Reverse Dependencies of bitstruct
The following projects have a declared dependency on bitstruct:
- asn1tools — ASN.1 parsing, encoding and decoding.
- audio-metadata — A library for reading and, in the future, writing metadata from audio files.
- auto-white-reimu — no summary
- bitstruct-annotated — Annotate fields with bitstruct un/packing instructions
- bpack — Binary data structures (un-)packing library
- can-box-chw — Learn Python Packaging
- cantools — CAN BUS tools.
- cbitstruct — Faster C implementation of bitstruct
- cdm-devkit — Developer tools for CdM processors
- decawave-ble — Python toolset for working with and configuring the Decawave DWM1000 devices
- dronecot — TK
- EgC-Package — A small example package from EGC
- egc2delete — A small example package from EGC
- epyqlib — no summary
- eros_core — EROS-core Package
- filemeta — functions to read file meta information
- fit-tool — A library for reading and writing Garmin FIT files.
- frugy — FRU Generator YAML
- fs9721-utils — Python based utilities for interacting with digital multimeters that are built on the FS9721-LP3 chipset.
- inetbox-py — no summary
- lager-cantools — CAN BUS tools.
- ldfparser — LDF Language support for Python
- ltchiptool — Universal flashing and binary manipulation tool for IoT chips
- MAPF — An experimental image format written in Python.
- marulc — Maritime Unpack-Lookup-Convert
- messi — Reliable message passing in distributed systems.
- minsp — minimalistic implementation of the Space Packet specification from the CCSDS Space Packet Protocol standard
- monistode-binutils-shared — A collection of tools shared among the monistode binutils.
- mqttools — MQTT tools.
- odxtools — Utilities to work with the ODX standard for automotive diagnostics
- omegasensor — Omega Smartsensor Python SDK
- ovos-ocp-files-plugin — metadata extractor from audio files
- pictools — PIC tools.
- py-packed-struct — An implementation of C-like packed structures in Python
- pychapter10 — A parser library for the IRIG 106 Chapter 10 data format.
- pypixie16 — no summary
- python-cantata — Python Tool to generate C structures and functions to access candb information
- python-otbr-api — API to interact with an OTBR via its REST API
- randovania — A multiworld randomizer for Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2: Echoes.
- ScreenAmbience — Matches zones on a LIFX-Z strip to the colors on your screen.
- serialtools — Tools to work with a serial bus
- shadeorb — Package to control Shade ORB lights
- somanet-test-suite — A collection of different scripts and drivers (PSU, EtherCAT, Labjack,...)
- syntheon — Inference parameters of music synthesizers with deep learning
- wiliot-certificate — A library for certifying Wiliot-compliant boards
- wiliot-deployment-tools — A library for interacting with Wiliot's Deployment Tools