Metadata-Version: |
2.1 |
Name: |
coconut |
Version: |
3.1.2 |
Summary: |
Simple, elegant, Pythonic functional programming. |
Author: |
Evan Hubinger |
Author-Email: |
evanjhub[at] |
Home-Page: | |
License: |
Apache 2.0 |
Keywords: |
functional,programming,language,compiler,pattern,pattern-matching,algebraic,data type,data types,lambda,lambdas,lazy,evaluation,lazy list,lazy lists,tail,recursion,call,recursive,recursive_iterator,infix,function,composition,compose,partial,application,currying,curry,pipeline,pipe,unicode,operator,operators,frozenset,literal,syntax,destructuring,assignment,fold,datamaker,prepattern,iterator,generator,none,coalesce,coalescing,statement,lru_cache,memoization,backport,typing,embed,PEP 622,overrides,islice,itertools,functools,TYPE_CHECKING,Expected,breakpoint,help,reduce,takewhile,dropwhile,tee,count,makedata,consume,process_map,thread_map,addpattern,recursive_generator,fmap,starmap,reiterable,scan,groupsof,memoize,zip_longest,override,flatten,ident,call,safe_call,flip,const,lift,lift_apart,all_equal,collectby,mapreduce,multi_enumerate,cartesian_product,multiset,cycle,windowsof,and_then,and_then_await,async_map,py_chr,py_dict,py_hex,py_input,py_int,py_map,py_object,py_oct,py_open,py_print,py_range,py_str,py_super,py_zip,py_filter,py_reversed,py_enumerate,py_raw_input,py_xrange,py_repr,py_breakpoint,py_min,py_max,_namedtuple_of,reveal_type,reveal_locals,MatchError,CoconutWarning,__fmap__,__iter_getitem__,data,match,case,cases,where,addpattern,then,operator,type,copyclosure,λ |
Classifier: |
Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable |
Classifier: |
License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License |
Classifier: |
Intended Audience :: Developers |
Classifier: |
Topic :: Software Development |
Classifier: |
Topic :: Software Development :: Code Generators |
Classifier: |
Topic :: Software Development :: Compilers |
Classifier: |
Topic :: Software Development :: Interpreters |
Classifier: |
Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules |
Classifier: |
Topic :: Utilities |
Classifier: |
Environment :: Console |
Classifier: |
Operating System :: OS Independent |
Classifier: |
Programming Language :: Python |
Classifier: |
Programming Language :: Python :: 2 |
Classifier: |
Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6 |
Classifier: |
Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7 |
Classifier: |
Programming Language :: Python :: 3 |
Classifier: |
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.2 |
Classifier: |
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3 |
Classifier: |
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4 |
Classifier: |
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5 |
Classifier: |
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6 |
Classifier: |
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7 |
Classifier: |
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8 |
Classifier: |
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9 |
Classifier: |
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10 |
Classifier: |
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11 |
Classifier: |
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12 |
Classifier: |
Programming Language :: Other |
Classifier: |
Programming Language :: Other Scripting Engines |
Classifier: |
Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython |
Classifier: |
Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy |
Classifier: |
Framework :: IPython |
Classifier: |
Framework :: Jupyter |
Classifier: |
Typing :: Typed |
Requires-Dist: |
setuptools (>=44) |
Requires-Dist: |
pyparsing (<2.4.8,>=2.4.7); platform_python_implementation != "CPython" |
Requires-Dist: |
cPyparsing (<,>=; platform_python_implementation == "CPython" |
Requires-Dist: |
argparse (>=1.4); python_version < "2.7" |
Requires-Dist: |
futures (>=3.4); python_version < "3" |
Requires-Dist: |
backports.functools-lru-cache (>=1.6); python_version < "3" |
Requires-Dist: |
prompt-toolkit (<2,>=1); python_version < "3" |
Requires-Dist: |
trollius (>=2.2); python_version < "3" and platform_python_implementation == "CPython" |
Requires-Dist: |
aenum (>=3.1.15); python_version < "3.4" |
Requires-Dist: |
typing (>=3.10); python_version < "3.5" |
Requires-Dist: |
typing-extensions (>=3.10); python_version < "3.6" |
Requires-Dist: |
pygments (>=2.3); python_version < "3.9" |
Requires-Dist: |
psutil (>=6); python_version >= "2.7" |
Requires-Dist: |
prompt-toolkit (>=1); python_version >= "3" |
Requires-Dist: |
async-generator (>=1.10); python_version >= "3.5" |
Requires-Dist: |
anyio (>=3); python_version >= "3.6" |
Requires-Dist: |
typing-extensions (>=4.1); python_version >= "3.6" and python_version < "3.7" |
Requires-Dist: |
dataclasses (>=0.8); python_version >= "3.6" and python_version < "3.7" |
Requires-Dist: |
exceptiongroup (>=1); python_version >= "3.7" and python_version < "3.11" |
Requires-Dist: |
typing-extensions (>=4.7); python_version >= "3.7" and python_version < "3.8" |
Requires-Dist: |
typing-extensions (>=4.12); python_version >= "3.8" |
Requires-Dist: |
