Reverse Dependencies of control
The following projects have a declared dependency on control:
- auto-control-tools — control tools for automatic identification and PID controller aproximation
- cfft — Fast and friendly system identification for structures.
- control-plotly — A plotting library for the analysis of continuous and discrete time systems
- controlplus — A package for analysis and design of Control Systems in python.
- controlSBML — Control analysis of SBML models
- cs2solutions — A package containing solutions for the CS2 lecture at ETH Zürich
- dkpy — D-K iteration in Python
- dymoval — Dymoval is a Python package for analyzing measurements data and validate models.
- dyrun — Easy way to simulation
- dysys — A package for working with system dynamics symbolically and numerically
- eclib — Encrypted Control Library
- finesse — Simulation tool for modelling laser interferometers
- finesse-ligo — Tools for modelling LIGO in Finesse 3.0
- finesse-virgo — Tools for modelling Virgo in Finesse 3.0
- frc-characterization — FRC Characterization Library
- gavanon — Python package for the Ghent University Gavanon course (Geavanceerd Analoog Ontwerp, English: Advanced Analog Design ).
- gently — A tool for designing and analysing control systems
- gkjh — Gary Kim Jupyter Helpers
- graphkit-learn — A Python library for graph kernels, graph edit distances, and graph pre-images
- hisim — ETHOS.HiSim is a house infrastructure simulator
- icl_sharpy — SHARPy is a nonlinear aeroelastic analysis package developed
- kontrol — KAGRA control python package
- LCDToolbox — Toolbox for the DTU course: Linear control design - 34721 (Fall 2023)
- mdof — Fast and friendly system identification for structures.
- modlinear — A wrapped package to linearize the nonlinear continuous/discrete model. Including **numerical** and **symbolic** calculations.
- multirotor — Simulation testbed for multirotor vehicles.
- MuPhyN — A graphical tool for modeling and simulating multi-physical systems.
- nlcontrol — A toolbox to simulate and analyse nonlinear systems in a control context.
- nqlib — NQLib: Library to design noise shaping quantizer for discrete-valued input control.
- openrtdynamics2 — OpenRTDynamics 2
- pdengine — Process Dynamics Engine
- pecblocks — pecblocks: Generalized block diagram modeling of power electronic converters for grid solar and storage applications.
- peer-lilo — Fast and friendly system identification for structures.
- pidtune — PID tuning server for factorial order models.
- PyAAT — Python Aerospace Analysis Toolbox
- pycollimator — core simulation engine and API client
- pymoca — A Modelica to computer algebra system (CAS) translator.
- pymoskito — Python based modular simulation & postprocessing kickass toolbox
- pynamics2 — Physical modelling tools for advanced control design.
- pyrobolearn — A Python framework for roboticists and machine learning practitioners
- python-anesthesia-simulator — Anesthesia simulator: modellize the effect of drugs (Propofol, Remifentanil, Norepinephrine) during general anesthesia. Specially build for control design.
- quadx88 — Configurable dynamical model of quadcopter
- rfproto — Python for RF and SDR prototyping.
- sca-fiuna — Un paquete de uso para la materia de control en la FIUNA
- sippy-unipi — Systems Identification Package for Python
- spicypy — A python package for signal processing & control systems. Combining several tools to facilitate signal processing, control systems modelling, and the interface between the two.
- sympy-plot-backends — Backends for plotting with SymPy
- sysid-pem-toolbox — A System Identification and PEM Toolbox
- trimes — A python package for transient time series
- unthermal — unthermal is a package designed for interacting with a physical thermal plant via IoT technology.
- UPAFuzzySystems — UPAFuzzySystems package for definition and simulation of Fuzzy Inference Systems for general and control applications.
- xixo — Fast and friendly system identification for structures.
- yaltapy — Python module for the study analysis of (fractional) delayed systems given by their transfer function.