Reverse Dependencies of bottleneck
The following projects have a declared dependency on bottleneck:
- a2 — Package for predicting information about the weather from social media data as application 2 for maelstrom project
- ahlive — animate your data to life
- ahsoka — A pipeline for JWST near-IR transiting exoplanet data
- aidapy — AI package for heliophysics
- aliby — Process and analyse live-cell imaging data
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- anxcor — ANXCOR is a python library for performing seismic ambient noise crosscorrelations
- arcadia-apb — General purpose toolkit for applied protein biology.
- atlite — Library for fetching and converting weather data to power systems data
- AutoTS — Automated Time Series Forecasting
- Backtesting-Framework — A comprehensive backtesting framework designed to evaluate and compare various investment strategies using historical data. This framework enables users to implement, test, and analyze trading strategies by providing detailed performance metrics and customizable visualizations. It supports data input in CSV or Parquet formats and offers multiple visualization backends, including matplotlib, seaborn, and plotly.
- BASTA — The BAyesian STellar Algorithm
- bcrpy — An API client for the extraction, query, and analysis of the BCRPData database from the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCRP).
- Blauwal3 — 蓝鲸,一个基于组件的数据挖掘框架。
- blendernc — Blender add-on to import datasets (netCDF, grib, and zarr)
- blendsql — Query language for blending SQL logic and LLM reasoning across multi-modal data. [Findings of ACL 2024]
- bnlm — Bengali Language Model
- boss_runs — Dynamic, adaptive sampling during nanopore sequencing
- bout-runners — Manage your BOUT++ runs through python
- brainchain — Brainchain API client
- calliope — A multi-scale energy systems modelling framework.
- catalystcoop.pudl — An open data processing pipeline for US energy data
- cavapy — CAVA Python package. Retrive and analyze climate data.
- cdm_reader_mapper — Common Data Model reader and mapper toolbox
- CIxTools — Cheminformatics Tools
- clampsuite — Slice electrophysiology analysis package for analyzing mEPSCs, o/eEPSCs and current clamp data.
- climada — CLIMADA in Python
- climpred — """Verification of weather and climate forecasts and prediction."""
- clisops — CLISOPS - Climate simulation operations.
- clonedetective — A python package for the scalable analysis of fluorescent imaging data from lineage tracing experiments.
- colin-mico — MICO: Mutual Information and Conic Optimization for feature selection.
- cryogrid-pytools — Tools to read in CryoGrid MATLAB data to Python and create forcing data
- cryoswath — Swath processing toolbox for CryoSat-2
- cwb-ccc — CWB wrapper to extract concordances and collocates
- cytoflow — Python tools for quantitative, reproducible flow cytometry analysis
- datacube — An analysis environment for satellite and other earth observation data
- dbmsbenchmarker — DBMS-Benchmarker is a Python-based application-level blackbox benchmark tool for Database Management Systems (DBMS). It connects to a given list of DBMS (via JDBC) and runs a given list of parametrized and randomized (SQL) benchmark queries. Evaluations are available via Python interface, in reports and at an interactive multi-dimensional dashboard.
- dfm-tools — dfm_tools are pre- and post-processing tools for Delft3D FM
- dlhpcstarter — Deep Learning and HPC Starter Pack
- dolfyn — Doppler Ocean Library for pYthoN.
- doppyo — Diagnostics and verification package
- dreamml — Framework for creating, running and validation of ML models on tabular data
- ecco_v4_py — Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO) Version 4 Python Package
- echopype — Enhancing the interoperability and scalability in analyzing ocean sonar data
- empyrical-reloaded — empyrical computes performance and risk statistics commonly used in quantitative finance
- emsarray — xarray extension that supports multiple geometry conventions
- ern-backtester — Ernest Backtest Framework Library
- esmlab — Tools for working with earth system multi-model analyses with xarray
- etna — ETNA is the first python open source framework of T-Bank AI Center. It is designed to make working with time series simple, productive, and fun.
- euba — a libary suport building ocean sound velocity dataset
- ewoksorange — Orange binding for Ewoks
- example-pkg-eischaefer — A small example package
- fimserve — Framework which is developed with the purpose of quickly generating Flood Inundation Maps (FIM) for emergency response and risk assessment. It is developed under Surface Dynamics Modeling Lab (SDML).
- fishsound-finder — Python software to automatically detect fish sounds in passive acoustic recordings
- flarespy — Find flares in TESS light curves
- fudgeo — GeoPackage support from Python. fudgeo is a lightweight package for creating OGC GeoPackages, Feature Classes, and Tables. Easily read and write geometries and attributes to Feature Classes and Tables using regular Python objects and SQLite syntax.
- gaiaoffline — no summary
- gdptools — Gdptools
- gedidb — A toolbox to download, process, store and visualise Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) L2A-B and L4A-C data
- genno — Efficient, transparent calculation on N-D data
- geodata-re — Geospatial Data Collection and Pre-Analysis Tools
- georetriever — Retrieve geological data for geothermal systems from coordinates in Python!
- glowing_waffles — A package for performing stellar photometry.
- grig — N-Dimensional Resampler for Irregularly Gridded Data
- hammadml-gpu — Hammad Python ~ Machine Learning
- hydromt — HydroMT: Automated and reproducible model building and analysis.
- hypycube — HyPyCube framework
- Icube-radiomics — Perform Radiomics Feature Extraction and Machine Learning
- imod — Make massive MODFLOW models!
- InDiCA — INtegrated DIagnostiC Analysis
- inltk — Natural Language Toolkit for Indian Languages (iNLTK)
- inspirems — Helping to integrate Spectral Predictors and Rescoring.
- IS2view — Interactive visualization and data extraction tool for the ICESat-2 ATL14/15 Gridded Land Ice Height Products
- jsmetrics — Library of algorithms and metrics used to characterise jet streams.
- jupyter-quant — Jupyter quant research environment.
- kkpy — Python library for my meteorological research
- KTBoost — Implements several boosting algorithms in Python
- laff — GRB lightcurve flare and continuum fitter.
- linopy — Linear optimization with N-D labeled arrays in Python
- luis1996 — my description
- luisito1996 — my description
- luisito19963 — my description
- MachineLearningComparisonPipeline — Pipeline for analysis of the machine learning applications in Sci-Kit Learn
- mhkit — Marine and Hydrokinetic Toolkit
- mi-property-analyser — First package evs
- mifspy — Parallelized Mutual Information based Feature Selection module.
- minimal-pandas-api-for-polars — no summary
- mle-agent — MLE-agent: An agent to automate your MLE processes
- mlektic — A python machine learning library to use and visualize gradient descent for linear regression and logistic regression optimization.
- mlpp-features — Define, track, share, and discover features for ML-based postprocessing of weather forecasts.
- mmlearn — A modular framework for research on multimodal representation learning.
- mmspy — A Python package for querying and analysing data from the NASA Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission.
- ModelFlowIb — A tool to solve and manage dynamic economic models
- modular-backtest — Backtesting Framework for Algorithmic Trading
- Muphoten — A photometry tool for transient astromydesign for network of telescopes.
- MUSE-OS — Energy System Model
- nanosense — A comprehensive package for solid state nanopore data analysis and visualization.
- nara-wpe — Weighted Prediction Error for speech dereverberation
- nicpolpy — Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory (NHAO) Near-Infrared Camera (NIC) polarimetry pipeline.
- nldi-el-serv — NLDI Elevation Services