Reverse Dependencies of bx-django-utils
The following projects have a declared dependency on bx-django-utils:
- django-example — Demo YunoHost Application to demonstrate the integration of a Django project under YunoHost.
- django-fmd — Server for 'Find My Device' android app, implemented in Django/Python
- django-for-runners — Store your GPX tracks of your running (or other sports activity) in django.
- django-fritzconnection — Web based FritzBox management using Python/Django.
- django-huey-monitor — Django based tool for monitoring huey task queue:
- django-reversion-compare — Add compare view to django-reversion for comparing two versions of a reversion model.
- django-tools — miscellaneous tools for Django based projects
- pyinventory — Web based management to catalog things including state and location etc. using Python/Django.