Reverse Dependencies of cfgv
The following projects have a declared dependency on cfgv:
- ai-python — Microsoft AI Python Package
- aibro — Serverless model training
- aider-chat — Aider is AI pair programming in your terminal
- algo-crawler — Crawl algorithm problems from any website
- apollo-sdk — A radically simple framework for ML/AI model management
- aprsd — APRSd is a APRS-IS server that can be used to connect to APRS-IS and send and receive APRS packets.
- artifactory-cleanup — Rules and cleanup policies for Artifactory
- before-commit — A fork of the popular framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks.
- bermuda-ledger — A module for manipulating insurance loss triangles
- bitwarden-to-keepass — A simple little script that backs up a Bitwarden vault to a local KeePass file.
- btrfs2s3 — Snapshot btrfs volumes and back them up to s3
- buildrunner — Docker-based build tool
- cased-cli — A CLI tool for managing cloud infrastructure
- cex-adaptors — no summary
- cfg-analysis-tool-py — CFG Analysis Tool
- changeguard — CLI to check if any of the original files in a repository/directory change over the course of a precommit script.
- chemscad — GUI application for the creation of Reactionware.
- cligon — A small program to check the status of URLs
- coinbaseadvanced — Coinbase Advanced Trade API client library.
- comfy-catapult — Programmatically schedule ComfyUI workflows.
- darbiadev-hermes — Shipping tooling
- darbiadev-sands — A wrapper for S&S' API.
- deploya-aider-chat — Aider is AI pair programming in your terminal
- dev-install — Dev is AI pair programming in your terminal
- diffy — Forensic differentiator
- domaps — Python library for dynamic organellar maps
- drain-swamp — Python build backend with build plugins and dependency lock switch
- drop-backend — API and Command line tools for building drop
- dverse-agent-python — A package for creating an Agent for the DVerse platform.
- eagle-kaist — Stock Extractor library
- epicure-utils — A common utils Python library. Don't write that one little function again!
- ezflow — A PyTorch library for optical flow estimation using neural networks
- Find-Sitemap — A set of data tools in Python
- fishsound-finder — Python software to automatically detect fish sounds in passive acoustic recordings
- flask-flac — Flask based library to help structure an application with an eye towards CLI apps, not just web.
- geotify — geotify
- ghubunix — Browse GitHub like it is Unix
- git_code_debt — A dashboard for monitoring code debt in a git repository.
- graphqler — A cutting edge context aware GraphQL API fuzzing tool!
- gsy-frameworke — GSy Framework
- hanzo-dev — Dev is AI pair programming in your terminal
- hanzo-developer — Dev is AI pair programming in your terminal
- hip-data-ml-utils — Common Python tools and utilities for Hipages ML work
- hmd-cli-repo — Implementation for repo cli command
- hmk1 — A package that is quite pointless
- hyper-connect — python SDK package for hyper
- input4mips-validation — Validation of input4MIPs data (checking file formats, metadata etc.).
- jampp-reporting-api-client — Client for Reporting API.
- kayalab — UI to create virtual machines and install HPE Ezmeral products.
- lemur — Certificate management and orchestration service
- lftools — Linux Foundation Release Engineering Tools
- libmv — a library to create music videos
- libvisualwebarena — This is an unofficial, use-at-your-own risks port of the visualwebarena benchmark, for use as a standalone library package.
- ljdv384ytwg7w3y — AI software engineer
- llmcode-chat — Llmcode is AI pair programming in your terminal
- logging-strict — logging.config yaml strict typing and editable
- lst-pressure — Determine periods of "LST pressure" by querying for intersections between LST/Solar intervals
- lswifi — a CLI-centric Wi-Fi scanning tool for Windows
- mario-addons — More commands for Mario.
- mdreftidy — CLI to tidy ({renumber,move-to-bottom,sort,clean}) up {image,link} references for markdown.
- mdremotifier — Remotify local links in; Make markdown READMEs self contained for publication to sites other than GH, such as npm, pypi.
- motherbot — Final project for Python course => MotherBot
- nerv — Neuroimaging Results Visualization
- neuronsphere — Python bundle for all public NeuronSphere components
- no-name-bot — Python noname bot
- nucypher — A threshold access control application to empower privacy in decentralized systems.
- odd-cli — Command line tool for working with OpenDataDiscovery.
- omdenalore — AI for Good library
- pcapprocessor — A simple PCAP processor
- pencil-pusher — A python package that compiles source documentation and publishes it to the repo wiki
- pollboy — Check RSS feed for new posts and send notifications
- ppieces — A command-line utility to streamline the setup of new Python projects.
- pproto-py — pproto_py is Python implementation of "Point Of View" communication protocol
- pre-commit — A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks.
- pre-commit-ci-config — validation for configuration
- pre-commit-pegi18 — A fork of the pre-commit framework ( that allows modifications and non-zero return codes
- prefect-duckdb — Prefect intergrations with DuckDB.
- pycwatch-lib — A client library for the Cryptowatch Rest API.
- python-rektor-monitor — no summary
- pyxote — auto installer make with python
- RCAEval — RCAEval: A Benchmark for Root Cause Analysis of Microservice Systems
- realsense-copilot — RealSense Copilot is AI programming for Intel RealSense cameras in your terminal
- remax-pipeline — A Python package designed for scraping data from Remax, enabling local use and integration with Celery for handling ETL workers tasks.
- reqs-cli — no summary
- robot-chat — RobotChat is AI robotics programming in your terminal
- rooster-client — Rooster Python client
- rssreruns — Rebroadcast old RSS/Atom feed items to a new feed, in shuffled or chronological order.
- rsynccheck — Check the completeness of an rsync operation.
- running-analyzer — A CLI tool to analyze running data
- SeCureLI — Secure Project Manager
- semvergit — Manage your project's version numbers.
- slack-message-pipe — a library for reading a Slack channel's message history as simple Python data structures
- snipinator — Python code snippets for markdown files, e.g READMEs, from actual (testable) code.
- solcix — A Python wrapper for the Solidity compiler. Switch between versions, compile, and manage artifacts.
- sphinx-external-toc-strict — A sphinx extension that allows the site-map to be defined in a single YAML file.
- squirrel-writer — A command line program to track writing progress
- surrortg — surrortg
- testgailbot002 — GailBot API
- testgailbotapi — GailBot Test API
- testgailbotapi001 — GailBot Test API