Reverse Dependencies of brax
The following projects have a declared dependency on brax:
- aigs — no summary
- ARLBench — Python Boilerplate that contains all the code you need to create a Python package.
- cambrian-core — Artificial Cambrian Intelligence
- carl-bench — CARL- Contextually Adaptive Reinforcement Learning
- deluca — no summary
- dopamax — Reinforcement learning in pure JAX.
- evojax — EvoJAX: Hardware-accelerated Neuroevolution.
- evox — evox
- gym-notebook-wrapper — Wrapper for running/rendering OpenAI Gym on Jupyter Notebook
- Helx — Interoperate among reinforcement learning libraries with jax, pytorch, gym and dm_env
- HELX-envs — Interoperate among reinforcement learning libraries with jax, pytorch, gym and dm_env
- jaxmarl — Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with JAX
- jrenderer — no summary
- neuroevobench — Neuroevolution Benchmark
- pycollimator — core simulation engine and API client
- qdax — A Python Library for Quality-Diversity and NeuroEvolution
- rejax — Vectorizable RL algorithms in pure JAX
- rex-lib — Robotic Environments with jaX (REX)
- rl-games-y — no summary
- synthetic-gymnax — Synthetic gymnax environments
- xpag — xpag: Exploring Agents