Reverse Dependencies of certifi
The following projects have a declared dependency on certifi:
- 0x-sra-client — Standard Relayer REST API Client
- 170051277-trab-final-gces — Pacote utilizado para o deploy do trabalho final da disciplina Gerência de Configuração e Evolução de Software (GCES).
- 2022-2-gces-ifpf — no summary
- 2Keys — A easy to setup second keyboard, designed for everyone.
- 42di — 42di is the python sdk for
- 58 — 抓58同城的电话号码
- 7pack — no summary
- 8a-scraper — A Python client for scraping data from
- 9gag-scraper — A simple 9GAG scraper
- a28 — A set of resources and tools to help developers create packages for the Area28 application.
- a2grunnerp — A2G Runner for Local Workflow
- aaiopay — Asynchronous module for working with the aaio API
- aamp-app — AAMP App
- aark-sdk — no summary
- AaronBlaser-SDK — SDK for the lord of the rings API
- aas-python-http-client — Python Client for DotAAS Part 2 | HTTP/REST | Entire API Collection
- aba_cli_scrapper — Scrappe all products and theirs related suppliers existing on Alibaba based on keywords provided by user and save results into a database (Mysql/Sqlite).
- abaci-users — A reusable Django users app
- Abigale2 — This project is inherited from the original [Abigale](, with the folloing improvements/changes:.
- AboutCode — Document the provenance (origin and license) of third-party software using small text files. Collect inventories, generate attribution documentation.
- aboutcode-toolkit — AboutCode-toolkit is a tool to document the provenance (origin and license) of third-party software using small text files. Collect inventories and generate attribution documentation.
- abstract-python-email-validation — AbstractEmailValidation - Wrapper to quickly start using the powerful AbstractAPI's email validation service in your projects.
- abstract-python-exchange-rates — AbstractExchangeRates - Wrapper to quickly start using the powerful AbstractAPI's exchange rates service in your projects.
- abstract-python-ip-geolocation — AbstractIpGeolocation - Wrapper to quickly start using the powerful AbstractAPI's IP geolocation service in your projects.
- abstract-python-phone-validation — AbstractPhoneValidation - Wrapper to quickly start using the powerful AbstractAPI's Phone Validation service in your projects.
- ac_solver — no summary
- accomate — Accoladez + Automate = Accomate
- account-generator-helper — This library is helpful when creating accounts, it has everything you need for this
- accuhit-db — accuhit database common library
- acme-python-sdk — Client for OpenAPI Petstore
- act-workflow — A library for executing workflow nodes based on Actfile configuration
- acutracer — A Acuvity tracer that instruments the http calls
- adab — مكتبة بايثون مبنية على موقع، موقع الاشعار والمواضيع الادبية
- adapi-sdk — Sangfor AD API
- adaptive-boxes — Python package for rectangular decomposition of 2D scenes/binary images
- adc-streaming — Astronomy Data Commons streaming client libraries
- add-testing — A sample testing app
- ADDU — ADDU is a cli tool for creating and managing Dockerized ROS Environments
- adeso — Application for Decryption, Encryption and Steganographic Operations
- adimis-graph-builder — Core utilities for the Adimis toolbox.
- advanced-aidb — ai for your database
- adversarial-labeller — Sklearn compatiable model instance labelling tool to help validate models in situations involving data drift.
- advoservice-integration — AdvoService Integration API
- adzerk-decision-sdk — Adzerk Decision SDK
- aef-gw — AEF_GW is a component designed to facilitate the integration of legacy systems with the Common API Framework (CAPIF).
- aegea — Amazon Web Services Operator Interface
- aegir-parser — A discord bot parser with various utility..
- AEngineConsole — Console applications engine.
