Reverse Dependencies of cachetools
The following projects have a declared dependency on cachetools:
- officelyTest — A brief description of your package
- offline-rce-results-module — no summary
- ofjustpy — A webdev framework that enables development of full-stack webpages and app purely in Python
- ofsc — Python wrapper for Oracle Field Service API
- ogmios — Ogmios is a lightweight bridge interface for cardano-node. It offers a WebSockets API that enables local clients to speak Ouroboros' mini-protocols via JSON/RPC. ogmios-python is an Ogmios client written in Python designed for ease of use.
- oilanalytics — Utilities for oil analytics
- olah — Self-hosted lightweight huggingface mirror.
- oma-helen-cli — Oma Helen API library and CLI
- omaha — Unified view of financial metrics of public companies
- omdenalore — AI for Good library
- omegaml — An open source DataOps, MLOps platform for humans
- omie-python — Client for the Omie ERP API
- omnik-data-logger — Omnik Data Logger
- omnikdatalogger — Omnik Data Logger
- oni-api — Helper para consumo de APIs
- OniPKG-Api — Helper para consumo de APIs
- onx — Noughts & Crosses (Tic Tac Toe) terminal based, client-server online game with your partner through websockets.
- opal-fetcher-test-dynamodb — A short description of your package
- openai-parallel-toolkit — OpenAI-Parallel-Toolkit is a Python library for handling multiple OpenAI API keys and parallel tasks. It provides API key rotation, multithreading for faster task execution, and utility functions to boost your OpenAI integration. Ideal for efficient large-scale OpenAI usage.
- openapi-agent — An OpenAPI agent that can execute operations based on natural language descriptions
- openfigipy — A python wrapper around the Open FIGI API that leverages pandas DataFrames
- opengradient — Python SDK for OpenGradient decentralized model management & inference services
- openmetadata-ingestion — Ingestion Framework for OpenMetadata
- openplayground — An LLM playground you can run on your laptop.
- openspg-kag — kag
- openspg-knext — knext
- ops-cli — Ops - wrapper for Terraform, Ansible, and SSH for cloud automation
- optilogic — Tools for interfacing with Optilogic Jobs and APIs
- orka-sdk — Control Orka clusters and the macOS VMs they run.
- os-copilot — An self-improving embodied conversational agents seamlessly integrated into the operating system to automate our daily tasks.
- oslo.messaging — Oslo Messaging API
- osml-imagery-toolkit — Toolkit to work with imagery collected by satellites and UAVs
- osml-model-runner — Application to run large scale imagery against AI/ML models
- OT-PyLD — Python implementation of the JSON-LD API
- oteapi-dlite-Mod — DLite plugin for OTEAPI.
- otlmow-converter — no summary
- otpme — OTPme: A flexible One-Time-Password system
- outcome-utils — A collection of python utils.
- own-knowledge-gpt — Custom Knowledge GPT
- packitos — A set of tools to integrate upstream open source projects into Fedora operating system.
- pak8 — no summary
- PaMoveIt — A movement recognition library
- pandas-ml-utils — Augment pandas DataFrame with methods for machine learning
- pandaspgs — A Python package for easy retrieval of PGS Catalog data
- pangsitpy — Pangsit(py) is my starter pack framework represented in Python to deal with learning computing such as Machine/Deep Learning, Data Science, etc.
- pangu-kits-app-dev-py — App development kit for Pangu
- pantalaimon — A Matrix proxy daemon that adds E2E encryption capabilities.
- papert-lab — papertlab is an AI pair programmer in your browser.
- params-aws — Store and Load parameters with AWS Parameter store
- parcel-data-collector — no summary
- parcel-data-collector2 — no summary
- parityvend-api — The official Python library for ParityVend API
- Parseros — Persistent & streaming log template miner
- paspymod — Centrify PAS REST API Module to run scripts
- patman — A fast and thought free service client for python
- pccontext — Chain Contexts for PyCardano library
- pdnssoc-cli — Correlate dnstap files with MISP
- peepdb — CLI tool to view database tables fast
- pelicanfs — An FSSpec Implementation using the Pelican System
- pennprov — Habitat repository and authorization API
- PennyLane — PennyLane is a cross-platform Python library for quantum computing, quantum machine learning, and quantum chemistry. Train a quantum computer the same way as a neural network.
- perfwatch — Python code performace metrics calculation tool
- personal-knowledge-library — Library to access Wacom's Personal Knowledge graph.
- pfunk — A Python library created make building FaunaDB GraphQL schemas and authentication code easier.
- Photini — Simple photo metadata editor
- phzipcodes — A Python package for Philippines zip codes
- picopayments-hub — Micropayment hub for counterparty assets.
- pii-data-generator — It generats the dummy 'Personally identifiable information' data
- pingpong-datahub — A CLI to work with DataHub metadata
- pingsafe-cli — [Deprecated] PingSafe CLI is an extension of our vision to shift-left security with PingSafe.
- pipex — The Data Pipeline Manager CLI is a command-line tool designed to automate and manage ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) workflows. These workflows are critical in data engineering for moving data from one system to another while applying transformations to make the data more useful.
- pitchr — A Python library and framework for composing and playing music.
- platform-gen-ai — This is pipeline code for accelerating solution accelerators
- platts-sdk — no summary
- plottool-ibeis — Plottool - tools for matplotlib computer vision plots
- pnow — A restful client library, designed to access predictnow restful API.
- pnp — Pull 'n' Push
- pokr — Framework for building product and personal scorecards.
- politweet — library for processing italian political tweets
- poly-app-downloader — app_downloader
- polyswarm-client — Client library to simplify interacting with a polyswarmd instance
- pools — Python library for pools liquidity providers
- PowerScrape — A comprehensive and versatile Python module for web scraping.
- pquisby — Quisby is a data processing and visualization tool for benchmark testing.
- PREAGeoFuns — A package for geo tools used to map card score
- precinct — Your SQL query AI copilot
- predictnow-api — A restful client library, designed to access predictnow restful API.
- prefab-cloud-python — Python client for Prefab Feature Flags, Dynamic log levels, and Config as a Service:
- prefect-client — Workflow orchestration and management.
- prefect-duckdb — Prefect intergrations with DuckDB.
- premailer — Turns CSS blocks into style attributes
- premiscale — A Kubernetes controller that automatically scales and administers private virtual and physical infrastructure
- pricetool — no summary
- primeqa — State-of-the-art Question Answering
- PrivacySherlock — A Python package for PII detection and classification
- profiles-mlcorelib — no summary
- project-to-installer — no summary
- prompt-poet — Streamlines and simplifies prompt design for both developers and non-technical users with a low code approach.
- promptdesk — PromptDesk python SDK.
- promptflow-gui — Create flowcharts to control LLMs