pygments (>=2.18); python_version >= "3.9" |
Requires-Dist: |
types-backports (>=0.1); extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
papermill (>=1.2); extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter (>=1.1); extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
watchdog (>=0.10); extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
pyright (>=1.1); extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
mypy[python2] (>=1.11); extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=5.4); python_version < "3" and extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipykernel (>=4.10); python_version < "3" and extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
pywinpty (<0.6,>=0.5); (python_version < "3" and os_name == "nt") and extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
numpy (>=1.16); (python_version < "3" and platform_python_implementation == "CPython") and extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-console (>=5.2); python_version < "3.5" and extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
typing (>=3.10); python_version < "3.5" and extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-client (>=5.3); python_version < "3.5" and extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
xonsh (>=0.9); python_version < "3.6" and extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
jedi (<0.18,>=0.17); python_version < "3.9" and extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupytext (>=1.8); python_version >= "3" and extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (<7.10,>=7.9); (python_version >= "3" and python_version < "3.7") and extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipykernel (>=5.5); (python_version >= "3" and python_version < "3.8") and extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=8.27); python_version >= "3.10" and extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
numpy (>=1.18); (python_version >= "3.4" and python_version < "3.9") and extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyterlab (>=2.2); python_version >= "3.5" and extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-client (<6.1.13,>=6.1.12); (python_version >= "3.5" and python_version < "3.6") and extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-console (>=6.1); (python_version >= "3.5" and python_version < "3.7") and extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
pandas (>=1.1); python_version >= "3.6" and extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-client (>=7.1.2); python_version >= "3.6" and extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
xonsh (>=0.11); (python_version >= "3.6" and python_version < "3.9") and extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-console (>=6.6); python_version >= "3.7" and extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=7.34); (python_version >= "3.7" and python_version < "3.8") and extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipykernel (>=6); python_version >= "3.8" and extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=8.12); (python_version >= "3.8" and python_version < "3.9") and extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
numpy (>=1.26); python_version >= "3.9" and extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
jedi (>=0.19); python_version >= "3.9" and extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
xarray (>=2024); python_version >= "3.9" and extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
xonsh (>=0.18); python_version >= "3.9" and extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=8.18); (python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10") and extra == "all" |
Requires-Dist: |
pexpect (>=4); extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
pytest-remotedata (>=0.3); extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
types-backports (>=0.1); extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
py-spy (>=0.3); extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
papermill (>=1.2); extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
sphinx (>=8); extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
pyparsing (<2.4.8,>=2.4.7); extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter (>=1.1); extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp (>=2); extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
watchdog (>=0.10); extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
sphinxcontrib-applehelp (>=2); extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
myst-parser (>=4); extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
pyright (>=1.1); extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
vprof (>=0.36); extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
requests (>=2.32); extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
mypy[python2] (>=1.11); extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
pydata-sphinx-theme (>=0.15); extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=5.4); python_version < "3" and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipykernel (>=4.10); python_version < "3" and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
