Reverse Dependencies of bezier
The following projects have a declared dependency on bezier:
- al-otto — The ottomatic video engine
- ansys-motorcad-core — Pythonic interface to Ansys Motor-CAD.
- biosimulators-utils — description
- celldancer — Study RNA velocity through neural network.
- commonocean-rules — Implementation of rule monitor for ships
- freneticlib — The Frenetic algorithm for search-based ADS road generation
- glaze — A Python library and command line tool for rendering algorithmically-generated fonts and typefaces.
- HomologyViz — Make graphical representations of BLASTn alignments
- hwb — Hand written blot augmentation.
- mdciao — mdciao: Accessible Analysis and Visualization of Molecular Dynamics Simulation Data
- momapy — A library for working with molecular maps
- mpl-poormans-3d — no summary
- pypolo — A Python Library for Informative Planning and Uncertainty-Aware Learning
- pyppeteer-ghost-cursor — Pyppeteer implementation of Xetera/ghost-cursor
- python-ghost-cursor — Python implementation of Xetera/ghost-cursor
- RandomMandala — Generator of random mandalas.
- rpg-icon-generator — This package generate RPG items images procedurallye
- scepter — no summary
- simcats — SimCATS is a python framework for simulating charge stability diagrams (CSDs) typically measured during the tuning process of qubits.
- simcats-datasets — SimCATS-Datasets is a Python package that simplifies the creation and loading of SimCATS datasets.
- sketching — Tools for quick creative programmig.
- sketchingpy — Tools for quick creative programmig.
- tactics2d — Tactics2D: A Reinforcement Learning Environment Library with Generative Scenarios for Driving Decision-making
- x7-geom — X7 Geometry library: Point, Vector, Line...
- xplane-apt-convert — Convert X-Plane airport data to GIS-friendly formats like GeoJSON or ESRI Shapefile.
- yta-multimedia — Youtube Autónomo Multimedia Module is here.