Reverse Dependencies of boto3-stubs
The following projects have a declared dependency on boto3-stubs:
- accession — Tool to submit genomics pipeline outputs to the ENCODE Portal
- acryl-datahub — A CLI to work with DataHub metadata
- acryl-datahub-actions — An action framework to work with DataHub real time changes.
- adf — Create infrastructure agnostic data processing pipelines
- aec-cli — AWS EC2 CLI
- agentdesk — A desktop for AI agents
- agentdesk_dg — A desktop for AI agents
- aibs-informatics-aws-lambda — Utility library for building validated and typed AWS Lambda functions
- aibs-informatics-aws-utils — Library of AWS utility code for informatics projects at the Allen Institute for Brain Science
- aibs-informatics-cdk-lib — CDK Library for AIBS Informatics services
- airflow-tools — no summary
- aladindb — 🔮 Super-power your database with AI 🔮
- alto-dev — Run any code on the cloud, instantly.
- amazon-omics-tools — Tools for working with the AWS HealthOmics Service
- amplify-cf — CloudFormation toolkit for amplify.
- archive-query-log — Mining Millions of Search Result Pages of Hundreds of Search Engines from 25 Years of Web Archives.
- asgi_s3_response_middleware — Middleware to spill large responses over to S3.
- AssetBundleFramework — Framework for managing Aptible Asset Bundles
- asu-cli — aws s3 utils
- ata-db-models — Database models and migrations for Automating the Ask.
- authedwig — Hedwig Python Library
- auto-feat-ml — Automatic Feature Selection with Machine Learning for Machine Learning Classification and Regression models
- autumn8 — Utilities to export models to the service
- aws-cidr-finder — A CLI tool and library for finding unused CIDR blocks in AWS VPCs.
- aws-cloudwatch-insights — Library and cli for querying AWS Cloudwatch Insights
- aws-ecs-deploy — Full lifecyle deployment from github to aws ecs
- aws-eni-tagger — Add meaningful tags to your AWS Elastic Network Interfaces
- aws-lambda-utils-python — no summary
- aws-org-tree — no summary
- aws-parameters — Streamlined, efficient access to configuration values in AWS SSM Parameter Store and SecretsManager.
- aws-pcluster-bootstrap-helpers — Helpers to bootstrap a AWS PCluster + SLURM + Custom AMIs
- aws-pcluster-helpers — Helpers to generate different configurations for PCluster
- aws-sam-cli — AWS SAM CLI is a CLI tool for local development and testing of Serverless applications
- aws-sam-rw-cli — AWS SAM CLI is a CLI tool for local development and testing of Serverless applications. This build allows lambda to write to the mounted filesystem.
- aws-sam-translator — AWS SAM Translator is a library that transform SAM templates into AWS CloudFormation templates
- aws-slapdash — Slapdash commands for interacting with AWS account
- aws-stuff-doer — ASD is a utility to help manage your AWS projects and sso sessions.
- aws-test-harness — Add your description here
- awsecr — Easy interaction with AWS ECR from a CLI
- awsnap — AWSnap: an AWS Utility to help manage your projects and sso sessions.
- awspub — Publish images to AWS EC2
- baec — Python SDK to create Model Generators and add them into the BAEC platform.
- BL-Python.AWS — Libraries for working with AWS services in Boutros Lab.
- boto3-oversize — Transparently stores oversize SNS messages in S3 and retrieves them when receiving messages using SQS.
- botocove — A decorator to allow running a function against all AWS accounts in an organization
- botree — A friendly wrapper for boto3.
- buildgrid — A remote execution service
- cdpdev-datahub — A CLI to work with DataHub metadata
- chalkpy — Python SDK for Chalk
- circfirm — CLI tool for install firmware for CircuitPython boards
- ckanext-event-audit — no summary
- clean-python — Clean architecture in Python
- cloudstorage — Unified cloud storage API for storage services.
- cobb — Effortless serverless, in your own cloud
- codeforlife — Code for Life's common code.
- cognito-client — A small example package
- conciliation-model — Prueba
- conda-package-streaming — An efficient library to read from new and old format .conda and .tar.bz2 conda packages.
- configu — Configu Python SDK
- conformity-migration-tool — Migrates your visiblity information in to
- cr-apk — APK Manager for Clash Royale
- dai-python-commons — Collection of small python utilities useful for lambda functions or glue jobs. By the Stockholm Public Transport Administration.
- dask-gateway-eks — no summary
- data-product-processor — The data product processor (dpp) is a library for dynamically creating and executing Apache Spark Jobs based on a declarative description of a data product.
- datafet — Few libriaries that we need to use in more than one of our project
- dbt-athena — The athena adapter plugin for dbt (data build tool)
- dbt-athena-community — The athena adapter plugin for dbt (data build tool)
- dbt-copilot-tools — Set of tools to help transfer applications/services from GOV.UK PaaS to DBT PaaS augmenting AWS Copilot.
- dbt-platform-helper — Set of tools to help transfer applications/services from GOV.UK PaaS to DBT PaaS augmenting AWS Copilot.
- diffify-lib — Code that is used by the backend and Python APIs for
- diracx-routers — TODO
- django-logpipe — Move data around between Python services using Kafka and/or AWS Kinesis and Django Rest Framework serializers.
- dyntastic — A DynamoDB library on top of Pydantic and boto3.
- e84-geoai-common — Contains common Geospatial AI/ML code for Element 84 projects.
- echostream-function-context — Micro library for typing function contexts in EchoStream functions
- ecr-mirror — Mirror public Docker images to private ECR repositories
- ecr_sync — Mirror and synchronize OCI Docker images to ECR repositories
- ecv-python-development — ECV Python Development Package
- edp-redy-api — EDP Redy API
- eidolon-ai-sdk — An open source sgent service SDK
- enpicom_sdk — SDK for interacting with the IGX Platform
- eo-grow — Earth observation framework for scaled-up processing in Python
- eodag — Earth Observation Data Access Gateway
- esrally — Macrobenchmarking framework for Elasticsearch
- ethereum-kms-signer — Sign ETH transactions with keys stored in AWS KMS.
- exam_data_helper — no summary
- fhaviary — Gymnasium framework for training language model agents on constructive tasks
- garden-ai — Garden: tools to simplify access to scientific AI advances.
- genai-toolkit — no summary
- generative_ai_toolkit — Toolkit to support developers in building and operating high quality LLM-based applications
- hangar-sdk — SDK for hangar cloud.
- heaserver — The server side of HEA.
- helix.catalog-sdk — SDK for interacting with the Helix Data and Connection Catalog
- holy-cli — Holy is a CLI tool that makes it effortless to create, manage and connect to servers in your AWS account
- icespeak — Icespeak - Icelandic TTS library
- indomain — no summary
- inngest — Python SDK for Inngest
- jaxonmodels — JAX models for deep learning
- jupyterlab-bxplorer — This is a JupyterLab extension that allows users to explore and interact with cloud storage services.
- kedroio — Extension for `kedro` datasets