Reverse Dependencies of chex
The following projects have a declared dependency on chex:
- absl-extra — A wrapper to run and monitor absl app.
- acni — A Jax/Optax implementation of Anticorrelated Noise Injection for Improved Generalization
- aigs — no summary
- alpa — Alpa automatically parallelizes large tensor computation graphs and runs them on a distributed cluster.
- alphafold — An implementation of the inference pipeline of AlphaFold v2.0.This is a completely new model that was entered as AlphaFold2 in CASP14 and published in Nature.
- alphafold-colabfold — An implementation of the inference pipeline of AlphaFold v2.3.1. This is a completely new model that was entered as AlphaFold2 in CASP14 and published in Nature. This package contains patches for colabfold.
- alphafold-kagglefold — An implementation of the inference pipeline of AlphaFold v2.0.This is a completely new model that was entered as AlphaFold2 in CASP14 and published in Nature. This package contains patches for kagglefold
- alphapulldown — Pipeline allows massive screening using alphafold
- ARLBench — Python Boilerplate that contains all the code you need to create a Python package.
- audiotree — Audio data loading and augmentations in JAX
- axlearn — AXLearn
- bax — A flexible trainer interface for Jax and Haiku.
- bayes-jones — Bayesian inference of Jones matrices.
- bfastor — Fast cryo-EM B-factor refinement
- biorobot — The Bio-inspired Robotics Testbed (BRT).
- boax — Boax is a Bayesian Optimization library for JAX.
- bojaxns — Bayesian Optimisation with JAXNS
- catx — Contextual Bandits with Continuous Actions in JAX
- chemise — Wrapper for training flax models
- chemtrain — Machine-learning deep molecular dynamics potentials.
- chromatix — Differentiable computational optics library using JAX!
- cmonge — Extension of the Monge Gap to learn conditional optimal transport maps
- coax — Plug-n-play reinforcement learning with Gymnasium and JAX
- cr-wavelets — Wavelets with JAX
- craftax — An open-world environment for training RL agents
- dataclass-array — Dataclasses that behave like numpy arrays (with indexing, slicing, vectorization).
- deepqmc — Deep-learning quantum Monte Carlo for electrons in real space
- differt — Differentiable Ray Tracing Toolbox for Radio Propagation Simulations
- DiffeRT2d — 2D Toolbox for Differentiable Ray Tracing
- diffilqrax — Differentiable iLQR algorithm for dynamical systems
- dinosaur-dycore — no summary
- distrax — Distrax: Probability distributions in JAX.
- dm-clrs — The CLRS Algorithmic Reasoning Benchmark.
- dm-pix — PIX is an image processing library in JAX, for JAX.
- dopamax — Reinforcement learning in pure JAX.
- esch — esch (v.) : to turn matricies into high quality svg (animations)
- esquilax — JAX multi-agent simulation and ML toolset
- etils — Collection of common python utils
- evosax — JAX-Based Evolution Strategies
- evox — evox
- exciting-environments — Physical differential equations wrapped into Gymnasium environments
- fibermc — A Jax-based differentiable Monte Carlo estimator with applications to differentiable simulation, computational geometry, and topology optimization.
- fjformer — Embark on a journey of paralleled/unparalleled computational prowess with FJFormer in JAX
- flashbax — Flashbax is an experience replay library oriented around JAX. Tailored to integrate seamlessly with JAX's Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation.
- gemseo-jax — GEMSEO plugin for JAX (jit compilation, autodiff, XLA)
- google-vizier — Open Source Vizier: Distributed service framework for blackbox optimization and research.
- google-vizier-dev — Open Source Vizier: Distributed service framework for blackbox optimization and research.
- gymnax — JAX-compatible version of Open AI's gym environments
- helax — Python package for computing helicity amplitudes
- jaims — Library for jax based affine-invariant MCMC sampling
- jax-dimenet — DimeNet++ in Jax.
- jax-flash-attn2 — Flash Attention Implementation with Multiple Backend Support and Sharding This module provides a flexible implementation of Flash Attention with support for different backends (GPU, TPU, CPU) and platforms (Triton, Pallas, JAX).
- jax-moseq — no summary
- jax-scalify — JAX Scalify: end-to-end scaled arithmetic.
- jax-tqdm — Tqdm progress bar for JAX scans and loops
- jaxagents — JAX implementation of Reinforcement Learning agents
- jaxformers — 'Attention is all you need' in JAX (Flax)
- jaxmarl — Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with JAX
- jit-env — A Jax interface for Reinforcement Learning environments.
- jumanji — A diverse suite of scalable reinforcement learning environments in JAX
- juxai-s2 — JUX is a jax-accelerated engine for Lux-2022.
- juxai2022 — JUX is a jax-accelerated engine for Lux-2022.
- juxtapose — no summary
- kauldron — Kauldron is a ML research library optimized for quick iteration and modularity.
- lipsutils — Internal utilities shared by the Princeton LIPS group.
- mapc-dcf — IEEE 802.11 DCF Simulator
- mapc-sim — IEEE 802.11 MAPC (C-SR) simulator
- mctx — Monte Carlo tree search in JAX.
- minimax-lib — Efficient baselines for autocurricula in JAX
- mlorax — MLoRAx is a minimalist library for low-rank adaptation designd to effortlessly enable parameter-efficient training for Transformer-based models.
- modularbayes — Modular Bayesian Inference.
- MOGPJax — Didactic multi-output Gaussian processes in Jax.
- momaland — A standard API for Multi-Objective Multi-Agent Decision making and a diverse set of reference environments.
- moojoco — A unified framework for implementing and interfacing with MuJoCo and MuJoCo-XLA simulation environments.
- moss-rl — A Python library for Reinforcement Learning.
- mpax — MPAX: Mathematical Programming in JAX
- mubelnet — Deep Bayesian unsupervised decoder networks. Use poisson or multinomial belief networks to cluster count data.
- neuralgcm — no summary
- neuroflex — An advanced neural network framework with interpretability, generalization, robustness, and fairness features
- nextgenjax — A JAX-based neural network library surpassing Google DeepMind's Haiku and Optax
- optax — A gradient processing and optimization library in JAX.
- orbax-checkpoint — Orbax Checkpoint
- orbax-export — Orbax Export
- ott-jax — Optimal Transport Tools in JAX
- paltax — Strong lensing package using jax
- pancax — no summary
- pax3 — A stateful pytree library for training neural networks.
- phyjax2d — 2D physics simulation by Jax
- praxis — Functionalities such as a layers for building neural networks in Jax.
- precondition-opt — Preconditioning optimizers.
- probabilistic-reconciliation — Probabilistic reconciliation of time series forecasts
- protes — Method PROTES (PRobabilistic Optimizer with TEnsor Sampling) for derivative-free optimization of the multidimensional arrays and discretized multivariate functions based on the tensor train (TT) format
- ptyrodactyl — Ptychography through differentiable programming in JAX
- pyrovelocity — A multivariate RNA Velocity model to estimate future cell states with uncertainty using probabilistic modeling with pyro.
- qdax — A Python Library for Quality-Diversity and NeuroEvolution
- queuinx — Queuinx: A library for performance evaluation in Jax
- ramsey — Probabilistic deep learning using JAX
- reinforced-lib — Reinforcement learning library
- rheedium — Differentiable RHEED simulations in JAX
- rlax — A library of reinforcement learning building blocks in JAX.