Reverse Dependencies of clldutils
The following projects have a declared dependency on clldutils:
- beastling — Command line tool to help mortal linguists use BEAST
- cdstarcat — Manage objects in a CDSTAR instance through a catalog
- cldfbench — Python library implementing a CLDF workbench
- cldfgeojson — Functionality to access and curate GeoJSON in CLDF datasets
- cldflex — Convert FLEx data to CLDF-ready CSV.
- cldfviz — A cldfbench plugin to create vizualisations of CLDF datasets
- cldfzenodo — Functionality to retrieve CLDF datasets deposited on Zenodo
- clld-markdown-plugin — Render CLDF markdown in clld apps.
- clldappconfig — Remote control for DLCE apps
- clldlucl — Python library supporting development of CLLD apps maintained by LUCL
- clldmpg — Python library supporting development of CLLD apps maintained by MPI EVA
- cltoolkit — A Python Library for the Processing of Cross-Linguistic Data
- collabutils — Utilities for collaborative data curation
- datasette-cldf — datasette plugin to explore CLDF datasets
- getcl — Python Package for the Mapping of Conceptlists
- idspy — Python library providing shared code for IDS datasets
- lexedata — Tools to edit lexical data in CLDF, and transform it to and from other well-known formats.
- linglit — Programmatic access to linguistic literature
- lingpy — Python library for quantitative tasks in historical linguistics
- multicode — A python package to help avoid pitfalls when using unicode for linguistic data.
- phlorest — A cldfbench plugin to curate language phylogenies
- poepy — A Python library for handling annotated rhymes.
- pyacc — Python library
- pyamsd — Python library for AMSD data curation
- pyasjp — programmatic access to ASJP
- pycldf — A python library to read and write CLDF datasets
- pyclics — creating colexification networks from lexical data
- pyclts — Programmatic access to CLTS
- pyconcepticon — programmatic curation of concepticon-data
- pydictionaria — no summary
- pydplace — A cldfbench plugin to curate D-PLACE datasets
- pyetymdict — Programmatic curation of etymological dictionaries in CLDF
- pygeoroc — programmatic access to GEOROC data
- pyglottography — Programmatic curation of Glottography datasets
- pyglottolog — python package for glottolog data curation
- pygrambank — A python library to curate Grambank data
- pyigt — A Python library for handling inter-linear-glossed text.
- pylexibank — Python library implementing the lexibank workbench
- pylexirumah — programmatic access to lexirumah-data
- pynorare — A Python library to handle NoRaRe data
- pynumerals — Helper library for numeralbank projects
- pypofatu — programmatic access to pofatu-data
- pyradigms — Composing and decomposing linguistic paradigms.
- pysem — Python library for manipulating semantic data in linguistics
- python-nexus — A nexus (phylogenetics) file reader (.nex, .trees)
- pytsammalex — Python library
- pytular — TuLaR curation library
- pyvoices — Python library to curate "* Voices" data
- unboxer — Extract shoebox and toolbox data to CSV files.
- zenodoclient — programmatic access to Zenodo