Reverse Dependencies of cdk8s
The following projects have a declared dependency on cdk8s:
- cdhelm — Helm interface in cdk8s
- cdk8s-argo-rollout — @opencdk8s/cdk8s-argo-rollout
- cdk8s-argocd-resources — @opencdk8s/cdk8s-argocd-resources
- cdk8s-argoworkflow-resources — @opencdk8s/cdk8s-argoworkflow
- cdk8s-aws-lb-controller — @opencdk8s/cdk8s-aws-lb-controller
- cdk8s-aws-lb-controller-api-object — @opencdk8s/cdk8s-aws-lb-controller-api-object
- cdk8s-aws-load-balancer-controller — cdk8s-aws-load-balancer-controller is an CDK8S construct library that provides AWS Alb Load Balancer Controller Configure.
- cdk8s-awscdk-resolver — @cdk8s/awscdk-resolver
- cdk8s-cdktf-resolver — @cdk8s/cdktf-resolver
- cdk8s-cluster-autoscaler-aws — @opencdk8s/cdk8s-cluster-autoscaler-aws
- cdk8s-debore — Run your apps on Kubernetes cluster without bored YAMLing
- cdk8s-external-dns — cdk8s-external-dns is an CDK8S construct library that provides External Dns Configure.
- cdk8s-external-dns-route53 — @opencdk8s/cdk8s-external-dns-route53
- cdk8s-flux — cdk8s library
- cdk8s-grafana — Grafana construct for cdk8s.
- cdk8s-image — Build & Push local docker images inside CDK8s applications
- cdk8s-jenkins — Jenkins construct for CDK8s
- cdk8s-kuma-types — @opencdk8s/cdk8s-kuma-types
- cdk8s-metaflow — cdk8s-metaflow
- cdk8s-mongo-sts — @opencdk8s/cdk8s-mongo-sts
- cdk8s-operator — Create Kubernetes CRD Operators using CDK8s Constructs
- cdk8s-plone — Provides a CMS Plone Backend and Frontend for Kubernetes with cdk8s
- cdk8s-plus — High level abstractions on top of cdk8s
- cdk8s-plus-17 — High level abstractions on top of cdk8s
- cdk8s-plus-19 — High level abstractions on top of cdk8s
- cdk8s-plus-20 — cdk8s+ is a software development framework that provides high level abstractions for authoring Kubernetes applications. cdk8s-plus-20 synthesizes Kubernetes manifests for Kubernetes 1.20.0
- cdk8s-plus-21 — cdk8s+ is a software development framework that provides high level abstractions for authoring Kubernetes applications. cdk8s-plus-21 synthesizes Kubernetes manifests for Kubernetes 1.21.0
- cdk8s-plus-22 — cdk8s+ is a software development framework that provides high level abstractions for authoring Kubernetes applications. cdk8s-plus-22 synthesizes Kubernetes manifests for Kubernetes 1.22.0
- cdk8s-plus-23 — cdk8s+ is a software development framework that provides high level abstractions for authoring Kubernetes applications. cdk8s-plus-23 synthesizes Kubernetes manifests for Kubernetes 1.23.0
- cdk8s-plus-24 — cdk8s+ is a software development framework that provides high level abstractions for authoring Kubernetes applications. cdk8s-plus-24 synthesizes Kubernetes manifests for Kubernetes 1.24.0
- cdk8s-plus-25 — cdk8s+ is a software development framework that provides high level abstractions for authoring Kubernetes applications. cdk8s-plus-25 synthesizes Kubernetes manifests for Kubernetes 1.25.0
- cdk8s-plus-26 — cdk8s+ is a software development framework that provides high level abstractions for authoring Kubernetes applications. cdk8s-plus-26 synthesizes Kubernetes manifests for Kubernetes 1.26.0
- cdk8s-plus-27 — cdk8s+ is a software development framework that provides high level abstractions for authoring Kubernetes applications. cdk8s-plus-27 synthesizes Kubernetes manifests for Kubernetes 1.27.0
- cdk8s-plus-28 — cdk8s+ is a software development framework that provides high level abstractions for authoring Kubernetes applications. cdk8s-plus-28 synthesizes Kubernetes manifests for Kubernetes 1.28.0
- cdk8s-plus-29 — cdk8s+ is a software development framework that provides high level abstractions for authoring Kubernetes applications. cdk8s-plus-29 synthesizes Kubernetes manifests for Kubernetes 1.29.0
- cdk8s-plus-30 — cdk8s+ is a software development framework that provides high level abstractions for authoring Kubernetes applications. cdk8s-plus-30 synthesizes Kubernetes manifests for Kubernetes 1.30.0
- cdk8s-plus-31 — cdk8s+ is a software development framework that provides high level abstractions for authoring Kubernetes applications. cdk8s-plus-31 synthesizes Kubernetes manifests for Kubernetes 1.31.0
- cdk8s-plus-32 — cdk8s+ is a software development framework that provides high level abstractions for authoring Kubernetes applications. cdk8s-plus-32 synthesizes Kubernetes manifests for Kubernetes 1.32.0
- cdk8s-redis — Basic implementation of a Redis construct for cdk8s.
- cdk8s-redis-sts — @opencdk8s/cdk8s-redis-sts
- cdk8s-sealed-secrets-controller — @opencdk8s/cdk8s-sealed-secrets-controller
- cdk8s-utils — cdk8s utilities and helpers
- cdk8s-valheim — A package that vends a Valheim server chart.
- cdkeks — Higher-level hybrid cdk|cdk8s construct to build an eks kubernetes platform with batteries included
- cdktf-cdk8s — A compatibility layer for using cdk8s constructs within Terraform CDK.
- cloud-containers — A Python Package for Building and Deploying Containers
- django-cdk — django-cdk
- helicopyter — Python Terraform JSON configuration generator
- jupyterlab-apimaker — A JupyterLab extension to create APIs from Python functions.
- kubeasy-sdk — Kubernetes made easy!