Reverse Dependencies of cmocean
The following projects have a declared dependency on cmocean:
- Akvo — Surface nuclear magnetic resonance workbench
- ark-analysis — Toolbox for analysis on segmented images from MIBI.
- bandsos — .. danger::
- blendernc — Blender add-on to import datasets (netCDF, grib, and zarr)
- bluemath-tk — Module collection for custom climate data analysis. The main objective of this Python package is to provide a set of statistical tools tailored for climate data analysis, with a focus on statistical classification and prediction.
- cleanplots — Nice looking MPL plots
- cool-maps — Helper functions around cartopy for plotting data on maps. These functions are written to easily generate nice-looking maps.
- cyclophaser — Determine phases from extratropical cyclone life cycle
- django-large-image — Dynamic tile server in Django built on top of large-image (and GDAL)
- dnplot — Plotting of data imported by the DNORA package
- ecco_v4_py — Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO) Version 4 Python Package
- echopype — Enhancing the interoperability and scalability in analyzing ocean sonar data
- efshape — Package Dependency: Validates package requirements
- empyre — Electron Microscopy Python Reconstruction
- ensembleperturbation — perturbation of coupled model input over a space of input variables
- esm-viz — esm-viz allows you to monitor and visualize ongoing simulations
- ESMValTool — ESMValTool: A community diagnostic and performance metrics tool for routine evaluation of Earth system models in CMIP.
- geovista — Cartographic rendering and mesh analytics powered by PyVista
- gerg_plotting — no summary
- gliderad2cp — process glider AD2CP data
- grad-descent-visualizer — A package for visualizing test functions and gradient descent.
- gridemissions — no summary
- joe-lab — A package for solving 1+1-dimensional PDEs quickly and accurately with Fourier spectral discretization in space and high-order time-stepping.
- kemstem — An atomic resolution STEM image analysis package developed in the Kourkoutis Electron Microscopy group at Cornell University.
- labcodes — Simple routines for superconducting quantum circuits.
- ldcpy — A library for lossy compression of netCDF files using xarray
- llyr — micromagnetic post processing library
- LorenzCycleToolkit — no summary
- MapPlotter — 2D map plots of data and NetCDF files using Cartopy
- mpl-visual-context — no summary
- nereus — no summary
- ocean-wave-tracing — Ocean wave tracing
- oceanstream — OceanStream: process raw sonar data at scale
- OpenDrift — OpenDrift - a framework for ocean trajectory modeling
- openmapflow — Creating maps with machine learning models and earth observation data.
- orcestra — Tools around the ORCESTRA field campaign
- pastax — **P**arameterizable **A**uto-differentiable **S**imulators of ocean **T**rajectories in j**AX**.
- PteraSoftware — This is an open-source, unsteady aerodynamics solver for analyzing flapping-wing flight.
- pycmap — Simons CMAP API python client
- pyfesom2 — FESOM2 tools
- pyicon-diagnostics — Diagnostic python software package for ICON
- pymtlibs — Slepian Scale-Discretised Wavelets in Python
- PyOPIA — A Python Ocean Particle Image Analysis toolbox.
- pyplume-dhi — A library for reading, manipulating, and analyzing TRDI ADCP data and SeaBird CTD data.
- pyRSKTools — A simple Python toolbox to open RSK SQLite files generated by RBR instruments.
- pyvista — Easier Pythonic interface to VTK
- pyzfn — micromagnetic post processing library
- ReGrid — Grid conversion utilities for multiphase flow modelling software
- robertsons-rules — A tool for making paper ready plots
- scahpy — Package to process and analyze outputs from IGP-RESM-COW model
- scarf — Scarf: A scalable tool for single-cell omics data analysis
- scicomap — data visualization on maps with varying levels of granularity
- seagliderOG1 — Convert from Seaglider basestation to OG1 format
- sithom — General utility scripts
- ski — ski is a package for educational purposes
- sleplet — Slepian Scale-Discretised Wavelets in Python
- snowav — Snow and Water Model Analysis and Visualization
- stompy-ocean — Various python modules related to modeling and oceanographic data analysis.
- sviewgui — Package Dependency: Validates package requirements
- synthpops — Synthetic contact network generation
- thisnotthat — Tools for interactive visualization and exploration of _data maps_
- tomographic-kernel — A Tomographic Kernel in JAX for tomographic Gaussian processes.
- VirtualFleet — ``Virtual Fleet`` is a Python package to compute and analyse simulations of virtual Argo float trajectories.
- wam2layers — Atmospheric moisture tracking model
- wanda-api-parameters — Python parameterscript using the Wanda API (pywanda)
- xagg — Aggregating raster data over polygons
- xcmocean — Opinionated xarray accessor for choosing colormaps
- xcube-core — xcube is a Python package for generating and exploiting data cubes powered by xarray, dask, and zarr.
- xglider — Generic tools to handle underwater gliders' data
- xoa — xarray-based ocean analysis library