Reverse Dependencies of coverage-badge
The following projects have a declared dependency on coverage-badge:
- ae-ae — ae namespace-root: bundling and maintaining templates and documentation of the portions of this namespace.
- ae-base — ae namespace module portion base: basic constants, helper functions and context manager
- ae-cdnz — ae namespace module portion cdnz: distribute to and retrieve files from content delivery networkz
- ae-cloud-storage — ae namespace module portion cloud_storage: distribute files to and retrieve them from cloud storage hosts.
- ae-console — ae namespace module portion console: console application environment
- ae-core — ae namespace module portion core: application core constants, helper functions and base classes
- ae-db-core — ae namespace module portion db_core: database connection and data manipulation base classes
- ae-db-ora — ae namespace module portion db_ora: database system core layer to access Oracle databases
- ae-db-pg — ae namespace module portion db_pg: postgres database layer
- ae-deep — ae namespace module portion deep: easy handling of deeply nested data structures
- ae-django-utils — ae namespace module portion django_utils: helpers for django projects
- ae-droid — ae namespace module portion droid: android constants and helper functions
- ae-dynamicod — ae namespace module portion dynamicod: dynamic execution of code blocks and expressions
- ae-enaml-app — ae namespace package portion enaml_app: enaml application widgets, helper functions and classes
- ae-files — ae namespace module portion files: generic file object helpers
- ae-gui-app — ae namespace package portion gui_app: base class for python applications with a graphical user interface
- ae-gui-help — ae namespace package portion gui_help: main app base class with context help for flow and app state changes
- ae-i18n — ae namespace package portion i18n: internationalization / localization helpers
- ae-inspector — ae namespace module portion inspector: inspection and debugging helper functions
- ae-kivy — ae namespace package portion kivy: core application classes and widgets for GUIApp-conform Kivy apps
- ae-kivy-app — ae namespace package portion kivy_app: main application classes and widgets for GUIApp-conform Kivy apps
- ae-kivy-auto-width — ae namespace module portion kivy_auto_width: automatic width mix-in classes for kivy widgets
- ae-kivy-dyn-chi — ae namespace module portion kivy_dyn_chi: dynamic children mix-in for kivy container widgets
- ae-kivy-file-chooser — ae namespace module portion kivy_file_chooser: extended kivy file chooser widget
- ae-kivy-glsl — ae namespace module portion kivy_glsl: add glsl shaders to your kivy widget
- ae-kivy-help — ae namespace package portion kivy_help: enhance your app with context help, user onboarding, product tours, walkthroughs and tutorials
- ae-kivy-iterable-displayer — ae namespace module portion kivy_iterable_displayer: iterable displayer widget
- ae-kivy-qr-displayer — ae namespace package portion kivy_qr_displayer: qr code displayer widget
- ae-kivy-relief-canvas — ae namespace module portion kivy_relief_canvas: inner/outer elliptic/square reliefs for any kivy widget
- ae-kivy-sideloading — ae namespace package portion kivy_sideloading: kivy mixin and widgets to integrate a sideloading server in your app
- ae-kivy-user-prefs — ae namespace package portion kivy_user_prefs: user preferences widgets for your kivy app
- ae-lisz-app-data — ae namespace module portion lisz_app_data: lisz demo app data handling
- ae-literal — ae namespace module portion literal: literal type detection and evaluation
- ae-lockname — ae namespace module portion lockname: named threading locks
- ae-notify — ae namespace module portion notify: send notifications via email, telegram or whatsapp
- ae-oaio-client — ae namespace module portion oaio_client: Our Asynchronously Interchangeable Objects Client
- ae-oaio-model — ae namespace module portion oaio_model: Our Asynchronously Interchangeable Objects Data Structures
- ae-parse-date — ae namespace module portion parse_date: parse date strings more flexible and less strict
- ae-paths — ae namespace module portion paths: generic file path helpers
- ae-progress — ae namespace module portion progress: display progress of long running processes
- ae-sideloading-server — ae namespace module portion sideloading_server: sideloading server
- ae-sys-core — ae namespace module portion sys_core: dynamic system configuration, initialization and connection
- ae-sys-core-sh — ae namespace module portion sys_core_sh: SiHOT PMS system core xml interface
- ae-sys-data — ae namespace module portion sys_data: external system data structures
- ae-sys-data-sh — ae namespace module portion sys_data_sh: Sihot system data interface
- ae-transfer-service — ae namespace module portion transfer_service: transfer client and server services
- ae-updater — ae namespace module portion updater: application environment updater
- ae-valid — ae namespace module portion valid: data validation helper functions
- aedev — aedev namespace-root: aedev namespace root, providing setup, development and documentation tools/templates for Python projects.
