Reverse Dependencies of BiocFrame
The following projects have a declared dependency on BiocFrame:
- BiocPy — Interface to all [BiocPy]( packages
- celldex — Index of Reference Cell Type Datasets
- dolomite-base — Save and load Bioconductor objects in Python
- dolomite-ranges — Stage and load genomic ranges from disk.
- GenomicRanges — Container class to represent and operate over genomic regions and annotations.
- IRanges — Python implementation of the [**IRanges**]( Bioconductor package.
- MultiAssayExperiment — Container class for representing and managing multi-omics genomic experiments
- pytximport — A python implementation of `tximport` to transform transcript into gene counts
- pyviewmaster — viewmastR uses machine learning implemented in Rust to perform automated cell type classification for single-cell genomic data. Currently viewmastR is authored to work with scRNAseq data, but more features are coming.
- rds2py — Parse and construct Python representations for datasets stored in RDS files
- scranpy — Analyze multi-modal single-cell data!
- singler — Python bindings to the singleR algorithm to annotate cell types from known references.
- SpatialExperiment — Container class for storing data from spatial-omics experiments
- SummarizedExperiment — Container to represent data from genomic experiments