Reverse Dependencies of CairoSVG
The following projects have a declared dependency on CairoSVG:
- add-psd-layer — A CLI tool to add an image as a new layer to a PSD file
- adfluo — Pipeline-oriented feature extraction for multimodal datasets
- aij — AI Journalist
- Aksharify — Ascii Art + Emoji Art python Package
- amof — A python package to analyze Molecular Dynamics (MD) trajectories of amorphous Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs).
- ampel-plots — Plotting add-on for the Ampel system
- annalise-confluence-junction — Publish to and manage Confluence spaces with markdown files tracked in Git.
- ansitoolkit — ansitoolkit makes terminal magic easy — your go-to toolkit for hassle-free ANSI escape codes and colorful, dynamic terminal output!
- ape-farcaster — ape-farcaster is a Python SDK for the Farcaster Protocol
- armory-testbed — Adversarial Robustness Test Bed
- auto-coder — AutoCoder: AutoCoder
- autogen-agents — Unofficial agents for the Autogen framework
- avinit — Generate avatars using name initials
- axonometry — Scripting library for generating axonometric drawings.
- badger-mk — Makes badges from templates
- bbb-dlc — Big Blue Button Downloader that downloads a BBB lesson as MP4 video
- buildbot-badges — Buildbot badges
- cadquery-server — A web server used to render 3d models from CadQuery code, and eventually build a static website as a showcase for your projects.
- cairotft — UI library for small tft screens using cairocffi
- calysto — Libraries and Languages for Python and IPython
- capella2polarion — Synchronise Capella models with Polarion projects
- capellambse — Provides access to Capella MBSE projects in Python
- cartuli — A tool to create print and play card games
- carwatch — A Python package for the CARWatch framework to improve cortisol awakening response sampling.
- chalk-diagrams — A declarative drawing API
- chaostoolkit-reporting — Chaos Toolkit Reporting
- chem-mat-data — Interface with database of chemistry and material science datasets for machine learning
- chemdoe — no summary
- chessanimate — Creates GIF animations from .PGN chess games
- chessbot — A Reddit bot for moderating the /r/communitychess subreddit
- cico — deploy CI results to git
- compare-geoms — This package compares a list of molecular geometries to the geometries in large datasets.
- compliance-trestle — Tools to manage & autogenerate python objects representing the OSCAL layers/models
- conx — On-Ramp to Deep Learning. Built on Keras
- CoverGenerator — Python utility for generating cover images for e-books.
- covid19-inference — Toolbox for inference and forecast of the spread of the Coronavirus.
- cowpatch — A package for combining python ggplot visuals
- daily-digest — Simple daily summary email with charts.
- dali_renderer — Powerful rendering of your source code.
- databuster — A comprehensive chemical compound analysis platform for drug discovery research, developed by Suneel Kumar BVS, Ph.D., ATOMICAS AI SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED (
- db4me — Basic sqlalchemy helpers
- dffrntlab-thumbor — thumbor is an open-source photo thumbnail service by
- distilabel — Distilabel is an AI Feedback (AIF) framework for building datasets with and for LLMs.
- django-amazon-price-monitor — Monitors prices of Amazon products via Product Advertising API
- django-payments-chile — Pasarelas de pago chilenas para django-payments
- doc-workflow — A Python Document Management Framework for generating and sending (pdf, docx, etc) documents to customers
- drawSvg — A Python 3 library for programmatically generating SVG (vector) images and animations. Drawsvg can also render to PNG, MP4, and display your drawings in Jupyter notebook and Jupyter lab.
- efb-telegram-master — Telegram Master Channel for EH Forwarder Bot, based on Telegram Bot API.
- efb-wechat-comwechat-slave — EFB Slave for WeChat on ComWeChat
- elsie — Framework for making slides
- epimuller — Visualize lineages overtime, with phylogentic context, based on viral genomes
- esp-docs — Documentation building package used at Espressif
- esphome — ESPHome is a system to configure your microcontrollers by simple yet powerful configuration files and control them remotely through Home Automation systems.
- eth-wake — Wake is a Python-based Solidity development and testing framework with built-in vulnerability detectors.
- evoclearn-plt — Plotting tools for Early Vocal Learning simulations.
- fastagency — The fastest way to bring multi-agent workflows to production
- fastagents — A fast way to build AI agents for multiple platform
- faststream — FastStream: the simplest way to work with a messaging queues
- feynmanium — A discord bot that works.
- figanos — Outils pour produire des graphiques informatifs sur les impacts des changements climatiques.
- figexport — A command line tool for automatic export of figures of various formats to PDF/SVG/PNG/JPG files.
- flag-identification — Identify a flag by an image
- Flask-Resize — Flask extension for resizing images in code and templates
- flow360 — no summary
- fontawesome-converter — Convert FontAwesome icons to PNG format
- fp-convert — Convert Freeplane mindmaps to print-quality PDF documents
- fretty — Fretty is a guitar fretboard generator
- friendlly — Your friendlly ai assistant
- g4f — The official gpt4free repository | various collection of powerful language models
- g4fu — Fork of the gpt4free repository | EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY | various collection of powerful language models
- gage-typer — Typer, build great CLIs. Easy to code. Based on Python type hints.
- geomanager — Wagtail based Geospatial Data Manager
- gingerbread — Gingerbread is a set of Python utilities used by Winterbloom
- girder-sample-tracker — Girder Plugin adding a simple tracker for material samples
- gpt4free — The official gpt4free repository | various collection of powerful language models
- graph-attention-student — MEGAN: Multi Explanation Graph Attention Network
- guiscrcpy — A simple, pluggable, graphical user interface for the fastest Android screen mirroring software
- HdlLib — VHDL source management : parse, organize, assemble, generate testbenches
- hebikani — WaniKani command line interface
- HlightReaxMD — Projects for analysis of cascade collision processes and molecular chemical reactions
- hmsm — Tools for image based digitization of historical music storage media
- home-assistant-streamdeck-yaml — Home Assistant on Stream Deck: configured via YAML (with templates) and running on Linux, MacOS, and Windows
- hypercli — Generate enhanced menu-driven CLI programs with ease.
- ianes-bbb-dl — Big Blue Button Downloader that downloads a BBB lesson as MP4 video
- icplot — Utilities for generating plots and graphics for technical reports.
- image-match-altamente — image_match is a simple package for finding approximate image matches from a corpus.
- image-match-tso — image_match_tso is a simple package for finding approximate image matches from a corpus.
- image-match3 — image_match is a simple package for finding approximate image matches from a corpus.
- infographics-nuuuwan — no summary
- interrogate — Interrogate a codebase for docstring coverage.
- invenio-app-rdm — Invenio Research Data Management.
- invenio-formatter — "Jinja utilities for Invenio."
- isecycle — Business Ready Documents from Cisco Identity Services Engine
- itempicture — Application for generate images in same style with titles
- jp-flowchartjs — IPython/Jupyter notebook magic for generating JS flowcharts.
- klayout-pex — Parasitic Extraction Tool for KLayout
- kpctl — Command line interface for working with business process models (*.bpmn)
- libervia-backend — Libervia multipurpose and multi frontend XMPP client
- litprog — Literate Programming using Markdown.
- lmfit — Least-Squares Minimization with Bounds and Constraints