Reverse Dependencies of cattrs
The following projects have a declared dependency on cattrs:
- ai-flow — An open source framework that bridges big data and AI.
- ai-vocabulary-builder — An AI-powered smart vocabulary tool with features like One-click vocabulary building and story-based memorization.
- aiopytesseract — asyncio tesseract wrapper for Tesseract-OCR
- airflow-metaplane — Metaplane Airflow Provider
- airflow-snapshot-test — no summary
- airflow-test-decorator — no summary
- airfly — Auto generate Airflow's on the fly
- allotropy — Converts to ASM (Allotrope Simple Model) from various file formats.
- — An async API wrapper for the
- apache-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- apache-airflow-zack — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- apitist — Brand new way to test your API
- apologies — Python code to play a game similar to Sorry
- app-store-server — The App Store Server Library
- app-store-server-library — The App Store Server Library
- app-store-server-library-python-async — app-store-server-library-python-async
- appomni-spellbook-utils — no summary
- arcadia-apb — General purpose toolkit for applied protein biology.
- arcadio-client — Reinformcement learning client for the flash-like games.
- arclight — A language server for Bioware's nwscript and more!
- arductl — Helper Library to execute ArduPilot simulations using a Docker Container and dronekit.
- asttrs — A attrs-style wrapper for python ast
- async-pjsekai — Asynchronous reverse engineered client for the game Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE! feat. Hatsune Miku
- attr-descriptions — A mini-module that helps to add descriptions to attrs attributes.
- attrsfile — A file mapper for attrs classes.
- avro-dbo — Python classes from Avro schemas with custom serializers and deserializers, supporting all logical types.
- azure-databricks-sdk-python — A Python SDK for the Azure Databricks REST API 2.0.
- backup-pro — A comprehensive backup tool that makes the life easier when backing up/restoring configurations, files, packages of the system.
- barely-db — A simple filesystem based database.
- baybe — A Bayesian Back End for Design of Experiments
- bbsky — Client for Blackbaud Sky API
- BentoML — BentoML: The easiest way to serve AI apps and models
- BibSane — Sanitize BibTeX files without going insane
- biobit — Rust-powered Python library for biological data analysis
- bionic — A Python framework for building, running, and sharing data science workflows
- blgit — no summary
- bossman — Automation framework
- BotOps — Telegram bot framework with related operations.
- bsblan — Asynchronous Python client for BSBLan.
- buildrunner — Docker-based build tool
- bulloh — Script to automate gathering personal productivity data.
- burndown-chart-generator — A burndown chart generator for font projects, based on color marks
- buvar — Asyncio plugins, components, dependency injection and configs
- bygg — A small build system
- cachew — no summary
- caqtus-suite — Package to control a cold atom experiment
- cattrs-env — A tool for parsing and validating env vars using cattrs
- cattrs-extras — Advanced converters for cattrs
- chaise — An async Python client for CouchDB
- chalkpy — Python SDK for Chalk
- — Power tools for CI/CD.
- clearCNV — Clinical sequencing panel CNV caller and visualizer
- clinica — Software platform for clinical neuroimaging studies
- cloudless — The cloudless infrastructure project.
- cmip_ref — Application which runs the CMIP Rapid Evaluation Framework
- commons-codec — Data decoding, encoding, conversion, and translation utilities.
- coremltools — Community Tools for Core ML
- cosimtlk — Cosimulation toolkit.
- covid19-id — Python module for getting Indonesian covid19 data from
- cratedb-toolkit — CrateDB Toolkit
- crfm-helm — Benchmark for language models
- custom-workflow-solutions — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- d-blocks-core — no summary
- d-knifes — Swiss Army Knife
- dacapo-ml — Framework for deployment of volumetric machine learning models, and easy composition of training jobs.
- dagger-io — A client package for running Dagger pipelines in Python.
- dagster-looker — no summary
- dapodik — SDK python untuk aplikasi dapodik.
- datacube-alchemist — Batch process Open Data Cube datasets
- dataland — Miscellaneous utilities and tools for daily data research/developments
- dataplaybook — Playbooks for data. Open, process and save table based data.
- datawords — A library to work with text data
- dawiq — Package to construct Qt widgets from dataclasses
- dayan-api — A Python-based API for Using Dayan cloud rendering service.
- dayan-contextcapture — A Python-based API for Using Dayan cloud rendering service.
- db-hooks — A simple sqlalchemy connection configuration manager
- detectpii — Detect PII columns in your database and warehouse
- dev-utilities — no summary
- digicubes-flask — A digicubes flask addon
- digicubes-server — The digicubes api server
- digitalarztools — Digital Arz tools for applications
- dirs-navigator — no summary
- dirty-waters — Automatically detect software supply chain smells and issues
- django-dto-attrs — High performance DTOs with Django ORM integration and optional validation.
- django-schema-graph — An interactive graph of your Django model structure.
- dtms-client — Client library for DTMS api
- ebdtable2graph — Converts (already scraped) Entscheidungsbaumdiagramm tables to real graphs
- editable-requirements — no summary
- ell-ai — ell - the language model programming library
- embutils — Python utilities for embedded projects
- eodatasets3 — Packaging, metadata and provenance for OpenDataCube EO3 datasets
- esgpull — ESGF data discovery, download, replication tool
- etl-server — {{ DESCRIPTION }}
- external-resources — Fetch and deploy external resources (CSS, JS, Fonts) for web services
- fgen — Automatically generate wrapper to integrate Fortran and Python
- file-archiver — Helper to create reproducible data-packages
- fixcloudutils — Utilities for fixcloud.
- fixinventorylib — Fix Inventory common library.
- furbox — Python library for various furry media utilities
- fwl-proteus — Coupled atmosphere-interior framework to simulate the temporal evolution of rocky planets