Reverse Dependencies of bpy
The following projects have a declared dependency on bpy:
- apollo-toolbox-py — no summary
- batoms — A Python package for creating, editing and rendering atoms and molecules structures using Blender.
- bioxelnodes — no summary
- blend-my-bot — A package to import URDF files into Blender
- blender-plot — A High-Level Plotting Interface for Blender in Python.
- blenderless — Blenderless is the python package for easy headless rendering using blender.
- blenderline — A pipeline for generating synthetic production line images
- blendify — Python rendering framework for Blender
- bpy-helper — A lightweight alternative to BlenderProc
- bsr — Blender integration tools for soft-rod system.
- CyberArk-KeyVault — CyberArk python helper function
- databpy — A data-oriented wrapper library for the Blender Python API
- easybpy — no summary
- elbow-creator — A package to create an elbow mesh in Blender
- genesys — generates files and dependences for cgi projects
- hyphi-gym — Gymnasium benchmark suite for evaluating robustness and multi-task performance of reinforcement learning algorithms in various discrete and continuous environments.
- infinigen — Infinite Photorealistic Worlds using Procedural Generation
- linesplan — Ship Linesplan and Hydrostatics
- LlmEmbeddingXrVizualization — A package for visualizing embeddings spaces from Hugging Face models
- lunasynth — Generate synthetic lunar images using Blender
- meshemy — Developer friendly suite for manipulating mesh
- MolecularNodes — Toolbox for molecular animations with Blender and Geometry Nodes.
- napari-blender — A plug-in to help visualize and analyze organoid segmentation using Blender
- nodepad — Generate node group documentation from Blender files
- object-labeling — Automatic annotation of object assets
- rr-infinigen — Infinite Photorealistic Worlds using Procedural Generation
- sanwei — Render random chinese text in 3D
- sensingsp — SensingSPā¢ is an open-source library designed for simulatingelectromagnetic sensing systems and implementing signal processingand machine learning algorithms.
- simian3d — A synthetic data generator for video caption pairs.
- skeletal-animation — Standalone package for skeletal animation
- xdatbus — A Python package enhancing VASP AIMD simulation