pywinpty (<0.6,>=0.5); (python_version < "3" and os_name == "nt") and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
numpy (>=1.16); (python_version < "3" and platform_python_implementation == "CPython") and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-console (>=5.2); python_version < "3.5" and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
typing (>=3.10); python_version < "3.5" and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-client (>=5.3); python_version < "3.5" and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
xonsh (>=0.9); python_version < "3.6" and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
pytest (>=3); python_version < "3.6" and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
jedi (<0.18,>=0.17); python_version < "3.9" and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
pygments (>=2.3); python_version < "3.9" and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupytext (>=1.8); python_version >= "3" and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
pre-commit (>=3); python_version >= "3" and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (<7.10,>=7.9); (python_version >= "3" and python_version < "3.7") and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipykernel (>=5.5); (python_version >= "3" and python_version < "3.8") and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=8.27); python_version >= "3.10" and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
numpy (>=1.18); (python_version >= "3.4" and python_version < "3.9") and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyterlab (>=2.2); python_version >= "3.5" and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-client (<6.1.13,>=6.1.12); (python_version >= "3.5" and python_version < "3.6") and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-console (>=6.1); (python_version >= "3.5" and python_version < "3.7") and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
pandas (>=1.1); python_version >= "3.6" and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-client (>=7.1.2); python_version >= "3.6" and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
pytest (>=7); (python_version >= "3.6" and python_version < "3.8") and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
xonsh (>=0.11); (python_version >= "3.6" and python_version < "3.9") and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-console (>=6.6); python_version >= "3.7" and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=7.34); (python_version >= "3.7" and python_version < "3.8") and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
pytest (<8.1,>=8.0); python_version >= "3.8" and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipykernel (>=6); python_version >= "3.8" and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=8.12); (python_version >= "3.8" and python_version < "3.9") and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
pygments (>=2.18); python_version >= "3.9" and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
numpy (>=1.26); python_version >= "3.9" and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
jedi (>=0.19); python_version >= "3.9" and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
xarray (>=2024); python_version >= "3.9" and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
xonsh (>=0.18); python_version >= "3.9" and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=8.18); (python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10") and extra == "dev" |
Requires-Dist: |
sphinxcontrib-applehelp (>=2); extra == "docs" |
Requires-Dist: |
myst-parser (>=4); extra == "docs" |
Requires-Dist: |
sphinx (>=8); extra == "docs" |
Requires-Dist: |
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp (>=2); extra == "docs" |
Requires-Dist: |
pydata-sphinx-theme (>=0.15); extra == "docs" |
Requires-Dist: |
pygments (>=2.3); python_version < "3.9" and extra == "docs" |
Requires-Dist: |
pygments (>=2.18); python_version >= "3.9" and extra == "docs" |
Requires-Dist: |
papermill (>=1.2); extra == "ipython" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter (>=1.1); extra == "ipython" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=5.4); python_version < "3" and extra == "ipython" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipykernel (>=4.10); python_version < "3" and extra == "ipython" |
Requires-Dist: |
pywinpty (<0.6,>=0.5); (python_version < "3" and os_name == "nt") and extra == "ipython" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-console (>=5.2); python_version < "3.5" and extra == "ipython" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-client (>=5.3); python_version < "3.5" and extra == "ipython" |
Requires-Dist: |
