Reverse Dependencies of botorch
The following projects have a declared dependency on botorch:
- aepsych — Adaptive experimetation for psychophysics
- atom-ml — A Python package for fast exploration of machine learning pipelines
- ax-platform — Adaptive Experimentation
- baybe — A Bayesian Back End for Design of Experiments
- beanmachine — Probabilistic Programming Language for Bayesian Inference
- beebo — Batched Energy-Entropy acquistion for Bayesian optimization
- blackboxopt — A common interface for blackbox optimization algorithms along with useful helpers like parallel optimization loops, analysis and visualization scripts.
- blop — Beamline optimization with machine learning
- bloptools — Beamline optimization with machine learning
- bluesky-adaptive — Tools for writing adaptive plans
- bocoel — Bayesian Optimization as a Coverage Tool for Evaluating Large Language Models
- bofire — no summary
- bolift — BayesOPT with LIFT
- botier — BoTier: Multi-Objective Bayesian Optimization with Tiered Composite Objectives
- botorchex — no summary
- drl-model — DRL logic
- edbojz — Bayesian reaction optimization as a tool for chemical synthesis.
- globopt — Myopic and Non-Myopic Global Optimization
- gpplus — Python Library for Generalized Gaussian Process Modeling
- greattunes — Toolset for easy execution of Bayesian optimization for either step-by-step or closed-loop needs.
- harlow — Adaptive surrogate modelling
- hdbo-b — High-Dimentional Bayesian Benchmark (HDBO-B)
- invert4geom — Constrained gravity inversion to recover the geometry of a density contrast.
- jetto-mobo — no summary
- laplace-bayesopt — Bayesian optimization interface for the laplace-torch library
- lume-model — Data structures used in the LUME modeling toolset.
- moebius — Python package for optimizing peptide sequences using Bayesian optimization (BO)
- MolDAIS — Molecular Property Optimization with Molecular Descriptors over Actively Identified Subspaces
- nemo-bo — Multi-objective optimization of chemical processes with automated machine learning workflows
- nextorch — Experimental design and Bayesian optimization library in Python/PyTorch
- obsidian_apo — Automated experiment design and black-box optimization
- optuna-integration — Integration libraries of Optuna.
- petboa — Parameter Estimation using Bayesian Optimization
- pfns — PFNs made ready for BO
- pfns4bo — PFNs made ready for BO
- piglot — A package for the optimisation of numerical responses
- polyatomic-complexes — no summary
- PyFemtet — Design parameter optimization using Femtet.
- pytorch-cortex — A modular architecture for deep learning systems.
- pytorch-dragon — A pytorch integrated Machine Learning / Deep learning utilities library
- pytorch-holo — Benchmarks for discrete sequence optimization
- rctorch — A Python 3 toolset for creating and optimizing Echo State Networks. This library is an extension and expansion of the previous library written by Reinier Maat:
- sb-arch-opt — SBArchOpt: Surrogate-Based Architecture Optimization
- scioptim — collection and wrapper for different optimizer
- scorepyo — This is the scorepyo repository.
- sober-bo — Fast Bayesian optimization, quadrature, inference over arbitrary domain (discrete and mixed spaces) with GPU parallel acceleration based on GPytorch and BoTorch.
- summit — Tools for optimizing chemical processes
- svise — State estimation of a physical system with unknown governing equations
- syne-tune — Distributed Hyperparameter Optimization on SageMaker
- uq360 — Uncertainty Quantification 360
- veropt — Bayesian Optimisation for the Versatile Ocean Simulator (VEROS)
- VOPy — A framework for black-box vector optimization
- wdbo-algo — W-DBO Algotithm for Dynamic Bayesian Optimization
- zellij — A software framework for HyperParameters Optimization