- aedev-aedev — aedev namespace-root: aedev namespace root, providing setup, development and documentation tools/templates for Python projects.
- aedev-git-repo-manager — aedev namespace package portion git_repo_manager: create and maintain local/remote git repositories of Python projects
- aedev-pythonanywhere — aedev namespace module portion pythonanywhere: web api for and
- aedev-setup-hook — aedev namespace module portion setup_hook: individually configurable setup hook
- aedev-setup-project — aedev namespace module portion setup_project: project setup helper functions
- aedev-tpl-app — aedev namespace package portion tpl_app: aedev_tpl_add module main module
- aedev-tpl-namespace-root — aedev namespace package portion tpl_namespace_root: templates and outsourced files for namespace root projects.
- aedev-tpl-project — aedev namespace package portion tpl_project: outsourced Python project files templates
- aetst — aetst namespace-root: aetst namespace-root grouping testing helper and template portions.
- airiam — Least privilege AWS IAM Terraformer
- algo-profiler — A module for profiling algorithms.
- algohub — no summary
- alphaDIA — A novel proteomics search engine for DIA data based on end-to-end transfer learning.
- ansys-pyensight-core — A python wrapper for Ansys EnSight
- ape-farcaster — ape-farcaster is a Python SDK for the Farcaster Protocol
- beluga — A general purpose indirect trajectory optimization framework.
- cenv-tool — conda environment creation and update from meta.yaml
- checkov — Infrastructure as code static analysis
- checkov2 — Infrastructure as code static analysis
- clothion — Reserved
- cog2h3 — Command line script to convert Cloud Optimized Geotiff to h3 cells and insert to PosgreSQL
- compneuro — Python Module for Book 4020
- confectioner — A modular config framework for Python applications
- dawnote — Knowledge base
- de-git-repo-manager — de namespace module portion git_repo_manager: create and maintain local and remote git repositories of Python projects
- de-setup-project — de namespace module portion setup_project: project setup helper functions
- de-tpl-namespace-root — de namespace module portion tpl_namespace_root: de_tpl_namespace_root module main module
- deczoo — Zoo for Python decorators
- depthai-nodes — Community on-host nodes for DepthAI.
- detect_llm_api_keys — scan python files for llm api keys (designed for pre-commit)
- donote — donote
- drillcore-transformations — Transform structural drillcore measurements.
- dwiprep — DWIprep is a robust and easy-to-use preprocessing pipeline for diffusion-weighted imaging of various acquisitions.
- fastapi-serviceutils — Utils for fastapi based services.
- fiqus — Source code for STEAM FiQuS tool
- fluidai-sanatio — Run different validation tests on machine learning models.
- functional-pypelines — Framework for creating composable functions, including an API for running them via a JSON config.
- geotrans — Switch between spatial fileformats.
- get-aws-secret — Simplify retrieval of secrets from AWS SecretsManager. Optionally auto-memoize secrets in environment variables to improve performance and reduce costs.
- gibbs — Scale your ML workers asynchronously across processes and machines
- gitto — Automate commits to github
- gpycat — Python Gfycat API
- header-printer — Python package for printing a nicely formatted header.
- http-logging — Non-blocking HTTP handler for Python `logging` with local SQLite buffer/cache.
- instruct — Compact/flexible/fast/strictly-typed class system- similar to Pydantic but focused on ``__slot__``ed objects and ability to support multiple inheritance and type subtraction
- job-farmer — A simple job farmer for HPC platforms
- jsonurl-py — Python implementation of jsonurl, an alternative format for JSON data model
- katch — A declarative error handler for Flask applications
- KDE-diffusion — Kernel density estimation via diffusion in 1d and 2d
- keba-keenergy-api — A Python wrapper for the KEBA KeEnergy API.
- kebbie — A small framework to test and compare mobile keyboards