jedi (<0.18,>=0.17); python_version < "3.9" and extra == "ipython" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (<7.10,>=7.9); (python_version >= "3" and python_version < "3.7") and extra == "ipython" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipykernel (>=5.5); (python_version >= "3" and python_version < "3.8") and extra == "ipython" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=8.27); python_version >= "3.10" and extra == "ipython" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-client (<6.1.13,>=6.1.12); (python_version >= "3.5" and python_version < "3.6") and extra == "ipython" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-console (>=6.1); (python_version >= "3.5" and python_version < "3.7") and extra == "ipython" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-client (>=7.1.2); python_version >= "3.6" and extra == "ipython" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-console (>=6.6); python_version >= "3.7" and extra == "ipython" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=7.34); (python_version >= "3.7" and python_version < "3.8") and extra == "ipython" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipykernel (>=6); python_version >= "3.8" and extra == "ipython" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=8.12); (python_version >= "3.8" and python_version < "3.9") and extra == "ipython" |
Requires-Dist: |
jedi (>=0.19); python_version >= "3.9" and extra == "ipython" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=8.18); (python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10") and extra == "ipython" |
Requires-Dist: |
papermill (>=1.2); extra == "jupyter" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter (>=1.1); extra == "jupyter" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=5.4); python_version < "3" and extra == "jupyter" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipykernel (>=4.10); python_version < "3" and extra == "jupyter" |
Requires-Dist: |
pywinpty (<0.6,>=0.5); (python_version < "3" and os_name == "nt") and extra == "jupyter" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-console (>=5.2); python_version < "3.5" and extra == "jupyter" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-client (>=5.3); python_version < "3.5" and extra == "jupyter" |
Requires-Dist: |
jedi (<0.18,>=0.17); python_version < "3.9" and extra == "jupyter" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (<7.10,>=7.9); (python_version >= "3" and python_version < "3.7") and extra == "jupyter" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipykernel (>=5.5); (python_version >= "3" and python_version < "3.8") and extra == "jupyter" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=8.27); python_version >= "3.10" and extra == "jupyter" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-client (<6.1.13,>=6.1.12); (python_version >= "3.5" and python_version < "3.6") and extra == "jupyter" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-console (>=6.1); (python_version >= "3.5" and python_version < "3.7") and extra == "jupyter" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-client (>=7.1.2); python_version >= "3.6" and extra == "jupyter" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-console (>=6.6); python_version >= "3.7" and extra == "jupyter" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=7.34); (python_version >= "3.7" and python_version < "3.8") and extra == "jupyter" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipykernel (>=6); python_version >= "3.8" and extra == "jupyter" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=8.12); (python_version >= "3.8" and python_version < "3.9") and extra == "jupyter" |
Requires-Dist: |
jedi (>=0.19); python_version >= "3.9" and extra == "jupyter" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=8.18); (python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10") and extra == "jupyter" |
Requires-Dist: |
papermill (>=1.2); extra == "jupyterlab" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter (>=1.1); extra == "jupyterlab" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=5.4); python_version < "3" and extra == "jupyterlab" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipykernel (>=4.10); python_version < "3" and extra == "jupyterlab" |
Requires-Dist: |
pywinpty (<0.6,>=0.5); (python_version < "3" and os_name == "nt") and extra == "jupyterlab" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-console (>=5.2); python_version < "3.5" and extra == "jupyterlab" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-client (>=5.3); python_version < "3.5" and extra == "jupyterlab" |
Requires-Dist: |
jedi (<0.18,>=0.17); python_version < "3.9" and extra == "jupyterlab" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (<7.10,>=7.9); (python_version >= "3" and python_version < "3.7") and extra == "jupyterlab" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipykernel (>=5.5); (python_version >= "3" and python_version < "3.8") and extra == "jupyterlab" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=8.27); python_version >= "3.10" and extra == "jupyterlab" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyterlab (>=2.2); python_version >= "3.5" and extra == "jupyterlab" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-client (<6.1.13,>=6.1.12); (python_version >= "3.5" and python_version < "3.6") and extra == "jupyterlab" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-console (>=6.1); (python_version >= "3.5" and python_version < "3.7") and extra == "jupyterlab" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-client (>=7.1.2); python_version >= "3.6" and extra == "jupyterlab" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-console (>=6.6); python_version >= "3.7" and extra == "jupyterlab" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=7.34); (python_version >= "3.7" and python_version < "3.8") and extra == "jupyterlab" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipykernel (>=6); python_version >= "3.8" and extra == "jupyterlab" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=8.12); (python_version >= "3.8" and python_version < "3.9") and extra == "jupyterlab" |
