Reverse Dependencies of bleak-retry-connector
The following projects have a declared dependency on bleak-retry-connector:
- ac-infinity-ble — AC Infinity BLE Controller
- aiohomekit — An asyncio HomeKit client
- airthings-ble — Manage Airthings BLE devices
- anova-ble — no summary
- beewi-smartclim-ble — Parser for the BeeWi SmartClim device
- bleak-esphome — Bleak backend of ESPHome
- bosma — Library for interacting with Bosma Smart Home (
- bosma-ble — Library for interacting with Bosma Smart Home (
- casambi-bt — A minimal, unofficial implementation of a bluetooth client for casambi devices
- decora-bleak — A package for interacting with Decora switches and dimmers over BLE
- emo-connect-python — Python library for connecting and interacting with an EMO pet
- etekcity-esf551-ble — An unofficial Python package for interacting with Etekcity ESF-551 Smart Fitness Scales using BLE. Not affiliated with Etekcity, VeSync Co., Ltd., or any of their subsidiaries.
- eufylife-ble — A library to communicate with EufyLife Bluetooth devices.
- eufylife-ble-client — A library to communicate with EufyLife Bluetooth devices.
- gardena-bluetooth — no summary
- govee-btled-h613b — Control Govee LED BLE device H613B
- govee-led-wez — Control Govee LED lights
- habluetooth — High availability Bluetooth
- hcalory-control — A tool for controlling Hcalory diesel heaters over Bluetooth.
- HueBLE — Python module for controlling and monitoring Bluetooth Philips Hue bulbs
- ld2410-ble — Interface with LD2410B modules from HiLink
- led-ble — Control a wide range of LED BLE devices
- lexman-ble — Lexman CCT Smart Bulb control through bluetooth in Python
- medcom-ble — Library to communicate with Medcom BLE radiation monitors
- melnor-bluetooth — A small python library for discovery and interacting with Melnor, Eden, etc Bluetooth water timers.
- ninebot-ble — Ninebot scooter BLE client
- ninebot-ble-jekson — Ninebot scooter BLE client
- ooler-ble-client — A library to communicate with Ooler Sleep System Bluetooth devices.
- oralb-ble — Bluetooth library for Oral B devices
- pyanova-nano — Python API to interact with the Anova Nano.
- pybonaparte — Library to control Napoleon eFIRE enabled fireplaces
- pyboneco — Basic library for working with Boneco devices
- pyfreshintellivent — Manage Fresh Intellivent Sky bathroom ventilation fan
- pyftms — Python Fitness Machine Service client library.
- pymagicswitchbot — Library to control Magic Switchbot devices
- pymammotion — no summary
- PyMicroBot — A library to communicate with MicroBot
- pysnooz — Control SNOOZ white noise machines.
- PySwitchbot — A library to communicate with Switchbot
- pytboss — Python library for interacting with PitBoss grills and smokers.
- python-ember-mug — Python Library for Ember Mugs.
- python-luxafor — Python API for Luxafor busylights
- pyUbersolar — A library to communicate with UberSolar devices
- qn-scale-ble — An unofficial Python package for interacting with QN-Scale smart scales using BLE. Not affiliated with the manufacturer or any of their subsidiaries.
- sbm69 — A library to retrieve blood pressure measurements from the SilverCrest® SBM69 Bluetooth Blood Pressure Monitor
- shadeorb — Package to control Shade ORB lights
- skyrc-ble — Control SkyRC MC3000 battery chargers via BLE
- sonicare-bletb — Bluetooth library for Sonicare toothbrushes
- suta-ble-bed — Handle BLE communications for a SUTA bed frame such as the i500 or i800.
- tesla_fleet_api — Tesla Fleet API library for Python
- thermopro-ble — Thermopro BLE Sensors
- tuya-ble — Library to control Tuya BLE devices
- utecio — Library for controlling Ultraloq BLE Locks
- vevor-heater-ble — A simple API for BLE-enabled Vevor independent heaters
- xiaomi-ble — Manage Xiaomi BLE devices
- yalexs-ble — Bluetooth control of Yale and August locks