Reverse Dependencies of cloud-volume
The following projects have a declared dependency on cloud-volume:
- ac-segmentation — Segmentation for Axonal Connectomics
- banc — Tools for the GridTape-TEM dataset of an adult female fly's Brain And Nerve Cord
- bikinibottom — Take pixels from a cloudvolume and push it somewhere else
- brainlit — Code to process and analyze brainlit data
- caveclient — A client for interacting with the Connectome Annotation Versioning Engine
- chunkflow — Large Scale 3d Convolution Net Inference
- cirrus-volume — Making happy (well-documented) CloudVolumes
- CloudReg — Automatic terabyte-scale cross-modal brain volume registration
- corgie — Connectomics Registration General Inference Engine
- fafbseg — Tools to work with auto-segmented FAFB data
- fanc-fly — Tools for the Female Adult Nerve Cord Drosophila EM dataset
- florin — Fast image segmentation without needing to learn a thing.
- igneous-pipeline — Manage, Downsample, Mesh, Skeletonize, and Transform Neuroglancer Datasets
- imageryclient — Front end tools for composite images for EM connectomics
- mesh-processing-tools — Utility functions for mesh representation objects (like trimesh) and manipulations using 3rd party packages (CGAL, Meshlab, etc.)
- meshparty — a service to work with meshes
- meta-array-beta — Snark Meta
- metroem — Metric learning optimization pyramid for EM alignment
- microns-utils — utilities for MICrONS
- mircat-stats — Mirshahi CT Analysis Toolkit (MirCAT), stats and dicom conversion only. Convert and Quantify CT NIfTI files.
- mircato — Add your description here
- mircato-stats — Statistics only version of MirCATo for CT image analysis. Much smaller build without torch.
- navis — Neuron Analysis and Visualization library
- neuroboom — A suite of python tools for visualisation and analysis of Connectomic data
- ngtools — Build and manipulate Neuroglancer scenes
- pcg-skel — Skeletonization using the pychunkedgraph
- provenance-toolbox — Some basic utilities to standardize the use of CloudVolume provenance files
- pyroglancer — Pythonic interface to neuroglancer for displaying neuronal and synaptic data
- sand-atlas — A python package for processing 3d volumetric data to build meshes for the Sand Atlas data repository