Reverse Dependencies of covdefaults
The following projects have a declared dependency on covdefaults:
- adafruit-circuitpython-gps — CircuitPython library for GPS modules.
- aioacaia — An async implementation of PyAcaia
- aiobookoo — A bookoo port of aioacaia
- aiotedee — A package to interact with Tedee locks using asyncio
- attrs-strict — Runtime validators for attrs
- auto-file-sorter — A file sorting automation
- betteruptime — Python client for BetterUptime API
- bump-deps-index — Bump your dependencies to latest available from index.
- casement — Useful functionality for managing Microsoft Windows.
- defer-imports — Lazy imports with regular syntax in pure Python.
- devpi-process — devpi process provides a programmatic API to create and use a devpi server process
- distllm — Distributed Inference for Large Language Models.
- docstring-inheritance — Avoid writing and maintaining duplicated docstrings.
- dxtb — Fully Differentiable Approach to Extended Tight Binding
- filelock — A platform independent file lock.
- gemseo — Generic Engine for Multi-disciplinary Scenarios, Exploration and Optimization
- gemseo-benchmark — A GEMSEO-based package to benchmark optimization algorithm.
- gemseo-calibration — Capability to calibrate GEMSEO disciplines from data.
- gemseo-fmu — GEMSEO plugin for FMU dynamic models.
- gemseo-hexaly — GEMSEO interface to Hexaly solver.
- gemseo-jax — GEMSEO plugin for JAX (jit compilation, autodiff, XLA)
- gemseo-matlab — MATLAB wrapper for GEMSEO
- gemseo-mlearning — Miscellaneous machine learning capabilities.
- gemseo-mma — A gemseo wrapper of Python version of Method of Moving Asymptothes in the implementation of Arjen Deetman.
- gemseo-pdfo — PDFO wrapper for GEMSEO
- gemseo-petsc — PETSc GEMSEO interface.
- gemseo-pseven — pSeven wrapper for GEMSEO
- gemseo-pymoo — A GEMSEO wrapper for pymoo optimization algorithms.
- gemseo-pyoptsparse — GEMSEO interface to pyoptsparse algorithms.
- gemseo-scilab — GEMSEO plugin to create disciplines from scilab source code.
- gemseo-template-editor-gui — Capability for MDO under uncertainty.
- gemseo-umdo — Robust MDO and advanced UQ with GEMSEO.
- hab — An environment configuration and launcher system
- hab-gui — GUI for user interaction to Hab.
- lightning-cv — Cross validation using Lightning Fabric
- mdlearn — Machine learning for molecular dynamics.
- mindlessgen — Mindless Molecule Generator
- onedrive-personal-sdk — A package to interact with the Microsoft Graph API for personal OneDrives.
- openlineage-python — OpenLineage Python Client
- pip-manage — pip-manage lets you smoothly manage your installed packages.
- pip-tools — pip-tools keeps your pinned dependencies fresh.
- pipdeptree — Command line utility to show dependency tree of packages.
- platformdirs — A small Python package for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs, e.g. a `user data dir`.
- pre-commit-uv — Run pre-commit with uv
- PrEditor — A python REPL and Editor and console based on Qt.
- ProxyStore — Advanced data flow management for distributed Python applications
- proxystore-ex — ProxyStore extensions.
- ptn-set-transformer — Training and inference on protein sets (genomes)
- pyfastatools — Simple FASTA file tools to parse, edit, subset, split, and perform stats on FASTA files
- pylamarzocco — A Python implementation of the new La Marzocco API
- pypi-changes — check out when packages changed
- pyproject-api — API to interact with the python pyproject.toml based projects
- pyproject-fmt-rust — Format your pyproject.toml file
- pytest-env — pytest plugin that allows you to add environment variables.
- pytest-executable — pytest plugin for testing executables
- pytest-memray — A simple plugin to use with pytest
- pytest-print — pytest-print adds the printer fixture you can use to print messages to the user (directly to the pytest runner, not stdout)
- quick-python-project — A CLI tool to create empty Python projects
- retype — re-apply types from .pyi stub files to your codebase
- silence-lint-error — silence linting errors by adding ignore/fixme comments
- SniTun — SNI proxy with TCP multiplexer
- sourmash — tools for comparing biological sequences with k-mer sketches
- sphinx-argparse-cli — render CLI arguments (sub-commands friendly) defined by argparse module
- sphinx-autodoc-typehints — Type hints (PEP 484) support for the Sphinx autodoc extension
- spotify-tracks-archiver — A python application to back up your "Liked Songs" library from Spotify to a JSON file
- tad-dftd3 — Torch autodiff DFT-D3 implementation
- tad-dftd4 — Torch autodiff DFT-D4 implementation
- tad-mctc — Torch Autodiff Utility
- tad-multicharge — Torch Autodiff implementation of charge models
- timezone-tools — Tools for working with timezone-aware datetimes.
- tmc-course — TMC course and assignment creation helper
- tosholi — Read and write TOML config files with dataclasses.
- tox-gh — Seamless integration of tox into GitHub Actions.
- tox-ini-fmt — tox is a generic virtualenv management and test command line tool
- typeshed-stats — Library and command-line tool to gather stats on typeshed packages
- virtualenv — Virtual Python Environment builder
- yaml-models — Generate torch models from yaml config files.