Reverse Dependencies of codespell
The following projects have a declared dependency on codespell:
- ahbicht — Python Library to parse AHB expressions.
- ahlbatross — Tool for comparing and visualizing changes between AHB documents across different format version releases.
- aider-chat — Aider is AI pair programming in your terminal
- aind-behavior-curriculum — Generated from aind-library-template
- aind-behavior-experiment-launcher — A library for a minimal framework that can be used to build experimental interfaces.
- aind-behavior-services — A library that defines AIND data schema and validates JSON files for behavior rig models.
- aind-data-schema — A library that defines AIND data schema and validates JSON files.
- aind-data-schema-models — Generated from aind-library-template
- aioambient — A clean, async-friendly library for the Ambient Weather API
- aioaudiobookshelf — Async library for Audiobookshelf
- aioblackbird24180 — Python module to control Monoprice 24180 Blackbird 8x8 HDMI Matrix.
- aioeufyclean — Async library for Jellyfin
- aioguardian — A Python3 library for Elexa Guardian water valves and sensors
- aiohasupervisor — Asynchronous python client for Home Assistant Supervisor.
- aiohue — Python module to talk to Philips Hue.
- aiojellyfin — Async library for Jellyfin
- aiolinkding — A Python3 library for Elexa Guardian water valves and sensors
- aionotion — A simple Python 3 library for Notion Home Monitoring
- aioslimproto — Python module to talk to Logitech Squeezebox players directly (without Logitech server).
- aiosonos — Async python library to communicate with Sonos devices.
- allowedflare — Authenticate to Django with JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) signed by Cloudflare Access
- ansys-scadeone-core — Python interface for Ansys Scade One
- ansys-systemcoupling-core — A Python wrapper for Ansys System Coupling.
- anta — Arista Network Test Automation (ANTA) Framework
- antio — Python package to handle I/O with the CNT format from ANT Neuro.
- appqos — App QoS is a software created to demonstrate the use of Intel(R) RDT technologies (CAT, MBA) to improve QoS for applications via partitioning system resources.
- arcana-bids — An Arcana extension for interacting with Brain Imaging Structure (BIDS) datasets and associated "Apps"
- arcana-testing — Dummy classes for testing the Arcana framework
- arcana-xnat — An extension of the Arcana framework to apply workflows and analyses on data stored within XNAT data repositories
- asgardpy — Gammapy-based pipeline for easy joint analysis of different gamma-ray datasets
- autopytest — Autotest python code
- avicortex — Python functions and classes to build connectivity graphs and datasets from Freesurfer's brain cortical measurements.
- bapsflib — A toolkit for handling data collected at BaPSF
- bdew-datetimes — Generate and work with holidays of the BDEW-Calendar for power and gas in Germany
- bibclean — A simple BibTex file checker and cleaner.
- blackhole — Blackhole is an MTA (message transfer agent) that (figuratively) pipes all mail to /dev/null.
- bomf — BO4E Migration Framework
- botafar — botafar
- brainprint — A package to compute BrainPrint (shape descriptors) from FastSurfer/FreeSurfer MRI segmentations
- brother-ql-web — Simple label designer API and web API for Brother QL label printers
- bsl — Real-time framework for online neuroscience research through LSL-compatible devices.
- bssclient — Fully typed, async client library for Basic Supply Service (BSS)
- byte-triggers — Provides byte (0 to 255) triggers on serial/parallel ports and on LSL streams.
- CacheControl — httplib2 caching for requests
- canonical-sphinx — no summary
- ccflow — Composable Configuration Flow
- cebra — Consistent Embeddings of high-dimensional Recordings using Auxiliary variables
- charmcraft — The main tool to build, upload, and develop in general the Juju charms.
- charonload — Develop C++/CUDA extensions with PyTorch like Python scripts
- chronomeleon — A python package to flexibly adapt start and end date(times) to your system background
- Command-Line-File-Manager — CLI tool for managing local file system storage
- commit-format — A tool to check git commit messages format
- cookiecutter-namespace-template — Cookiecutter template for a Python namespace package
- craft-archives — no summary
- craft-cli — Command Line Interface
- craft-grammar — no summary
- craft-parts — Craft parts tooling
- craft-providers — no summary
- craft-store — Store bindings for Snaps and Charms
- csp-adapter-slack — A csp adapter for slack
- csp-adapter-symphony — A csp adapter for symphony
- cubids — Curation of BIDS (CuBIDS): A sanity-preserving software package for processing BIDS datasets.
- custom-python-matter-server — Python Matter WebSocket Server with custom sensors
- database_wrapper — A Different Approach to Database Wrappers in Python
- datadog-checks-dev — The Datadog Checks Developer Tool
- datarig — Simplified Downloading from Data Repositories with RESTful APIS
- datasette — An open source multi-tool for exploring and publishing data
- deepqmc — Deep-learning quantum Monte Carlo for electrons in real space
- dfetch — Dependency fetcher
- dict2dict — Opinionated dictionary utilities for Python.
- diffsptk — Speech signal processing modules for machine learning
- django-ckeditor-5 — CKEditor 5 for Django.
- django-ckeditors — CKEditors for Django.
- django-fmd — Server for 'Find My Device' android app, implemented in Django/Python
- django-for-runners — Store your GPX tracks of your running (or other sports activity) in django.
- django-fritzconnection — Web based FritzBox management using Python/Django.
- django-huey-monitor — Django based tool for monitoring huey task queue:
- django-reversion-compare — Add compare view to django-reversion for comparing two versions of a reversion model.
- django-tools — miscellaneous tools for Django based projects
- — is a minimalist python script for managing dotfiles via symbolic links.
- dotlocalslashbin — Download and extract files to `~/.local/bin/`.
- dragonlib — Library around 6809 computers like Dragon 32/64, CoCo...
- DragonPyEmulator — Emulator for 6809 CPU based system like Dragon 32 / CoCo written in Python...
- dynamiqs — High-performance quantum systems simulation with JAX (GPU-accelerated & differentiable solvers).
- ebdamame — A scraper to library to scrape .docx files with 'Entscheidungsbaumdiagramm' tables into a truely machine readable structure
- echoshader — Open Source Python package for building ocean sonar data visualizations.
- edi-energy-scraper — a scraper to mirror
- efoli — Enums and related helper functions that model EDIFACT relevant data for German utilities
- emd — Empirical Mode Decomposition
- energymeter2mqtt — Get values from modbus energy meter to MQTT / HomeAssistant
- equine — EQUINE^2: Establishing Quantified Uncertainty for Neural Networks
- equine-webapp — Companion web application for EQUINE^2: Establishing Quantified Uncertainty for Neural Networks
- ESMValTool — ESMValTool: A community diagnostic and performance metrics tool for routine evaluation of Earth system models in CMIP.
- eta-utility — A framework for researching energy optimization of factory operations
- etna — ETNA is the first python open source framework of T-Bank AI Center. It is designed to make working with time series simple, productive, and fun.
- evadb — EvaDB AI-Relational Database System
- eyelinkio — A lightweight library for reading Eyelink Data Format files in Python.
- fastagency — The fastest way to bring multi-agent workflows to production
- faststream — FastStream: the simplest way to work with a messaging queues
- fileformats — Classes for representing different file formats in Python classes for use in type hinting in data workflows