Reverse Dependencies of botocore-stubs
The following projects have a declared dependency on botocore-stubs:
- amazon-omics-tools — Tools for working with the AWS HealthOmics Service
- aws-cloudwatch-insights — Library and cli for querying AWS Cloudwatch Insights
- aws-requests-auth-stubs — PEP 561 stubs for aws-requests-auth
- baec — Python SDK to create Model Generators and add them into the BAEC platform.
- boto3-stubs — Type annotations for boto3 1.35.86 generated with mypy-boto3-builder 8.7.0
- boto3-stubs-lite — Type annotations for boto3 1.35.70 generated with mypy-boto3-builder 8.3.1
- codeforlife — Code for Life's common code.
- diracx-core — Common code used by all DiracX packages
- django-logpipe — Move data around between Python services using Kafka and/or AWS Kinesis and Django Rest Framework serializers.
- hangar-sdk — SDK for hangar cloud.
- heaserver — The server side of HEA.
- nhs-aws-helpers — no summary
- nomnom-hugoawards — The NomNom Hugo Awards voting package
- pds.registry-sweepers — A set of utility scripts which transform/augment PDS registry metadata to support additional capabilities.
- s3-metadata-tagger — A package to add metadata tags to objects saved in s3
- types-aioboto3 — Type annotations for aioboto3 13.2.0 generated with mypy-boto3-builder 8.6.0
- types-aioboto3-lite — Type annotations for aioboto3 13.2.0 generated with mypy-boto3-builder 8.6.0
- types-aiobotocore — Type annotations for aiobotocore 2.16.0 generated with mypy-boto3-builder 8.6.4
- types-aiobotocore-lite — Lite type annotations for aiobotocore 2.16.0 generated with mypy-boto3-builder 8.6.4
- types-boto3 — Type annotations for boto3 1.35.86 generated with mypy-boto3-builder 8.7.0
- types-boto3-lite — Lite type annotations for boto3 1.35.86 generated with mypy-boto3-builder 8.7.0
- types-botocore — Proxy package for botocore-stubs
- x1-icl — API driven Machine Learning suite