- af-execution-manager — AristaFlow BPM ExecutionManager/ExecutionManager REST Client
- af-licence-manager — AristaFlow BPM LicenceManager/LicenceManager REST Client
- af-org-model-manager — AristaFlow BPM OrgModelManager/OrgModelManager REST Client
- af-process-image-renderer — AristaFlow BPM ProcessImageRenderer/ProcessImageRenderer REST Client
- af-process-manager — AristaFlow BPM ProcessManager/ProcessManager REST Client
- af-remote-html-runtime-manager — AristaFlow BPM RuntimeManager/RemoteHTMLRuntimeManager REST Client
- af-res-model-manager — AristaFlow BPM ResModelManager/ResModelManager REST Client
- af-runtime-service — AristaFlow BPM RuntimeService/RuntimeService REST Client
- af-simple-process-image-renderer — AristaFlow BPM SimpleProcessImageRenderer/SimpleProcessImageRenderer REST Client
- af-worklist-manager — AristaFlow BPM WorklistManager/WorklistManager REST Client
- afw — -
- agcli — A GUI that helps building instructions for the CLI
- agdetector — agricultural_field_detector
- agent-marketplace-sdk — Agent Marketplace API Client
- agent360 — 360 agent
- agentic-devops — Agentic DevOps Tool for automating and managing various DevOps tasks and configurations.
- agentx-python — Offical Python SDK for AgentX (
- agentXAI — An agent that uses XAI to achieve goals by executing tools
- agilicus — Agilicus SDK
- AgilisysDailyTenders — Agilisys Tender Alert is a data processing, web scraping, and classification tool focused on tender data. The project uses Playwright to automate web filtering and scraping, then processes and classifies the scraped data using various NLP techniques to retain only relevant tenders.
- AGKit — Python开发工具库
- agl-ocr-reader — OCR API: This OCR API is an application for extracting text from images and PDF files. It is built using Flask, a Python web framework. It utilizes the pytesseract OCR library, pymupdf and the PIL library for image processing.
- ai-db — Analyze your unstructured data
- ai-economist — Foundation: An Economics Simulation Framework
- ai-enterprise-agent — AI Agent simplifies the implementation and use of generative AI with LangChain.
- ai-python — Microsoft AI Python Package
- ai-service-python-sdk — ai service python sdk
- aibro — Serverless model training
- aichatbot — Python library for building custom AI Chatbot with just one line of code.
- aicommit — Generate AI powered commit messages
- aider-chat — Aider is AI pair programming in your terminal
- aidockermon — Monitor system load of the server running the nvidia/cuda docker containers.
- AIDocStringGenerator — AIDocStringGenerator is an automated tool that utilizes AI technologies like Anthropic and OpenAI GPT-3.5 to generate and manage docstrings in Python code. It streamlines documentation by processing both single files and entire directories, offering customizable settings for docstring verbosity and style. This tool is ideal for enhancing code readability and maintainability in Python projects.
- aiextraction — A library for text extraction from images into json files using OpenAI and Pixtral
- AIForged — AIForged API
- aim-platform-sdk — Agent Marketplace API Client
- aimon — The AIMon SDK that is used to interact with the AIMon API and the product.
- aio-insight — A Python library for asynchronous querying of Jira Insight API.
- aioabcpapi — Async library for ABCP API
- aioabstractapi — asynchronous python wrapper
- aioambient — A clean, async-friendly library for the Ambient Weather API
- aioblitzkrieg — @BlitzkriegAutobot asynchronous api wrapper
- aiobotstat — Library for
- aiocryptopay — @cryptobot api asynchronous python wrapper
- aiogram — Modern and fully asynchronous framework for Telegram Bot API
- aiogram-dev2 — Is a pretty simple and fully asynchronous framework for Telegram Bot API
- aiogram2-fork — Is a pretty simple and fully asynchronous framework for Telegram Bot API (unofficial. fork aiogram 2)
- aiograph — asynchronous Python API wrapper
- aiographfix — asynchronous Python API wrapper
- aioguardian — A Python3 library for Elexa Guardian water valves and sensors
- aiohttp-init — Aiohttp officially recommends automatic generation libraries
- aioketraapi — Ketra Lighting API