Reverse Dependencies of bw2io
The following projects have a declared dependency on bw2io:
- appabuild — Appa Build is a package to build impact models
- brightway2 — no summary
- brightway25 — A wrapper library for documentation and easy installation of Brightway 2.5
- bw-hestia-bridge — Import HESTIA data directly into Brightway
- bw-simapro-csv — Utility library to read and parse SimaPro CSV LCI and LCIA files
- bw-superstructure — allows prospective LCA calculations for scenarios using the superstructure and scenario-difference-file approach of the activity-browser and brightway2
- bw_timex — Time-explicit Life Cycle Assessment
- ecoinvent-migrate — Code to generate Randonneur migration files for ecoinvent releases
- enbios — Enbios 2
- lca-modeller — Python library to build parametric LCA models from a configuration file.
- multifunctional — Code for handling multifunctional activities in Brightway
- premise-gwp — Import IPCC's GWP100a method, with biogenic CO2 CFs, into Brightway2
- relics — Import life-cycle assessment indicators for Brightway for assessing resource extraction
- SwolfPy — Solid Waste Optimization Life-cycle Framework in Python(SwolfPy).
- unfold — Unpacks LCA scenario databases.
- WasteAndMaterialFootprint — A tool for analysing waste and material footprints in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) databases