Reverse Dependencies of captcha
The following projects have a declared dependency on captcha:
- air-df — 常用插件
- django-form-builder — Django Form builder
- djangorestframework-simplejwt-captcha — A minimal JSON Web Token
- dost — DOST is a Python based Utility platform as an Open Source project. We strive to liberate humans from mundane, repetitive tasks, giving them more time to use their intellect and creativity to solve higher-order business challenges and perform knowledge work.
- flask-captcha2 — Flask plugin to integrate Google captcha (version 2, 3) and local captcha (image, voice) with Flask applications
- flask-Captchaify — Protect against bots and DDoS attacks
- flask-includes-captcha — A simple, limited (basic) wrap of the popular Captcha library for Flask projects.
- flask-session-captcha — Captcha implementation for flask and flask-session.
- flask-tjfu-captcha — Implement CAPTCHA verification for Flask in a straightforward manner.
- hacktcha — no summary
- lite-captcha — Lite captcha for django projects.
- mini_fiction — CMS for fanfics
- pycaptchagen — Generate once-off "CAPTCHA"-type images and audio files from the command line.
- pypowerprojects — A Python Library with 5 GUI Projects : Gmail, Captcha, TicTacToe Game, Instagram Image Filters and Currency Conversion
- pyramid-captcha — Pyramid Captcha
- pyTelegramBotCAPTCHA — An easy to use CAPTCHA solution for pyTelegramBotAPI.
- rethink-note — note taking app
- retk — keep and reuse your thoughts
- sanic-security — An async security library for the Sanic framework.
- streamlit-authenticator — A secure authentication module to manage user access in a Streamlit application.
- swarmauri-community — This repository includes Swarmauri community components.
- syngo — Manage Synapse from Django
- tn3w-utils — A consolidation of all tools created so far as a Python package
- typeidea_czz — Sync Sys base on
- uboxadmin — no summary
- XTCryptoSignals — Platform that collects cryptocurrencies price data, fires alerts based on price sentiment and performs automatic trading.