Reverse Dependencies of cbor2
The following projects have a declared dependency on cbor2:
- acconeer-exptool — Acconeer Exploration Tool
- acmecse — An open source CSE Middleware for Education
- acmecse-dev — An open source CSE Middleware for Education
- acmecse-test — An open source CSE Middleware for Education
- aiocoap — Python CoAP library
- airthings-ble — Manage Airthings BLE devices
- aligned-py — Aligned-PY is a Python library for interacting with the Aligned layer.
- anms-ace — ADM CODEC Engine
- anms-camp — C code generator for the Asychronous Management Protocol
- antimatter — Library for interacting with capsules in various formats
- anyconfig-cbor2-backend — Backend module for python-anyconfig to load and dump CBOR data
- arcaflow-plugin-sdk — Plugin SDK for Python for the Arcaflow workflow engine
- ard — Agnostic Raw Data for Python
- arduino-iot-cloud — Arduino IoT Cloud Python client
- artisan-builder — A build system for explainable science
- asphalt-serialization — Serialization component for the Asphalt framework
- asphalt-wamp — WAMP client component for the Asphalt framework
- autobahn — WebSocket client & server library, WAMP real-time framework
- aws-nsm-interface — Native Python interface for the AWS Nitro Secure Module (NSM)
- aws-nsm-interface-verifiably — Native Python interface for the AWS Nitro Secure Module (NSM)
- bfopublisher — Access a BFO Publisher web service
- bip-utils — Generation of mnemonics, seeds, private/public keys and addresses for different types of cryptocurrencies
- bitcoin-nostr-chat — A Nostr Chat with participant discovery
- bitcoin-safe — A bitcoin savings wallet for the entire family.
- blindai — BlindAI Core / API is an open-source and easy-to-use Python library allowing you to query AI models with assurances that your private data will remain private
- blindai-preview — no summary
- blindbox — BlindBox is a tool to isolate and deploy applications inside Trusted Execution Environments for privacy-by-design apps
- bluefin-v2-client — Library to interact with Bluefin exchange protocol including its off-chain api-gateway and on-chain contracts
- bluefin-v2-client-sui — Library to interact with Bluefin exchange protocol including its off-chain api-gateway and on-chain contracts
- blueskysight — A client to gather vulnerability-related information from Bluesky.
- Bubot-CoAP — python library to the CoAP protocol.
- bubot-Core — iot framework based on OCF specification
- carbox — no summary
- cardano-py-tools — Cardano python tools
- cardanopythonlib — Cardano Python lib to interact with the blockchain
- cattrs — Composable complex class support for attrs and dataclasses.
- cbor-json — Three-way conversion between 'native' Python data representation, CBOR, and JSON
- cddl-gen — cddl-gen has been renamed to zcbor!
- cengal — General purpose library
- cengal-light — General purpose library
- ceramicsdk — This Ceramic client implements the payload building, encoding, and signing needed to interact with the Ceramic Network. It currently supports ModelInstanceDocument and OrbisDB.
- cic-cli — Generic cli tooling for the CIC token network
- coap-console — CoAP client for interactive with remote serial input and output
- coinkite-tap-protocol — Communicate with your TAPSIGNER or SATSCARD using Python
- cose — CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) implementation
- CovidPyLib — Simple Python library to work with DCCs (Digital Covid Certificates)
- crossbar — multi-protocol (WAMP/WebSocket, REST/HTTP, MQTT) application router for microservices.
- crypto-wallet-finder — A tool for finding cryptocurrency wallet seeds using parallel processing
- crytic-compile — Util to facilitate smart contracts compilation.
- cwt — A Python implementation of CWT/COSE.
- dapiclient — A python client SDK for DASH Platform
- datatrails-receipt-scitt — Datatrails Scitt Receipt Verification in python
- dcc-utils — DCC utils for Python
- decentmesh — Simple connection over decentralized network
- decentriq-platform — Python client library for the Decentriq platform
- deephy — no summary
- deephys — Library to export neural activity to a Deephys-compatible format
- difconnect — Parse WebSite for data and Connect to Diffusion Server
- diffusion — Python SDK for Diffusion.
- diligence-fuzzing — A command line interface for the Diligence Fuzzing API
- dislib — The distributed computing library on top of PyCOMPSs
- django-rest-cbor — Django Rest Framework CBOR Renderer & Parser
- dranspose — A stream matrix transposition framework
- dtn7zero — no summary
- dtps-http — no summary
- dummy-localstack — LocalStack - A fully functional local Cloud stack
- dynamodictionary — Dictionary like thing built on top of dynamodb
- easynetwork — The easiest way to use sockets in Python
- edhoc — Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Over COSE (EDHOC)
- eduMFA — eduMFA: identity, multifactor authentication (OTP), authorization, audit
- eeprom — A pure Python 3 library for Linux sysfs EEPROM devices.
- epochraft — Supercharge Your LLM Training with Checkpointable Data Loading
- erever — A CLI tool for reversing EVM bytecodes, optimized for solving CTF challenges. Currently experimental and developed for personal use.
- esanom — ESANOM
- eth-brownie — A Python framework for Ethereum smart contract deployment, testing and interaction.
- ethpector — Ethpector extracts useful information from smart contracts.
- eventail — A base class and utilities for AM service architecture
- fastmqtt — no summary
- fido2client — WebAuthn API FIDO2 client
- fitsmap — Turn fits files/catalogs into a leafletjs map
- Flask-Sawtooth — A Sawtooth utlity library as a Flask extension.
- freenub — This is a fork of pubnub when it still had an MIT license
- frostbyte-lang — Reference implementation for the Frostbyte programming language and smart contract protocol.
- grazie_api_gateway_client — Api client for Grazie services
- greengrasssdk — The AWS IoT Greengrass SDK for Python
- greenpass — Scriptable green pass verifier
- hdwallet — Python-based library for the implementation of a Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) Wallet generator supporting more than 200 cryptocurrencies.
- hoardy-web — Inspect, search, organize, programmatically extract values and generate static website mirrors from, archive, view, and replay `HTTP` archives/dumps in `WRR` ("Web Request+Response", produced by the `Hoardy-Web` Web Extension browser add-on) and `mitmproxy` (`mitmdump`) file formats.
- hoardy-web-sas — A simple archiving server for the `Hoardy-Web` Web Extension browser add-on.
- hwi — A library for working with Bitcoin hardware wallets
- ic-py — Python Agent Library for the Internet Computer
- imgtool — MCUboot's image signing and key management
- indexnetwork-sdk — Index Network SDK
- isomdoc — A python module to create and verify ISO mdocs
- izaber-wamp — Base load point for iZaber WAMP code
- jade-client — Blockstream Jade Client API
- json-ntv — JSON-NTV a semantic format for interoperability
- keridht — KERI DHT Discovery
- labnode-async — Python3 AsyncIO Labnode driver
- lattice — A framework for developing data models, including schema development and documentation.