Reverse Dependencies of cached-property
The following projects have a declared dependency on cached-property:
- 21CMMC — An extensible MCMC framework for 21cmFAST
- 21cmSense — Compute sensitivies of radio interferometers to the cosmic 21cm signal.
- a2grunnerp — A2G Runner for Local Workflow
- a9s — Cli tool for navigation in Amazon AWS services. Highly inspired from k9s
- acryl-datahub — A CLI to work with DataHub metadata
- adbc — no summary
- adsg-core — Design Space Graph (ADSG Core)
- aeolus — Analysis and visualisation of atmospheric model output powered by iris
- agogosml — Agogosml Library
- ai-flow — An open source framework that bridges big data and AI.
- ai-flow-nightly — An open source framework that bridges big data and AI.
- aionetworking — Various utilities for asyncio networking
- airbyte-source-bing-ads — Source implementation for Bing Ads.
- airbyte-source-facebook-marketing — Source implementation for Facebook Marketing.
- airbyte-source-instagram — Source implementation for Instagram.
- aki — Wok is a tool to manage several `git` repos in a single workspace.
- alexflow — ALEXFlow is a python workflow library built for reproducible complex workflow
- allfreqs — Calculate allele frequency from a sequence multialignment.
- alphakek — The official Python library for the alphakek API
- amapy-utils — A utility package that provides common functionality shared across the asset-manager ecosystem. It serves as a foundation library offering various helper functions and tools needed by other components in the system.
- amqp-workers — amqp-worker is a Python-based multi-threaded RabbitMQ consumer framework
- anilv-interpret-text — Generates pickle for Encoder
- anthropic-bedrock — The official Python library for the anthropic-bedrock API
- aos-pyez — Python wrapper library for Apstra AOS REST API
- apache-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- apache-airflow-zack — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- apkg — cross-distro upstream packaging automation tool
- apstra-aospy-swagger — Python Swagger client for AOS Server
- arachno — DSL for coroutine orchestration
- arca — A library for running Python functions (callables) from git repositories in various states of isolation with integrating caching.
- armorblox-sdk — Armorblox SDK for Python
- arrakis-nd — Arrakis module for near detector data.
- aspy.refactor_imports — Utilities for refactoring imports in python-like syntax.
- ast-toolbox — A toolbox for worst-case validation of autonomous policies
- AstroVascPy — Simulating blood flow in vasculature
- async-worker — Microframework para escrever workers assíncronos em Python
- asyncqlio — An asyncio ORM for Python 3.5+
- asyncsql — Yet another async SQL lib.
- atlas-uiautomator2 — SIDIA ATLAS customization for Python Wrapper for Google Android UiAutomator2 test tool
- attrs-mate — A plugin extends power of attrs library.
- atws — python-atws is a wrapper for the AutoTask SOAP webservices API
- ausdex — A Python package for adjusting Australian dollars for inflation
- authutils — Gen3 auth utility functions
- auto-android — no summary
- auto-notion-py — Notion automation package
- autogram-botkit — no summary
- autopc — An image recognition framework running on a computer
- avacube — The official Python library for the avacube API
- avatar2 — A Dynamic Multi-Target Orchestration Framework
- awokado — Fast and flexible API framework based on Falcon and SQLAlchemy
- aws-a2i — Amazon Augmented AI for Human.
- aws-cloudformation — ⭐ AWS CloudFormation deployment for human, Enable terraform plan, terraform apply styled deployment.
- aws-codebuild — empower AWS CodeBuild.
- aws-codecommit — empower AWS CodeCommit
- aws-comprehend — Amazon Comprehend enhancement.
- aws-console-url — Build AWS Console Url for debugging.
- aws-console-url-search — A cross-platform CLI tool for lightning-fast AWS Console URL opener.
- aws-lambda-handler — Better AWS Lambda handlers.
- aws-resource-search — A terminal application that enables interactive searches for AWS resources. It is a mini AWS console in your terminal or shell environment.
- aws-textract — Amazon Textract SDK for Human.
- badook-airflow — Apache Airflow integration for badook tests
- baiji-pod — Static caching of files from Amazon S3, using baiji
- baseclasses — Dataclasses alternative
- bdnb-client — A Python library for the BDNB API
- beets-playlistc — A beets plugin to create playlists from query strings
- birdseye — Graphical Python debugger which lets you easily view the values of all evaluated expressions
- bktest — bktest - A simple backtester by CrunchDAO
- blmath — A collection of math related utilities used by many bits of BodyLabs code
- bonobo2 — Bonobo 2.0: A reboot of Bonobo, the simple, modern and atomic extract-transform-load toolkit for python 3.10+.
- bookstack — A Python wrapper for BookStack's API
- borg-find — Tool to search files in borg archives
- boundary-io — no summary
- bresh — no summary
- bucketstats — Data analysis for bucketed data or histograms.
- bugout-spire — Spire: Bugout custom knowledge base
- buvar — Asyncio plugins, components, dependency injection and configs
- cachefunk — Sitemap.xml cache warmer
- cadbiom — Cadbiom library v1.1.0
- cadenza-example-sdk — The official Python library for the cadenza API
- cadenza-sdk — The official Python library for the cadenza API
- canary-io — no summary
- canto-safe-cli — Command Line Interface for Gnosis Safe
- canvas-cli — A command-line tool for the Canvas Medical EMR system.
- canvas-workflow-kit — Development kit to empower customization of your Canvas instance
- cc12703-facebook-wda — Python Client for Facebook WebDriverAgent
- cc12703-uiautomator2 — Python Wrapper for Google Android UiAutomator2 test tool
- cctm — cookie cutter template manager
- cdpdev-datahub — A CLI to work with DataHub metadata
- celery-pipeline — Runtime-configurable execution pipeline built on celery.
- cfx-address — no summary
- chemscad — GUI application for the creation of Reactionware.
- Cibyl — no summary
- ckuehl_pre_commit_types — A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks.
- clk — A framework to help you have an awesome CLI
- cloudshell-cp-core — A repository for projects providing out of the box capabilities within CloudShell to parse and convert cloudShell driver request to well defined python objects. One cloudshell-cp-core For All cloudshell cloud provider shells.
- cloudsplaining — AWS IAM Security Assessment tool that identifies violations of least privilege and generates a risk-prioritized HTML report.
- cm-safe-eth-py — Gnosis libraries for Python Projects
- cocos — Core Computational System
- coda — File metadata tagging and organization.
- config-patterns — Brings config management best practices for production-ready application.