Reverse Dependencies of cdflib
The following projects have a declared dependency on cdflib:
- aidapy — AI package for heliophysics
- Arase — A module for downloading and reading Arase spacecraft data.
- arcanumpy — Personal collection of various Python tools and utilities.
- aurora-asi-lib — An open source package providing data access and analysis tools for the world's all-sky imager (ASI) data.
- cdasws — NASA's Coordinated Data Analysis System Web Service Client Library
- DateTimeTools — A package containing some simple tools to manage dates and times.
- geospacelab — Collect, manage, and visualize geospace data.
- heliopy-multid — Extension to heliopy to retrieve multi-dimensional heliopheric data
- HelioSat — no summary
- ibpmodel — Ionospheric Bubble Probability
- kamodo-ccmc — A functional api for scientific data
- lexi-bu — A python package for data analysis related to LEXI
- lexi-xray — Data analysis tools for the Lexi project
- mmhuman3d — OpenMMLab 3D Human Parametric Model Toolbox and Benchmark
- mmspy — A Python package for querying and analysing data from the NASA Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission.
- nasa-pymms — Access data from the MMS mission via its API.
- pyrfu — Python Space Physics (RymdFysik) Utilities
- pysatdata — Python Space Physics Satellite Data Analysis Toolkit
- pyspedas — Python Space Physics Environment Data Analysis Software (pySPEDAS)
- pytplot-mpl-temp — A python version of IDL tplot libraries
- radiospectra — Provide support for some type of radio spectra in solar physics
- seppy — SEPpy
- solo-epd-loader — Data loader for Solar Orbiter/EPD energetic charged particle sensors EPT, HET, and STEP.
- sscws — NASA's Satellite Situation Center Web Service Client Library
- sunpy — SunPy core package: Python for Solar Physics
- swarmpyfac — Calculate Field Aligned Currents based on swarm data, mainly through the ViRES python interface viresclient. Some utilities for these kinds of scientific calculations are also provided.
- viresclient — A Python client for interacting with a VirES server