Reverse Dependencies of comtypes
The following projects have a declared dependency on comtypes:
- 1Q847 — 模拟操作
- — use dm plugin with python
- aclib.wmi — python wmi
- aichatbot — Python library for building custom AI Chatbot with just one line of code.
- aij — AI Journalist
- aiocv — aiocv Is A Python Library Used To Track Hands, Track Pose, Detect Face, Detect Contours (Shapes), Detect Cars, Detect Number Plate, Detect Smile, Detect Eyes, Control Volume Using Gesture, Read QR Codes And Create Face Mesh On Image/Video.
- aivirtualassistant — Desktop Assistant which takes commands as speech & convert to text. Speaks the text provided. Wishes the User as per the Hour of the day. It also can send E-Mails.
- ak_safe — Python wrapper for SAFE API
- akande — Akande: A versatile voice assistant powered by OpenAI's GPT-3. It
- AllUtils — A light weight command line menu that supports Windows, MacOS, and Linux
- animdl — A highly efficient, fast, powerful and light-weight anime downloader and streamer for your favorite anime.
- animdl2 — A highly efficient, fast, powerful and light-weight anime downloader and streamer for your favorite anime.
- ansys-speos-core — A Python wrapper for Ansys Speos
- ap0dl — Efficient, fast, powerful and light-weight anime multi-purpose tool
- APSTooler — A Python toolkit for Autodesk Platform Services
- arkdriver — This application accesses the Ark system.
- ASMRManager — download, manage and play the voices on
- autolab — Python package for scientific experiments interfacing and automation
- autopc — An image recognition framework running on a computer
- axisvm — A Python package for AxisVM.
- bettercam — A Python high-performance screenshot library for Windows use Desktop Duplication API
- bylexa — Control your PC using Bylexa voice commands.
- catalight — Photoreactor system automation, data handling, and analysis.
- cloudbase-init — Portable cloud initialization service
- comtypes-fork — Pure Python COM package
- daisy-llm — A toolkit for working and conversing with large language models. Featuring tokenized sentence queueing for TTS.
- dal-docx-creator — DOCX Creator
- dedeshot — Extremely Fast and Robust Screen Capture on Windows with the Desktop Duplication API
- demure-captcha — Simple but customize captcha generator( image + voice )
- DesktopAssistant — Desktop Assistant which takes commands as speech & convert to text. Speaks the text provided. Wishes the User as per the Hour of the day. It also can send E-Mails.
- diskspacemon — Monitoring space of directory/path/drive then send notification to growl and syslog/remote syslog with multiple host and port
- dragonfly — Speech recognition extension library
- dragonfly2 — Speech recognition extension library
- dxcam — A Python high-performance screenshot library for Windows use Desktop Duplication API
- dxcampil — A Python high-performance screenshot library for Windows use Desktop Duplication API
- E030 — Librería para el Análisis Sísmico según NTE E.030 de Perú
- ecmind-blue-client — A client wrapper for blue
- eConEXG — SDK for Niantong devices.
- etabs-api — API for CSI ETABS 2018 and Higher
- etabs-sdk — SDK para gestionar las comunicaciones con la API de Etabs con Python
- eviews — Data import/export and EViews function calls from Python
- ezno-convert — Convert office files quickly and easily through CLI, GUI, or windows explorer context menu
- FindSystemFontsFilename — Find the system fonts filename.
- fontfinder — Package for finding and installing fonts for Unicode scripts.
- forkyanimdl — A highly efficient, fast, powerful and light-weight anime downloader and streamer for your favorite anime.
- geoflight-replay — Replay and capture scenarios of positions in Flight Simulator 2020
- gfx2cuda — Fast graphics texture to cuda transfer
- harmonyai — Harmony ai is a simple conversational chatbot
- harmonyaif — Harmony ai is a simple conversational chatbot
- hexpot — Realtime quantitative trading tools
- hnzhu010503 — A small example package
- hnzhu010504 — A small example package
- hnzhu010506 — A small example package
- hnzhu010507 — A small example package
- icetcore — icetcore python api
- idm — Downloader with Internet Download Manager (Windows)
- ifileoperation — Python wrapper for using Win32's IFileOperation for manipulating the filesystem.
- Imap2Dict-kiyoshirou — Automatically convert .doc and .docx and .xlsx and .pptx to .pdf format.
- img2ascii — Image/Video to ASCII conversion
- infi.wmi — monkeypatched fork of comptypes to support faster WMI access
- instamatic — Python program for automated electron diffraction data collection
- IPAM-PACMan — PACMan: An chlorophyll-a fluorometry automation software designed for Walz (GMBH) Microscopy IPAM.
- — A pure-python framegrabber for Windows
- jhoney-pkg — J-Honey's Python Common Library Package - AWS and other functions are summarized.
- jigsawwm — JigsawWM is a free and open-source project that aims to increase your productivity by offering a set of automation facilities, including the jmk module as an AHK alternative, a Tiling Window Manager to free you from managing windows manually and the Daemon to support any customization you may have in mind.
- labbench — The `labbench` module provides API tools to support python scripting for laboratory automation.The goal is to simplify the process of developing an experimental procedure into clear, concise, explainable, and reusable code.
- lbTool — Multifunctional Toolset
- lib2dlp — Data Loss Prevention (DLP) TEST
- liqueur — A lightweight python framework for Capital API
- lite-fastapi-local — A small example package
- litetts — A package to convert text into speech
- makima — A cross-platform desktop automated testing framework.
- Makima2 — A cross-platform desktop automated testing framework.
- MoliGeek — 一款逐渐完善的python集成工具,努力为开发者提供最大的便利
- ms-deisotope — Access, Deisotope, and Charge Deconvolute Mass Spectra
- NBSapi — a python library that helps you to control the sapi5 TTS
- NeonLightEffect — Neon light effect
- NlvCore — Log file viewing and analysis
- ohbot — Python library for controlling an Ohbot Robot
- ok-d3dshot — Extremely Fast and Robust Screen Capture on Windows with the Desktop Duplication API
- onyx.datafeeds — Datafeeds extensions for onyx.
- opencv-cam-idx — Find opencv camera index in windows using win32 api
- openstaad — A small example package for openstaad python package
- pdwinauto — Use Pandas to find and interact with handles, windows, and elements
- photoshop — Python API for Photoshop.
- photoshop-python-api — Python API for Photoshop.
- pikuli — Desktop GUI application tests automation tool.
- pilothub — A short description of your project
- plaidcloud-rpc — no summary
- pmutils — no summary
- polydata — A package to build and manage polygonal data
- ppt2fig — 将当前PPT快速导出为PDF并裁剪白边
- ppt2pdf — Converts PPT to PDF
- pptcom — Use Microsoft PowerPoint within Python with the help of COM
- pptxtopdf — Convert PowerPoint files to PDF
- prettyqt — A pythonic layer on top of PyQt6 / PySide6
- project-to-installer — no summary
- py-wifi-helper — A cross-platform WiFi management tool for Windows, macOS, and Ubuntu
- py2eviews — Data import/export and EViews function calls from Python
- py3-tts — Text to Speech (TTS) library for Python 3. Works without internet connection or delay. Supports multiple TTS engines, including Sapi5, nsss, and espeak.