Reverse Dependencies of cmasher
The following projects have a declared dependency on cmasher:
- ark-analysis — Toolbox for analysis on segmented images from MIBI.
- astro-tulips — Creates diagrams of stellar structures and their evolution
- AstroToolkit — A package for the gathering, plotting and analysis of astronomical data.
- cosmoglobe — cosmoglobe is a python package that interfaces the Cosmoglobe Sky Model with commander3 outputs for the purpose of producing astrophysical sky maps.
- dynamiqs — High-performance quantum systems simulation with JAX (GPU-accelerated & differentiable solvers).
- geomapviz — Geographical visualization
- guipy — An easy plotting GUI for Python
- jaxspec — jaxspec is a bayesian spectral fitting library for X-ray astronomy.
- lightquakevisualizer — A collection of scripts to visualize SeisSol output using pyvista
- Prism — PRISM: An alternative to MCMC for rapid analysis of models
- pryngles — PlanetaRY spanGLES: general photometry of planets, rings and shadows
- pymcfost — MCFOST post-processing in Python'
- scicomap — data visualization on maps with varying levels of granularity
- shadems — Rapid Measurement Set plotting with dask-ms and datashader
- solarmach — Multi-spacecraft longitudinal configuration plotter
- spluscalib — S-PLUS calibration pipeline
- synthpops — Synthetic contact network generation
- twind — Twind: TIGRESS Wind Launching Model and Sampler
- vape4d — Volume 4D Visualization
- wilson3d — Tool to create animation files for Wilson