Reverse Dependencies of cornice
The following projects have a declared dependency on cornice:
- anyblok_pyramid_rest_api — Tools to build rest api's
- bodhi-server — Bodhi server
- c2cwsgiutils — Common utilities for Camptocamp WSGI applications
- cliquet — Micro service API toolkit
- cornice_sphinx — Generate Sphinx documentation from a Cornice application
- cornice-swagger — Generate swagger from a Cornice application
- kinto — Kinto Web Service - Store, Sync, Share, and Self-Host.
- kinto-dist — Kinto Distribution
- kotori — Kotori is a data acquisition, processing and graphing toolkit for humans
- neuralknight — A Chess-playing AI
- oe_utils — Utility Library
- olap3 — Interface to OLAP DBs
- pyams-app-msc — PyAMS application for cinema reservation management
- pyams-auth-jwt — PyAMS security plug-in for JWT authentication
- pyams-chat — PyAMS chat and notifications management package
- pyams-content-api — PyAMS content REST API components
- pyams-geoconverter — PyAMS converter for geospatial files
- pyams-gis — PyAMS GIS extension package
- pyams-security-views — Pyramid views for PyAMS_security package
- pyams-sequence — PyAMS sequences management package
- pyams-thesaurus — PyAMS thesaurus management package
- pyams-zfiles — PyAMS files storage manager
- pyams-zmi — PyAMS management interface package
- pycornmarsh — Automated OpenAPI documentation with Pyramid Cornice and Marshmallow
- pyf.api — Python Package Filter API
- pyramid_twitcher — Security Proxy for OGC Services like WPS.
- restzzz — REST-ful API for 0mq
- routeros-telegraf-exporter — RouterOS metrics exporter enables metrics export to Telegraf
- trumpet — Build a website with pyramid