Reverse Dependencies of confuse
The following projects have a declared dependency on confuse:
- aspire — Algorithms for Single Particle Reconstruction
- auto-tag — Automatically tag a branch based on commit message
- auto-tag-rc8 — Automatically tag a branch based on commit message
- beets — music tagger and library organizer
- beets-beatport4 — Plugin for beets ( to replace stock beatport plugin which is not yet compatible with Beatport API v4.
- beets-ibroadcast — iBroadcast plugin for Beets
- beets-kergoth — Various personal beets plugins that don't yet have a home elsewhere.
- beets-tagmod — A plugin for beets to modify media tags before they become written.
- benjy — Benjy
- cci-cli — This is a small CircleCI CLI that allows you to interact with the CircleCI API v2
- centralized-pre-commit-conf — Easily install and update centralized pre-commit hooks and their configuration files in decentralized repositories
- Cherrydoor — An overengineered rfid lock manager created for my school community. Made for Raspberry Pi connected with another microcontroler that send and receieves rfid data via UART
- clickset — In-class settings configurable via both click and confuse libraries
- CMinx — Documentation Generator for the CMake Language
- comdev — Community Development support library
- comicbox — An API for reading comic archive contents and metadata: CBZ, CBR, CBT and PDF
- conventional — No frills command-line tool for processing structured commits.
- cri-simulations — Software for interacting with the CRI neuromorphic hardware
- cronicle — Use cron to rotate backup files!
- cwf2neo — cwf2neo is a Python library use to download, parse and import the NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework into a Neo4j graphing database, which can be used to run complex queries against.
- data-agent — Data Agent is a python library for pipelining real-time and historical data to and from industrial historians and control systems
- data-purifier — A Python library for Automated Exploratory Data Analysis, Automated Data Cleaning and Automated Data Preprocessing For Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing Applications in Python.
- datapipeliner — dvc-ready data pipelines.
- deadsimplevenv — Dead simle wrapper for venv
- delphai-ml-utils — A Python package to manage delphai machine learning operations.
- dotifi — Generate DOT files and images from Apache Nifi Flows
- dremio-client — Python client for Dremio. See
- drfs — Storage-type-agnostic file access + file structure for your project
- efictopub — no summary
- es-bgm — Allows you to add background music to EmulationStation
- face-ai-kit — FaceAIKit is a Python library designed for face detection and recognition application.
- faim-wako-searchfirst — no summary
- fancontrolbridge — A MQTT-enabled bridge for the Arduino fan controller.
- flask_restplus_data — Library inspired by Spring Data to perform Operations on datastores
- fluid-sbom — Fluid Attacks SBOM Library
- gashokoru-web — Simple python web server
- gatherup — Helps you post essential Python config details to GitHub or Discourse, all beautifully formatted
- gfagui — no summary
- gradescope — Python utility toolkit for Gradescope
- grai-cli — no summary
- haiqv-profiling — Generate profile report for pandas DataFrame
- hibiapi — A program that implements easy-to-use APIs for a variety of commonly used sites
- hookee — Command line webhooks, on demand.
- hs-bridge — Software for interacting with the CRI neuromorphic hardware
- hubmap-pipeline-release-mgmt — Management scripts for releasing HuBMAP computational pipelines
- humed — Agnostic sysadmin/devops instrumentation tool. Includes hume and humed.
- infra-deploy — no summary
- izihawa-loglib — Izihawa log utilities
- jw-download — no summary
- kadia — no summary
- loopia-update-ip — Application to keep DNS records updated when external IP-address change using the Loopia-API for the domain provider Loopia
- mccode_antlr — ANTLR4 grammars for McStas and McXtrace
- mediainfo-generator — no summary
- metamart-cli — no summary
- ModernRelay — An asynchronous, highly configurable SMTP relay
- mucus — mucus
- napari-imagej — ImageJ functionality from napari
- nudebomb — Strip unused languages from mkv files en mass
- oaix — A minimalist client for OpenAI APIs.
- omigami-client — A package to access Omigami services.
- oneupsdk — SDK Integration for the OneUp Learning platform.
- pawnhub — CLI listing your online chess games results
- pawnstore — Chess library to import your PGN games in a local database
- pdpipewrench — YAML-configurable Pandas pipelines.
- picopt — A multi format lossless image optimizer that uses external tools
- pmm-cfg-gen — A script to help automatically generate Plex Meta Manager configuration files for your libraries
- PRESC — Performance Robustness Evaluation for Statistical Classifiers
- puup — Potentially Universally Unique Phrase generator
- pvecontrol — Proxmox VE control
- pyimagewatch — Image processing debugger similar to Image Watch for Visual Studio.
- pylifttk — Python utility toolkit for Princeton CS's LIFT.
- pynessie — Project Nessie: Transactional Catalog for Data Lakes with Git-like semantics
- python-amazon-ad-api — Python wrapper for the Amazon Advertising API
- python-amazon-sp-api — Python wrapper for the Amazon Selling-Partner API
- python-paypal-api — Paypal Python 3 API integration
- qr-server — console app builder
- ranger-cli — A (unofficial) command-line interface for Apache Ranger public REST API.
- rapid-clay-formations-fab — Fabrication code for Rapid Clay Formations.
- repo-tools — A multi-repo CLI to help operating on multiple repos at the same time.
- slapp — Tool for easy deploying projects to git repo.
- snowfinch — A framework to migrate sql objects to snowflake from different databases
- spconfigreader — A utitlity to read config from yaml-files and environment (like Spring for Java)
- spn — Unofficial CLI for the Wayback Machine's Save Page Now API.
- survivalist-gamedata — Utility for extracting information about Survivalist: Invisible Strain from the game's XML files and saving it in CSV and Steam Community markup formats.
- take-note-cli — Create and open notes in your favourite editor.
- targetviz — Package for generating automatic reports of variable analyses related to a target variable
- tfbuild — TFBuild is a command line tool for Terraform
- toasts — Get desktop notifications from programming websites like GitHub, Stack Overflow and the likes :)
- traefik-certificate-exporter — Watches for changes to traefik acme json files and extracts certificates to a specific folder
- trakt-scrobbler — Scrobbler for that supports VLC, Plex, MPC-HC, and MPV
- urn-randomization — Urn randomization for group assignment in randomized experiments
- vmail-cli — CLI to manage your vmail server (Dovecot, Postfix, MySQL)
- vmail-manager — Handy cli interface to manage an vmail-sql-db.