — Python configuration loader.
- configutil — Arguments, configuration, and environment resolver
- confit — Smart configuration framework
- confluence-exporter — Export Confluence page and convert to others formats
- confluent — confluent keeps your language specific configs in sync
- conformer-rl — Deep Reinforcement Library for Conformer Generation
- conformity — Cacheable schema description and validation
- connectedcar — ConnectedCar SDK
- connection-uri — A robust connection URI parser/stringifier - for Python.
- connector-for-bb — connector
- connectwise-client — Project to download data from Connectwise using the api client.
- connPFM — no summary
- consecution — Pipeline Abstraction Library
- ConsenSys-Utils — A set of utility resources used on a daily basis by ConsenSys France Engineering team
- consibio-cloud-client — Connect with Consibio Cloud
- console-logging — Better, prettier commandline logging.
- constrainedlr — Constrained Linear Regression with sklearn-compatible API
- consulate-fork — A Client library and command line application for the Consul. Fork of Consulate package
- contact_form_smtp — Top-level package for contactform.
- contcfg — A simple tools for container network configuration using tc command.
- content-io — Send content through a highly configurable pipeline including cache, plugin and storage pipes
- contentful_management — Contentful Management API Client
- contracts-lib-py — 🐳 Library including all the common functionalities used in Python projects
- contributors-txt — Generate a list of contributors automatically from git data
- controlSBML — Control analysis of SBML models
- convclasses — Complex custom class converters for dataclasses
- conventional-pre-commit — A pre-commit hook that checks commit messages for Conventional Commits formatting.
- convert-case — Convert between string cases with built-in case inference.
- convertdate — Converts between Gregorian dates and other calendar systems
- converter-cli — A media converter command line program in Python.
- conveyant — Simple, lightweight functional flows
- cookie-composer — Create new projects from a composition of several templates
- cookie-eater — Browser Cookie Management
- cookiecutter-project-upgrader — upgrade projects created from a Cookiecutter template
- cookiecutter-python-package — Cookiecutter for creating Python packages
- cookiecutter-x — Cookiecutter eXtended
- cool-lib-forked-1 — simplest example in the python world
- cooler — Sparse binary format for genomic interaction matrices.
- copulas — Create tabular synthetic data using copulas-based modeling.
- copytext — A library for accessing a spreadsheet as a native Python object suitable for templating.
- Coquille — Coquille is a library that wraps terminal escape sequences as convenient functions.
- corda — Genome-scale model construction with CORDA
- core-cmd — Project description...
- core-tests — It contains common elements for testing purposes...
- corenlp-protobuf — Python bindings for Stanford CoreNLP protobufs
- cornershot — Library to test network connectivity
- cornerstone — Basic github repository setup for python projects.
- corradin-opioid-project — no summary
- cosapp — CoSApp, the Collaborative System Approach.
- coscon — Some convenience functions for Cosmology-related analysis.
- cosmofy — Cosmopolitan Python Bundler
- cosmology.api — Cosmology API standard
- costa2019 — Data from canopy and soil thermal patterns in vineyards
- costo — COSTO stands for COSimulation TOols
- cotat — no summary
- cotede — Quality Control of Oceanographic Data
- cothority — Cothority-interface for the services
- cotk — Conversational Toolkits
- couchdb-rest-api — CouchDB REST API
- countdoom — Fetch the current Doomsday Clock from
- counter-robots — Library for COUNTER-compliant detection of machines and robots.
- CountESS — CountESS
- countryguess — Fuzzy lookup of country information
- countrynames — A library to map country names to 2-letter ISO codes.
- county-adjacency — This package provides adjacency information for US counties (or their equivalent).
- coursera-dl — Script for downloading videos and naming them.
- coursera-helper — Script for downloading videos and naming them.
- couscous — Derive actionable rules from specification prose through first grinding grains into small balls to later cook a good meal.
- covdefaults — A coverage plugin to provide sensible default settings
- coverage-badge — Generate coverage badges for