Reverse Dependencies of click-log
The following projects have a declared dependency on click-log:
- access-undenied-aws — Access Undenied on AWS by Ermetic - parses AWS AccessDenied CloudTrail events, explains the reasons for them, and offers actionable fixes.
- agda-pkg — A package manager for Agda
- aiocouch — 🛋 An asynchronous client library for CouchDB 2.x and 3.x
- allusgov — This project attempts to map the organization of the US Federal Government by gathering and consolidating information from various directories.
- alphashape — Toolbox for generating alpha shapes.
- amanzi.orca — A cli tool for orchestrating model workflows
- amarps — Download amazon product reviews and the reviewers profile information
- amtool — The Artifacts Management Tool is meant to be a generic means of storing and manipulating artifact data in a human readable text format ideal for colaborative work.
- anji-core — Core of AnjiProject, desctibuted ChatOps system
- annalise-confluence-junction — Publish to and manage Confluence spaces with markdown files tracked in Git.
- annif — Automated subject indexing and classification tool
- apd — Tool to access the Analysis production Data
- apparate — Update libraries on Databricks
- arctic-ai — Python package for Arctic Workflow. Mirrors jupyter developments.
- arma-server-tools — no summary
- autoretouch — cli and python package to communicate with the autoRetouch API
- aws-access-undenied — AWS Access Undenied by Ermetic - parses AWS AccessDenied CloudTrail events, explains the reasons for them, and offers actionable fixes.
- aws-lambda-python-packager — Description
- bdating-common — Bdating common libraries standard library
- bdating-python-common — Bdating common libraries standard library
- bellows — Library implementing EZSP
- bellows-homeassistant — Library implementing EZSP
- bigbluebutton2 — Sophisticated Python client library for BigBlueButton™ with Django integration
- bitwarden — Cross Platform Bitwarden library and CLI with sudolikeaboss.
- blockout — Automate block management on Twitter
- bolster — Bolster's Brain, you've been warned
- bookshelf-producer — Publishing utilities for bookshelf books
- cachefunk — Sitemap.xml cache warmer
- carlae.cli — Carlae's CLI
- cf2tf — Convert Cloudformation Templates to Terraform.
- chessboard — CLI to solve combinatoric chess puzzles.
- cinnamon-udev-locker — Lock Cinnamon desktop session on device removal (i.e YubiKey)
- cleanmymac — A simple utility to clean your mac of old stuff
- clk — A framework to help you have an awesome CLI
- co2mpas — The Type-Approving vehicle simulator predicting NEDC CO2 emissions from WLTP
- co2mpas-dice — no summary
- commisery — Commisery is a package to help check whether given commit messages adhere to Conventional Commits. Specifically, it checks the syntax and some small aspects of the semantics.
- component-contribution — A method for estimating the standard reaction Gibbs energy of biochemical reactions
- confluence-junction — Publish to and manage Confluence spaces with markdown files tracked in Git.
- confluence-utils — no summary
- constellate-app — Render Jupyter Notebooks as beautiful interactive webapps
- conviso-cli — no summary
- conviso-flowcli — no summary
- cookie-composer — Create new projects from a composition of several templates
- CosmoTech-Acceleration-Library — Acceleration libraries for CosmoTech cloud based solution development
- cosmotech-run-orchestrator — Orchestration suite for Cosmotech Run Templates
- CostReduce — no summary
- cronicle — Use cron to rotate backup files!
- csc-validator-be-903 — Shared module for validating SSDA903 census data using DfE rules.
- csc-validator-be-cin — Shared module for validating CIN census data using DfE rules.
- CTP-client — ctp-client is a Python client for [Clinical Trials Processor](
- cuttle — no summary
- cyvl-python-semantic-release — Automatic Semantic Versioning for Python projects
- date-format-machine — Tool for manipulating date strings
- db-hooks — A simple sqlalchemy connection configuration manager
- dcos-monitor — a dcos introspection tool
- deep-ast — Walks the entire AST tree, including calls to other functions.
- detectem — Detect software in websites.
- dfgen — A little tool to generate commonly used ci/cd templates like Dockerfiles.
- diffy — Forensic differentiator
- — Dinbrief made easy
- dinghy — Dinghy daily digest tool
- dkube-cicd-controller — CICD controller to automate component building, pipeline deployment to DKube.
- dlq-redeem — AWS SQS dead letter queue (DLQ) message inspection and cleanup automation tool
- doxysphinx — Integrates doxygen html documentation with sphinx.
- drain-swamp — Python build backend with build plugins and dependency lock switch
- eastern — Simple Kubernetes Deployment
- easy-infra — no summary
- ecs-tool — ecs-tool tries to eliminate common caveats for your day-to-day work with Elastic Container Service (ECS).
- edlm — no summary
- edx-lint — edX-authored pylint checkers
- edx-repo-tools — This repo contains a number of tools Open edX uses for working with GitHub repositories.
- enabler-keitaro-inc — Enabler is a CLI application built for making life easier when working on microservice-based applications. Through this package we can create, edit and execute custom commands to configure microservices.
- equilibrator-api — Calculation of standard thermodynamic potentials of biochemical reactions
- equilibrator-assets — Generate cache assets from MetaNetX content.
- equilibrator-cache — Cache application for compounds, reactions, and enzymes
- equilibrator-pathway — Pathway analysis tools by eQuilibrator
- erpbrasil.edoc.gen — Generate Brazil Edoc with GenerateDS
- fb-sapp — Static Analysis Post-Processor for processing taint analysis results.
- FlaskBB — A classic Forum Software in Python using Flask.
- fluctuate — A simple migration utility for Fauna DB.
- fluidtopics-markdown — A Markdown to FluidTopics command line tool
- freestyle-hid — Python implementation of the HID protocol used by Abbott FreeStyle devices
- frutils — Utilities for frkl projects.
- game-extraction-toolbox — CLI Tools for investigating game files and extracting known packages
- genotype-variants — Project to genotype SNV, INDEL and SV.
- GGTS — This library allows to compress, visualize, generate and process sequences of geographic locations.
- ghak — no summary
- glink2 — no summary
- gpt-readme-reader — A utility to extract setup commands from a GitHub repository
- hident — no summary
- homeassistant_cli — Command-line tool for Home Assistant.
- homeslice — dotfiles and :pizza: management
- honk — Tool for dumping output of HTTP requests
- hopic — In order to simplify the CI configuration we are switching away from the generic jenkins shared pipeline which is completely written in Groovy. Instead we are switching to the Hopic project which only has a minimal CI driver component written in Groovy with the rest written in Python. With Hopic local debugging is made significantly easier.
- hs — Hydro-serving command line tool
- huehue — no summary
- hycli — Hypatos cli tool to batch extract documents through the API and to compare the results.
- ibkrbox — box spread utility for interactive brokers
- illuminatio — The kubernetes network policy validator.