Reverse Dependencies of cogapp
The following projects have a declared dependency on cogapp:
- aec-cli — AWS EC2 CLI
- aider-chat — Aider is AI pair programming in your terminal
- ansaittua — Earned Value Management (Finnish: ansaittua arvonhallintaa) when coding swiftly.
- applecrate — applecrate: A Python package for creating macOS installer packages.
- argon2-cffi-bindings — Low-level CFFI bindings for Argon2
- argos-monitoring — Distributed supervision tool for HTTP.
- articast — CLI tool for converting articles to podcasts
- article-to-podcast — CLI tool for converting articles to podcasts
- attrs — Classes Without Boilerplate
- audio-reads — CLI tool for converting articles to podcasts
- bibliographer — Compile a list of books you've read
- calvos — SW utilities for embedded systems
- claude-to-sqlite — Convert a export to SQLite
- clias — Turn shell script into cli command
- clirunner — CliRunner test runner for command line applications.
- conan-check-updates — Check for updates of your conanfile.txt/ requirements.
- cosmofy — Cosmopolitan Python Bundler
- crashstats-tools — Tools for working with Crash Stats (
- csvs-to-sqlite — Convert CSV files into a SQLite database
- csvs-update-sqlite — Convert CSV files into a SQLite database
- datasette — An open source multi-tool for exploring and publishing data
- datasette-enrichments — Tools for running enrichments against data stored in Datasette
- datasette-gunicorn — Run a Datasette server using Gunicorn
- datasette-publish-fly — Datasette plugin for publishing data using Fly
- dbrownell-DevTools — Common development tools shared across different repositories.
- dclient — A client CLI utility for Datasette instances
- deltasimulator — Runs Deltaflow programs on virtual platforms
- deploya-aider-chat — Aider is AI pair programming in your terminal
- dev-install — Dev is AI pair programming in your terminal
- diverse_seq — diverse_seq: a tool for sampling diverse biological sequences
- django-cachekey — An smarter way to manage Django cache keys, inspired by Tanstack Query.
- django-email-relay — Centralize and relay email from multiple distributed Django projects to an internal SMTP server via a database queue.
- django-opfield — A custom Django field for storing and securely accessing a 1Password vault item.
- django-q-registry — A Django app to register periodic Django Q tasks.
- django-simple-nav — A simple, flexible, and extensible navigation menu for Django.
- django-twc-toolbox — Various tools for Django projects at The Westervelt Company.
- djpress — A blog application for Django sites, inspired by classic WordPress.
- ds-run — run dev scripts
- ensembl_tui — Ensembl terminal user interface tools
- everett — Configuration library for Python applications
- fillmore — Sentry event scrubber and utilities library
- git-history — Tools for analyzing Git history using SQLite
- google-calendar-to-sqlite — Create a SQLite database containing your data from Google Calendar
- google-drive-to-sqlite — Create a SQLite database containing metadata from Google Drive
- hanzo-dev — Dev is AI pair programming in your terminal
- hanzo-developer — Dev is AI pair programming in your terminal
- issue-expander — Expand GitHub issue references into Markdown links
- json-flatten — Python functions for flattening a JSON object to a single dictionary of pairs, and unflattening that dictionary back to a JSON object
- kodegenerering — Code generation (Dansk: kodegenerering) experiments.
- kojen — Code generation tools.
- laskea — Calculate (Finnish: laskea) some parts.
- ljdv384ytwg7w3y — AI software engineer
- llm — CLI utility and Python library for interacting with Large Language Models from organizations like OpenAI, Anthropic and Gemini plus local models installed on your own machine.
- llm-anthropic — LLM access to models by Anthropic, including the Claude series
- llm-groq-whisper — Transcribe audio using the Whisper API
- llm-mistral — LLM plugin providing access to Mistral models busing the Mistral API
- llmcode-chat — Llmcode is AI pair programming in your terminal
- mdinfo-exiftool — Exiftool plugin for mdinfo
- mdinfo-macos — MacOS metadata plugin for mdinfo
- metaflow-card-notebook — Render Jupyter Notebooks in Metaflow Cards
- mewni — Telegram bot framework
- ocrvid — CLI tool for OCR-ing video frames on macOS
- ospeak — CLI tool for running text through OpenAI Text to speech
- oswrite — CLI tool for processing audio files
- osxmetadata — Read and write meta data, such as tags/keywords, Finder comments, etc. on MacOS files
- paginate-json — CLI tool for fetching paginated JSON from a URL
- paul-mclendahand — Tool for combining GitHub pull requests.
- pgapi — CLI tool and Python library for manipulating Postgres databases
- pgLLM — Easily create LLM vectors for existing Postgres data
- pypi-to-sqlite — Load data about Python packages from PyPI into SQLite
- python-cantata — Python Tool to generate C structures and functions to access candb information
- realsense-copilot — RealSense Copilot is AI programming for Intel RealSense cameras in your terminal
- robot-chat — RobotChat is AI robotics programming in your terminal
- runestone-petljadoc — Sphinx extensions for writing interactive documents.
- s3-credentials — A tool for creating credentials for accessing S3 buckets
- s3-ocr — Tools for running OCR against files stored in S3
- shot-scraper — A command-line utility for taking automated screenshots of websites
- sql-to-lnh — SQL to LNH allows to generate LNH structures and functions from SQL queries.
- sqlite-comprehend — Tools for running data in a SQLite database through AWS Comprehend
- sqlite-history — Track changes to SQLite tables using triggers
- sqlite-utils — CLI tool and Python library for manipulating SQLite databases
- stm32loader — Flash firmware to STM32 microcontrollers using Python.
- strip-tags — Strip tags from HTML, optionally from areas identified by CSS selectors
- structlog — Structured Logging for Python
- swb-meter — switch-bot meters server
- symbex — Find the Python code for specified symbols
- telgine — Telegram bot framework
- the-well-maintained-test — Programatically tries to answer the 12 questions from Adam Johnson's blog post
- toggl-to-sqlite — ACreate a SQLite database containing data from your Toggl account
- ttok — Count and truncate text based on tokens
- zef — A data-oriented toolkit for graph data