Reverse Dependencies of collective.checkdocs
The following projects have a declared dependency on collective.checkdocs:
- actarius — Opinionated wrappers for the mlflow tracking API.
- barn — Simple Python-based local/remote dataset store.
- birch — Simple hierarchical configuration for Python packages
- catlolzer — Powerfull Python-based cat lolzing engine.
- cheroot-cc — Highly-optimized, pure-python HTTP server
- cheroot-ccwienk — Highly-optimized, pure-python HTTP server
- comath — Math-related utility functions.
- crookbook — Common utilities used in my projects.
- diag-eff — diag-eff: Diagnostic Efficiency
- dvc-azure — azure plugin for dvc
- dvc-gdrive — gdrive plugin for dvc
- dvc-gs — gs plugin for dvc
- dvc-hdfs — hdfs plugin for dvc
- dvc-oss — oss plugin for dvc
- dvc-webhdfs — webhdfs plugin for dvc
- experinet — Network propagation models for networkx.
- ezenum — Great package.
- folk — Folksy experiment management for Machine Learning.
- fossa — Distribution-based anomaly detection for time series.
- GAVS — A tool for GROMACS results analysis and visualization
- greyupnp — Not **all** the Python UPnP tools you could ever want. But some.
- http-okapi — A tool for working with HTTP APIs
- HyresBuilder — Create HyRes peptide PDB files with specified geometry
- HyresRebuilder — Rebuild atomistic model from HyRes model.
- imbutil — Additions to the imblearn package
- ipgdrive — Write host public ip to Google Drive.
- keepitfresh — A simpler way to freshen up your frozen applications.
- khartoum — A simple app for http serving of static files from MongoDB's GridFS filesystem.
- lazyimport — lazyimport lets you import python modules lazily.
- machinerry — CherryPy-based framework for running tasks repeatedly.
- MagicBus — A pub/sub state machine
- mettle — A micro service framework for data pipelines, providingscheduling, retrying, and error reporting.
- mlshed — Simple local/remote machine learning model store for Python.
- mongozen — MongoDB utilities for Python
- motivation — motivation
- pdpipe — Easy pipelines for pandas.
- PeptideBuilder — Create peptide PDB files with specified geometry
- PeptideConstructor — Create (DL-) peptide PDB files with specified secondary structures
- pmxbot.saysomething — Markov chain phrase generator for pmxbot
- popquotes — Popular Quotes database
- pwbs — PWBS is Build System for easy automation process.
- pwm-lib — PWM is just a DRY library.
- pyinthesky — Python library to interact with Sky boxes.
- pyriform — Connect the requests library to your WSGI app without using sockets.
- rwt — run with this
- saltyrtc.server — A SaltyRTC compliant signalling server.
- scrunch — Pythonic scripting library for cleaning data in Crunch
- skift — scikit-learn wrappers for Python fastText
- speks — Text-based gender prediction for Twitter.
- sshyc — SSHYC short for SSH YAML Configuration is tool to make .ssh/config from YAML files.
- stationarizer — Smart, automatic detection and stationarization of non-stationary time series data.
- threatingestor — Extract and aggregate IOCs from threat feeds.
- threema.gateway — An API for the Threema gateway service to send and receive messages including text, images, files and delivery reports.
- tqdl — requests-based file downloads with tqdm progress bars
- user-config — manage user configuration for python packages