Reverse Dependencies of captum
The following projects have a declared dependency on captum:
- ADGT — Model interpretability for PyTorch
- amuletml — Amulet is a Python machine learning (ML) package to evaluate the susceptibility of different risks to security, privacy, and fairness.
- armory-examples — TwoSix Armory Adversarial Robustness Library Examples
- armory-library — TwoSix Armory Adversarial Robustness Evaluation Library
- AttentionMOI — A Denoised Multi-omics Integration Framework for Cancer Subtype Classification and Survival Prediction.
- AttentionOdorify — Attention based BiLSTM model for Olfactory Analysis
- azureml-automl-dnn-vision — AutoML DNN Vision Models
- beexai — BEExAI: Benchmark to Evaluate Explainable AI
- bias-lens — A library for bias detection and explainable AI methods in NLP models.
- biome-text — Biome-text is a light-weight open source Natural Language Processing toolbox built with AllenNLP
- cabrnet — Generic library for prototype-based classifiers
- chemprobe — A package for chemprobe
- codeflare-torchx — TorchX SDK and Components
- coolstuff — ML-analysis
- DeepLocRNA — Predicting RNA localization based on RBP binding information
- DeepMuon — Interdisciplinary Deep Learning Platform
- denseig — This package contains the required tools to run dense retriever explainability analysis using integrated gradients.
- dive-into-graphs — DIG: Dive into Graphs is a turnkey library for graph deep learning research.
- dnn-cool — DNN.Cool: Multi-task learning for Deep Neural Networks (DNN).
- dynamask — Dynamask - Explaining Time Series Predictions with Dynamic Masks
- ecco — Visualization tools for NLP machine learning models.
- eir-dl — Deep learning framework for genomics and multi-modal data
- EvalXAI — NLP Explainability Benchmarking Framework
- fastai — fastai simplifies training fast and accurate neural nets using modern best practices
- fastAIcourse — fastAIcourse
- ferret-xai — A python package for benchmarking interpretability approaches.
- flexynesis — A deep-learning based multi-omics bulk sequencing data integration suite with a focus on (pre-)clinical endpoint prediction.
- foxai — Model Interpretability for PyTorch.
- fundus-image-toolbox — A toolbox for fundus image analysis
- giotto-deep — Toolbox for Deep Learning and Topological Data Analysis.
- gReLU — gReLU is a python library to train, interpret, and apply deep learning models to DNA sequences
- hiclip — no summary
- imgraph — Graph Neural Network Library Built On Top Of PyTorch and PyTorch Geometric
- incx — no summary
- inseq — Interpretability for Sequence Generation Models 🔍
- intel-xai — Intel® Explainable AI Tools
- joltml — joltml unravels the dark side of machine learning models
- lbster — Language models for Biological Sequence Transformation and Evolutionary Representation.
- lfxai — A framework to explain the latent representations of unsupervised black-box models with the help of usual feature importance and example-based methods.
- liver-ct-segmentation-package — Prediction package for U-Net models trained on the LiTS dataset.
- metaquantus — MetaQuantus is a XAI performance tool for identifying reliable metrics.
- meteors — Explanations of models for Hyperspectral data
- miidl — A Python package for microbial biomarkers identification powered by interpretable deep learning
- mirzai — Prediction of Exchangeable Potassium in Soil through Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy and Deep Learning: from Prediction to Explainability, Albinet et al., 2022
- moleculex — MoleculeX: a new and rapidly growing suite of machine learning methods and software tools for molecule exploration
- neuralprophet — NeuralProphet is an easy to learn framework for interpretable time series forecasting.
- newAI — newAi
- Nubilum — An explainability library for instance segmentation in point clouds
- patchviz — Patch Viz: A library to test how well your model holds up against adversarial attacks
- PerturbNet — PerturbNet
- physioex — A python package for explainable sleep staging via deep learning
- pnpxai — XAI Recommendation Toolkit
- proteinworkshop — no summary
- pyg-nightly — Graph Neural Network Library for PyTorch
- pytorch-tabular — A standard framework for using Deep Learning for tabular data
- quantus — A metrics toolkit to evaluate neural network explanations.
- quarks2-fractal — Integrated image classification and semantic segmentation package
- rld — A development tool for evaluation and interpretability of reinforcement learning agents.
- root-tissue-seg-package — An mlf-core prediction package for root tissue segmentation.
- scCAMEL — scCAMEL: single cell Cross- Annotation and Multimodal Estimation on Lineage trajectory;License: GPL version 3;Developed by: Yizhou Hu, Patrik Ernfors lab, MBB, Karolinska Institutet;Tutorials and other informations in :
- scce — a Single-cell method for predicting Chromatin Conformation based on gene Expression
- scimilarity — Single cell embedding into latent space and retrieving with kNN.
- scReGAT — A GAT-based computational framework to predict long-range gene regulatory relationships
- scSHARP — scSHARP tool for single cell consensus classification
- scvi-tools — Deep probabilistic analysis of single-cell omics data.
- seqexplainer — Interpreting sequence-to-function machine learning models
- shapeaxi — Shape Analysis Exploration and Interpretability
- simplexai — SimplEx - Explaining Latent Representations with a Corpus of Examples
- slime-nlp — SLIME - Statistical and Linguistic Insights for Model Explanation
- sportsml — ML for sports
- spotGUI — spotgui - GUI for the Sequential Parameter Optimization in Python
- spotPython — spotpython - Sequential Parameter Optimization in Python
- tabensemb — A framework to ensemble model bases and evaluate various models for tabular predictions.
- thermostat-datasets — Collection of NLP model explanations and accompanying analysis tools
- time-interpret — Model interpretability library for PyTorch with a focus on time series.
- TimeSeriesML — TimeSeriesML
- torch-geometric — Graph Neural Network Library for PyTorch
- torchFastText — An implementation of the supervised learning algorithm for text classification using Pytorch.
- torchx — TorchX SDK and Components
- torchx-applovin — TorchX SDK and Components
- torchx-nightly — TorchX SDK and Components
- trame-sandtank-xai — AI/XAI exploration in the context of ParFlow simulation code
- transformers-interpret — Model explainability that works seamlessly with 🤗 transformers. Explain your transformers model in just 2 lines of code.
- transformers-visualizer — Explain your 🤗 transformers without effort! Display the internal behavior of your model.
- transmep — Transfer learning for Mutation Effect Prediction
- tsCaptum — A Captum wrapper for Time Series XAI
- TSInterpret — todo
- xai-evals — A package for model explainability and explainability comparision for tabular data
- xaiev — Add your description here