Requires-Dist: |
jedi (>=0.19); python_version >= "3.9" and extra == "jupyterlab" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=8.18); (python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10") and extra == "jupyterlab" |
Requires-Dist: |
papermill (>=1.2); extra == "jupytext" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter (>=1.1); extra == "jupytext" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=5.4); python_version < "3" and extra == "jupytext" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipykernel (>=4.10); python_version < "3" and extra == "jupytext" |
Requires-Dist: |
pywinpty (<0.6,>=0.5); (python_version < "3" and os_name == "nt") and extra == "jupytext" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-console (>=5.2); python_version < "3.5" and extra == "jupytext" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-client (>=5.3); python_version < "3.5" and extra == "jupytext" |
Requires-Dist: |
jedi (<0.18,>=0.17); python_version < "3.9" and extra == "jupytext" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupytext (>=1.8); python_version >= "3" and extra == "jupytext" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (<7.10,>=7.9); (python_version >= "3" and python_version < "3.7") and extra == "jupytext" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipykernel (>=5.5); (python_version >= "3" and python_version < "3.8") and extra == "jupytext" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=8.27); python_version >= "3.10" and extra == "jupytext" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-client (<6.1.13,>=6.1.12); (python_version >= "3.5" and python_version < "3.6") and extra == "jupytext" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-console (>=6.1); (python_version >= "3.5" and python_version < "3.7") and extra == "jupytext" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-client (>=7.1.2); python_version >= "3.6" and extra == "jupytext" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-console (>=6.6); python_version >= "3.7" and extra == "jupytext" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=7.34); (python_version >= "3.7" and python_version < "3.8") and extra == "jupytext" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipykernel (>=6); python_version >= "3.8" and extra == "jupytext" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=8.12); (python_version >= "3.8" and python_version < "3.9") and extra == "jupytext" |
Requires-Dist: |
jedi (>=0.19); python_version >= "3.9" and extra == "jupytext" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=8.18); (python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10") and extra == "jupytext" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=5.4); python_version < "3" and extra == "kernel" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipykernel (>=4.10); python_version < "3" and extra == "kernel" |
Requires-Dist: |
pywinpty (<0.6,>=0.5); (python_version < "3" and os_name == "nt") and extra == "kernel" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-client (>=5.3); python_version < "3.5" and extra == "kernel" |
Requires-Dist: |
jedi (<0.18,>=0.17); python_version < "3.9" and extra == "kernel" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (<7.10,>=7.9); (python_version >= "3" and python_version < "3.7") and extra == "kernel" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipykernel (>=5.5); (python_version >= "3" and python_version < "3.8") and extra == "kernel" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=8.27); python_version >= "3.10" and extra == "kernel" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-client (<6.1.13,>=6.1.12); (python_version >= "3.5" and python_version < "3.6") and extra == "kernel" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-client (>=7.1.2); python_version >= "3.6" and extra == "kernel" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=7.34); (python_version >= "3.7" and python_version < "3.8") and extra == "kernel" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipykernel (>=6); python_version >= "3.8" and extra == "kernel" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=8.12); (python_version >= "3.8" and python_version < "3.9") and extra == "kernel" |
Requires-Dist: |
jedi (>=0.19); python_version >= "3.9" and extra == "kernel" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=8.18); (python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10") and extra == "kernel" |
