Reverse Dependencies of bioregistry
The following projects have a declared dependency on bioregistry:
- biolexica — Generate and apply coherent biomedical lexica
- biomappings — Curated and predicted mappings between biomedical identifiers in different namespaces
- bionty — Basic biological entities, coupled to public ontologies [`source <>`__].
- bionty-base — Bionty.
- bioontologies — Tools for biomedical ontologies
- biosynonyms — Decentralized database of biomedical synonyms
- bioversions — Get the current version for biological databases
- compath-resources — ComPath Resource Utilities
- monarch-py — Python package for interacting with Monarch Initiative knowledge graph
- oakx-grape — oakx-grape
- orcid-downloader — Download and process ORCID in bulk
- pybel — Parsing, validation, compilation, and data exchange of Biological Expression Language (BEL)
- pyBiodatafuse — A python package for integrating data from multiple resources
- pykeen — A package for training and evaluating multimodal knowledge graph embeddings
- pyobo — Handling and writing OBO
- reasoner-validator — Validation tools for Reasoner API
- refineGEMs — refineGEMs: a python package intended to help with the curation of genome-scale metabolic models (GEMS)
- schemasheets — Package to author schemas using spreadsheets
- semantic-pydantic — Integration between the Bioregistry and Pydantic type annotations.
- semra — Semantic mapping reasoner and assembler
- text2term — a tool for mapping free-text descriptions of entities to ontology terms