Reverse Dependencies of binance-connector
The following projects have a declared dependency on binance-connector:
- algorithmic-trader — Trading bot with support for realtime trading, backtesting, custom strategies and much more
- atapi — Algorithmic Trading Framework
- binance-ema — Get crypto coin informations & calculate the custom or constant indicators. (WITH BINANCE API)
- binance-network — This is a Python wrapper for the Binance network
- binancetrading — Custom trading module using Binance API
- binanceus-python — A lightweight Python wrapper for the public API.
- brainfall — no summary
- dnullproject-iot — 0.1.0
- hermesConnector — An abstraction library for different exchanges or brokers to provide platform agnosticism.
- ks_binance_spot_market_api — no summary
- ks_coinmarketcap_api — no summary
- mercuryFramework — A simple quantitative finance package for algorithmic trading and financial analysis framework.
- metastock — no summary
- odin-bot-exchanges — no summary
- openfund-core — no summary
- openfund-server — FastAPI struct
- osmosispy — Osmosis Python SDK
- pyharmonics — no summary
- sunny-order-splitter — no summary
- sybil-engine — Engine for web3 smart contracts automatization.
- TradeGate — A Trading Gateway
- TradeGate-Beta — A Trading Gateway
- TradeGates — A Trading Gateway
- trisigma — trisigma engine