Requires-Dist: |
mypy[python2] (>=1.11); extra == "mypy" |
Requires-Dist: |
types-backports (>=0.1); extra == "mypy" |
Requires-Dist: |
typing (>=3.10); python_version < "3.5" and extra == "mypy" |
Requires-Dist: |
numpy (>=1.16); (python_version < "3" and platform_python_implementation == "CPython") and extra == "numpy" |
Requires-Dist: |
numpy (>=1.18); (python_version >= "3.4" and python_version < "3.9") and extra == "numpy" |
Requires-Dist: |
pandas (>=1.1); python_version >= "3.6" and extra == "numpy" |
Requires-Dist: |
numpy (>=1.26); python_version >= "3.9" and extra == "numpy" |
Requires-Dist: |
xarray (>=2024); python_version >= "3.9" and extra == "numpy" |
Requires-Dist: |
pyright (>=1.1); extra == "pyright" |
Requires-Dist: |
types-backports (>=0.1); extra == "pyright" |
Requires-Dist: |
typing (>=3.10); python_version < "3.5" and extra == "pyright" |
Requires-Dist: |
pexpect (>=4); extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
pytest-remotedata (>=0.3); extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
papermill (>=1.2); extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter (>=1.1); extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=5.4); python_version < "3" and extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipykernel (>=4.10); python_version < "3" and extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
pywinpty (<0.6,>=0.5); (python_version < "3" and os_name == "nt") and extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
numpy (>=1.16); (python_version < "3" and platform_python_implementation == "CPython") and extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-console (>=5.2); python_version < "3.5" and extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-client (>=5.3); python_version < "3.5" and extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
xonsh (>=0.9); python_version < "3.6" and extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
pytest (>=3); python_version < "3.6" and extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
jedi (<0.18,>=0.17); python_version < "3.9" and extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (<7.10,>=7.9); (python_version >= "3" and python_version < "3.7") and extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipykernel (>=5.5); (python_version >= "3" and python_version < "3.8") and extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=8.27); python_version >= "3.10" and extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
numpy (>=1.18); (python_version >= "3.4" and python_version < "3.9") and extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-client (<6.1.13,>=6.1.12); (python_version >= "3.5" and python_version < "3.6") and extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-console (>=6.1); (python_version >= "3.5" and python_version < "3.7") and extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
pandas (>=1.1); python_version >= "3.6" and extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-client (>=7.1.2); python_version >= "3.6" and extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
pytest (>=7); (python_version >= "3.6" and python_version < "3.8") and extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
xonsh (>=0.11); (python_version >= "3.6" and python_version < "3.9") and extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
jupyter-console (>=6.6); python_version >= "3.7" and extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=7.34); (python_version >= "3.7" and python_version < "3.8") and extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
pytest (<8.1,>=8.0); python_version >= "3.8" and extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipykernel (>=6); python_version >= "3.8" and extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=8.12); (python_version >= "3.8" and python_version < "3.9") and extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
numpy (>=1.26); python_version >= "3.9" and extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
jedi (>=0.19); python_version >= "3.9" and extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
xarray (>=2024); python_version >= "3.9" and extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
xonsh (>=0.18); python_version >= "3.9" and extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
ipython (>=8.18); (python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10") and extra == "tests" |
Requires-Dist: |
watchdog (>=0.10); extra == "watch" |
Requires-Dist: |
xonsh (>=0.9); python_version < "3.6" and extra == "xonsh" |
Requires-Dist: |
xonsh (>=0.11); (python_version >= "3.6" and python_version < "3.9") and extra == "xonsh" |
Requires-Dist: |
xonsh (>=0.18); python_version >= "3.9" and extra == "xonsh" |
Provides-Extra: |
all |
Provides-Extra: |
dev |
Provides-Extra: |
docs |
Provides-Extra: |
ipython |
Provides-Extra: |
jupyter |
Provides-Extra: |
jupyterlab |
Provides-Extra: |
jupytext |
Provides-Extra: |
kernel |
Provides-Extra: |
mypy |
Provides-Extra: |
numpy |
Provides-Extra: |
pyright |
Provides-Extra: |
tests |
Provides-Extra: |
watch |
Provides-Extra: |
xonsh |
License-File: |