Reverse Dependencies of colomoto_jupyter
The following projects have a declared dependency on colomoto_jupyter:
- actonet — Abduction-based control of Boolean networks fixpoints
- algorecell-types — Generic types for reprogramming predictions from logical models
- bonesis — Synthesis of Most Permissive Boolean Networks
- boolsim — Python interface to boolSim
- cabean — Python interface to CABEAN, A Software Tool for the Control of Asynchronous Boolean Networks
- caspo-control — Python wrapper for caspo control
- ginsim — Python interface to GINsim and BioLQM API
- maboss — A python and jupyter API for the MaBoSS software
- mpbn — Simple implementation of Most Permissive Boolean networks
- optboolnet — The optimization toolbox for control problems of a Boolean network
- pypint — Python interface to Pint
- stablemotifs — Python interface to StableMotifs