Reverse Dependencies of casadi
The following projects have a declared dependency on casadi:
- adam-robotics — Automatic Differentiation for rigid-body-dynamics AlgorithMs
- AeroSandbox — A Python 3 package for playing around with aerodynamics ideas related to vortex lattice methods, coupled viscous/inviscid methods, automatic differentiation for gradient computation, aircraft design optimization, and the like. Work in progress!
- agentlib-mpc — Framework for development and execution of agents for control and simulation of energy systems.
- alpaqa — Augmented Lagrangian and PANOC solvers for nonconvex numerical optimization
- birm-nm-foo — Neural Modules with Adaptive Nonlinear Constraints and Efficient Regularization
- cadquery — CadQuery is a parametric scripting language for creating and traversing CAD models
- cadquery-arm — no summary
- cadquery-arm-test — no summary
- cadquery-server — A web server used to render 3d models from CadQuery code, and eventually build a static website as a showcase for your projects.
- caminopy — Collection of Algorithms for Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization
- casadi-horizon — Library for Trajectory Optimization based on CasADi
- casiopeia — Casadi Interface for Optimum experimental design and Parameter Estimation and Identification Applications
- commonroad-crime — criticality measures of automated vehicles
- commonroad-raceline-planner — CommonRoad Raceline Planner Toolbox
- condor — A package for disciplined systems modeling on a deadline
- cq-electronics — Pure CadQuery models of various electronic boards and components.
- csnlp — Nonlinear Progamming with CasADi
- csnn — Neural Networks with CasADi
- cyecca — no summary
- deepctools — A wrapped package for Data-enabled predictive control (DeePC) implementation. Including DeePC and Robust DeePC design with multiple objective functions.
- dmpcpwa — Distributed Model Predictive Control for Piecewise Affine Systems
- dmpcrl — Distributed Reinforcement Learning with Distributed Model Predictive Control
- do-mpc — no summary
- dssex — Means for experimental State Estimation of electric Distribution Networks
- fabrics — Optimization fabrics in python.
- forwardkinematics — "Light-weight implementation of forward kinematics using casadi."
- gradgen — Gradient computation with AD for optimal control
- grasp-planning — "Grasp and Motion Planning Python Package."
- helixtrajectory — Triple Helix Trajectory Generation Utility
- HILO-MPC — HILO-MPC is a toolbox for easy, flexible and fast development of machine-learning-supported optimal control and estimation problems
- hisim — ETHOS.HiSim is a house infrastructure simulator
- icpReconstructor — A package providing functionality to estimate the shape of continuum robots using the Iterative Closest Point algorithm.
- invariants_py — Calculate invariant trajectory representations from trajectory data and generate new trajectories from invariant representations
- jaxadi — **JaxADi** is a powerful Python library designed to bridge the gap between `casadi.Function` and JAX-compatible functions.
- kicad-to-openpnp — Transform a KiCad footprint into a OpenPnP package
- liecasadi — Rigid transform using Lie groups, written in CasADi!
- m2p — Library for creating polymer structures from monomers using SMILES strings
- matadi — Material Definition with Automatic Differentiation
- modlinear — A wrapped package to linearize the nonlinear continuous/discrete model. Including **numerical** and **symbolic** calculations.
- mopeds — Simulate and Optimize (Parameter Estimation, Optimal Experimental Design) NLE, ODE and DAE
- mpopt — A Multi-phase nonlinear Optimal control problem solver using Pseudo-spectral collocation
- mpopt-lulav — Optimal control lib modified by Lulav Space
- neuromancer — Neural Modules with Adaptive Nonlinear Constraints and Efficient Regularization
- nloed — A package for nonlinear optimal experimental design
- ocp-modules — A library to assemble OCPs from modules
- omg-tools — Optimal Motion Generation tools: a user-friendly tool for modeling, simulating and embedding of (spline-based) motion planning problems
- openap-top — Trajectory OPtimizer based on OpenAP model
- opengen — Optimization Engine Code Generator
- optool — Optimization tools
- pcgym — Reinforcement learning suite of process control problems.
- phasor — Scientific modeling of linearized optics, electronics, mechanics, and signal flow in the frequency domain
- pheflux — Pheflux computational implementation
- phlearn — A package for simulating and learning pseudo-Hamiltonian systems. For further details, see and
- prometeo-dsl — Python-to-C transpiler and domain specific language for embedded high-performance computing
- pybamm — Python Battery Mathematical Modelling
- pybammsolvers — Python interface for the IDAKLU solver
- pycollimator — core simulation engine and API client
- pycollo — General-purpose optimal control, trajectory optimisation and parameter optimisation using direct collocation
- pymoca — A Modelica to computer algebra system (CAS) translator.
- pyNLControl — Package for non-linear control and estimation.
- pyomo — Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
- pyoptas — An optimization-based task specification library for task and motion planning (TAMP), trajectory optimization, and model predictive control.
- QYtool — My own toolbox for research projects.
- regelum-control — Regelum is a flexibly configurable framework for agent-environment simulation with a menu of predictive and reinforcement learning pipelines.
- robotmpcs — MPC generation for robots using ForcesPro.
- rockit-meco — Rapid Optimal Control Kit
- rtc-tools — Toolbox for control and optimization of water systems.
- rtc-tools-diagnostics — Toolbox for diagnostics for RTC-Tools
- rtc-tools-heat-network — Heat network models for RTC-Tools 2.
- rtc-tools-hydraulic-structures — Hydraulic structures models for RTC-Tools 2.
- rtc-tools-interface — Toolbox for user interfaces for RTC-Tools
- rtc-tools-simulation — Extension for building models used for simulation in rtc-tools.
- rtc-tools-water-allocation — Water allocation models for RTC-Tools 2.
- senasopt — Simple Energy Asset Optimisation (aka. senasopt) - A small example package trying out optimisation of energy-related assets
- simulatetraj — a class to integrate ordinary differential equation
- spatial-casadi — Spatial transformation library for CasADi Python.
- symbtools — Symbolic calculations related to dynamical systems.
- sysopt — Component-based systems modelling library.
- trip-kinematics — ...
- twodlearn — Easy development of machine learning models
- urdf2casadi — Module for tuning a chain in a URDF to a casadi function.
- yapss — A Python package for solving optimal control problems using pseudospectral methods.