Reverse Dependencies of boto
The following projects have a declared dependency on boto:
- a2grunnerp — A2G Runner for Local Workflow
- adminapi — Eucalyptus Cloud Services and General System Administrative Utilities
- aioimdb — Python asyncio IMDB client using the IMDB json web service made available for their iOS app.
- airdot — A code base for deploying ml api
- airflow-plugins — Airflow plugins.
- alauda-kombu — Messaging library for Python
- alida-assets — Utils for loading datasets using alida services.
- alida-dataset — Utils for loading datasets using alida services.
- alotofeffort — Deploy static HTML sites to S3 at the command line.
- amano — Abstraction Layer for Amazon DynamoDB
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- apiarist — Python Hive query framework
- athena — Interact with your Hadoop cluster from the convenience of your local command line.
- autoscaleaws — Auto scale AWS by spot instances to launch tasks
- aws-amicleaner — Cleanup tool for AWS AMIs and snapshots
- aws_client — Collectrium AWS clients
- aws-cloudhsm-cli — Command line interface to CloudHSM
- aws-jupyter — Launch Jupyter notebook on AWS
- AWS-MFA-Helper — Utility that obtains STS credentials and saves your AWS credentials file.
- aws_role_credentials — Generates AWS credentials for roles using STS
- aws_s3sync — A utility to sync data to/from AWS S3
- aws-scripts — Some useful AWS scripts I use from time to time
- aws-ssm-tool — AWS SSM tool
- awscli-adfs — Login to AWS CLI using Active Directory Federation Services.
- awsdd — An AWS (Route53)-based dynamic DNS client.
- awsegy — Greet someone
- awssamlpy2 — SAML federated API access for AWS
- awssamlpy3 — SAML federated API access for AWS
- baiji — High-level Python abstraction layer for Amazon S3
- bdrc-volume-manifest-builder — Creates manifests for syncd works.
- beanstalk-dispatch — Django application to schedule and run functions on an AWS SQS queue.
- Beaver — python daemon that munches on logs and sends their contents to logstash
- Beetle-S3Uploader — Beetle plugin to upload the site to S3
- board-game-scraper — Board games data scraping and processing from BoardGameGeek and more!
- bombaat — Bombaat CLI - awscli / boto AWS API access using Azure Active Directory (AD) service.
- bootstrap-cfn — MOJDS cloudformation bootstrap tool
- cacheless-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- Cactus — Static site generation and deployment.
- campbel — Convenient tool"),
- canalyst-candas — The official Canalyst Software Development Kit (SDK) for our public API
- cassandra-snap — Cassandra snap is a tool to backup cassandra to Amazon S3.
- cbtool — CloudBench: Cloud Rapid Experimentation and Analysis Toolkit
- celery-3 — Distributed Task Queue
- celery-meiqia — Distributed Task Queue
- cfnparams — CloudFormation stack paramater utility.
- cfstacks — Manage CloudFormation sanely with templates written in YAML
- chatbot-ner — date and time entity extractor
- chromogenic — A unified imaging interface supporting multiple cloud providers.
- ckuehl-celery — Distributed Task Queue.
- clapton — Clapton manages your machine learning setup for easy Zappa deployments
- cloud-dns — DNS utilities over Apache libcloud
- cloud-enforcer — Configuration enforcement dependencies for secure microcosms in cloud environments
- cloudaux — Cloud Auxiliary is a python wrapper and orchestration module for interacting with cloud providers
- cloudfiler — An S3 file storage GUI client with pre-internet, TNO encryption.
- cloudsecpy — Library and toolkit for formally analyzing security policies in cloud systems using Python.
- cloudwatch-to-graphite — Helper for pushing AWS CloudWatch metrics to Graphite
- clustercron — Cron job wrapper that ensures a script gets run from one node in the cluster.
- cm_tools — CLI tools for working with CloudMan clusters
- colornet — colornet in tf2 keras
- concrete — Python modules and scripts for working with Concrete
- consumerism — Expert360 Python SQS consumer library
- corens — Functional, Namespace-based application CORE
- cos_migrate_tool — migrate tool for object storage services
- cos-migrate-tool-for-restore — migrate tool for object storage services
- cryptex — Easy and safe file/password storage encrypted globally
- custom-utils — Utilities for database connectors, slack alerter, loggers etc
- datalake-dtkav — datalake-dtkav: a fork of planetlabs/datalake
- devops-menu — Menu system for Managing AWS Accounts
- django-councilmatic — Core functions for family
- django-email-gateway — A django package which act as a gateway to send and receive email with amazon SES.
- django-icybackup-jl — A Django database/media backup tool with Amazon Glacier and local folder support
- django-simple-forum — A Full featured forum, easy to integrate and use.
- django-storages-s3upload — Direct (client-side) HTTP POST file upload to S3 using Django forms/views.
- docker-postal — A light Docker control tool designed around compose and swarm
- ds-io-utilities — Utils for datasets IO operations in Alida.
- ds_utils — Utilities for Hudl Data Science
- dsocli — DSO CLI
- dummy-localstack — LocalStack - A fully functional local Cloud stack
- dustcluster — ssh cluster shell for AWS EC2
- easyboto — Amazon Cloud made easy
- ebzl — AWS ElasticBeanstalk management helper
- ec2 — Query for AWS EC2 instances, security groups, and VPCs simply
- ec2_tag_conditional — Tests for EC2 tags
- ec2ansible — AWS EC2 inventory generator for Ansible
- ec2list — Lists your ec2 instances in the command line.
- elifedbtools — Tools for article and production data storage
- exporters — Exporters is an extensible export pipeline library that supports filter, transform and several sources and destinations.
- fabazon — Utilities for interfacing with Amazon Web Services through Fabric.
- fabulaws — Simple tool for interacting with AWS in Python
- fancy-nlp — NLP for humans
- fastapi-storage-helper — FastAPI Storage Helper
- findawspeers — Small utility to returns a list of this instances EC2 peers in an Auto scaling group
- flan — Create (very good) fake NCSA Combined Log Format access.log files for testing log-consuming systems like Splunk, ActiveMQ, Amazon MQ, RabbitMQ, Kafka, FluentD, Flume, Pulsar, Nifi...
- Flask-Admin — Simple and extensible admin interface framework for Flask
- flask-admin-s3-upload — Field types for allowing file and image uploads to Amazon S3 (as well as default local storage) in Flask-Admin.
- flask-thumbnails-s3 — An extension to create image thumbnails on Amazon S3 (or on local storage) with the Flask framework, based on flask-thumbnails.
- fredlibs — fredlibs package
- freshdesk-help-center-backer — A Freshdesk help center backer written in Python
- gc3pie — A Python library and simple command-line frontend for computational job submission to multiple resources.
- git-bigstore — Track big files with Git.