Reverse Dependencies of cli-helpers
The following projects have a declared dependency on cli-helpers:
- athenacli — CLI for Athena Database. With auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
- conference-radar — Track conferences and meetups on your terminal.
- databricks-sql-cli — A DBCLI client for Databricks SQL
- dbsqlcli — no summary
- duckcli — CLI for DuckDB with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
- irissqlcli — CLI for SQL of InterSystems IRIS Databases with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
- iusql — CLI for Uptycs platform with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
- lakecli — CLI for Athena Database and AWS Lake Formation. With auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
- litecli — CLI for SQLite Databases with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
- mycli — CLI for MySQL Database. With auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
- mzcli — CLI for the Materialize streaming database. With auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
- odfe-sql-cli — Open Distro for Elasticsearch SQL CLI with auto-completion and syntax highlighting
- opensearchsql — OpenSearch SQL CLI with auto-completion and syntax highlighting
- pgcli — CLI for Postgres Database. With auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
- piedpy — Powerful Command-line toolkit for MySQL Database.
- pycronorg — a simple sdk
- rockset-sqlcli — Rockset SQL REPL for `rock sql`
- spanner-cli — A Python cli REPL client for Google Cloud Spanner.
- urestapi — Uptycs Rest API call highlighting.
- usql — CLI for Uptycs platform with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
- vyd-coala — Linting and Fixing Code for All Languages